
Evil: Naruto

Naivety doesn't imply they can escape consequences! Naruto, a cheerful individual brimming with boundless kindness, stands as one of the strongest ninjas in all the land. What if, at his birth, Naruto becomes host to an evil soul from another world? Could anyone endure the power of Evil Naruto? How many can survive or endure? Discover in the next chapter of Dragon Ball Z. #No-system #Decisive-killing #Scheming

Aurelius_Imperator · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Training with the chakra of Nine-tails

"Kahaha, brat, you are interesting." Kurama started to laugh, pointing his sharp nails towards him, his sharp canine teeth grinning.

"Are you giving me the tailed beast chakra or not?" Naruto looked at Kurama with an expressionless face.

"Very well then." Kurama took a deep look at Naruto before a ball of red light appeared from his pointed finger and entered Naruto.

"Now leave, kid!"

Naruto was kicked out of the place, leaving Kurama alone.

"I have given you my chakra, although it is just a strand of it. Whether you can control it or not is not my problem," Kurama thought, touching his chin delightfully.

"This brat, I can't see through him. An invisible fog has surrounded him, making it hard for me to peek."

Naruto snapped open his blue eyes, looking at the familiar dirty, greasy ceiling again.

The Nine-Tails' red chakra swirled around him, overflowing in his body.

It felt like he had an inexhaustible amount of chakra. The will of the Nine-Tails tried to invade his mind, making Naruto go berserk.

In an instant, his canine teeth grew longer, his blue eyes changed to crimson, and the three lines on both of his cheeks grew deeper.

He had lost his mind, filled with deep rage and covered in a red aura.

With these changes, the previous fractures and broken bones were immediately restored, and all the injuries in his body seemed to have instantly healed.


"You think my mind is so weak, Kurama?" Naruto sneered as clarity returned to his eyes. He looked around, feeling the inexhaustible chakra filled with malevolent rage.

"Too bad this isn't my chakra."

Naruto muttered while shaking his head. He was a soul from another world who had merged with the womb of Naruto, completely assimilating with him.

The adult soul from the other world became even stronger.

That's why he could control the strand of Kurama's chakra so easily.

"But in this form, I can train my taijutsu as much as I want to."

For now, what he wanted to train was taijutsu because he couldn't train anything other than that.

Chakra control was a difficult aspect for Naruto because his own chakra was not enough, and the chakra from Kurama was too malevolent to control.

So all he did was train and train, pushing his body to the limits.

First, he did push-ups. Luckily, with the chakra from Kurama, his power had significantly increased and his healing was frighteningly fast.




Just like that, he surpassed his previous limits and propped himself up from the floor while taking a deep breath.

"Let's test my limits now."

The more he did the push-ups, the more he was satisfied because he could feel his strength and muscles growing at a visible rate.


Naruto shouted out loud as he propped himself up.

His hands were numb and wobbly, and every fibre of his muscles was twitching.

He didn't stop because he was tired but because he was hungry, with his stomach roaring at him.

"Sigh, I need to take a bath." He looked at the sweat-soaked clothes with a bitter smile, then he immediately stopped his transformation.

At this point, the strand of chakra given by Kurama was already exhausted anyway, and using it again didn't take much effort.

With that said, he opened all his clothes, which took some time because of his wobbly arms.

The jacket's zipper felt like he was carrying fifty kilograms, and taking down his pants made his arm muscles twitch continuously from pain.

"Although I can regenerate, that doesn't mean I don't feel the pain."

Naruto immediately went to take a shower.

The shower was cramped, with numerous cracks on the walls and filled with dirt.

He was so tired that he wasn't in the mood to clean up right now, so all he wanted to do was take a cold shower.

The cold water droplets fell on his body, making him chilled and relaxed.

All the exhaustion and pain seemed to seep away from the cold shower. Then he went to the kitchen.

When he carefully looked at the kitchen, he shook his head.

"That bitch really didn't clean anything."

Naruto washed the muddy pork with water, cleaned it thoroughly, and started to cook it.

First, he boiled some water. While the water was boiling, he cut the only vegetables left in his rack.

Carrots, onions, and tomatoes.

He had learned to cook in his previous world. Although his body was exhausted, his hunger was even more demanding.

Naruto put the vegetables in water and added the cut pork before closing the lid on low heat.

"Now all I have to do is wait."

He thought for a moment and started to do sit-ups and train his lower body.

The training lasted for two hours before he finally closed the heat and looked inside at the meat and vegetables.

The smell wasn't the greatest, but for his hungry body, even the worst edible food would taste like the greatest.

Naruto separated the pork a little and ate it. Immediately, the juice of the pork exploded in his mouth.

Then his mind went blank.

The next moment, he saw the pot was empty and his stomach was full.

"I was really too hungry."

Naruto shook his head and slept through the night. Proper rest was vital to his body.

The next day, he started exercising in the morning, ate pork, exercised in the evening, ate pork again at night, and then fell into bed.

This routine lasted for a whole week, and his condition visibly improved.

His skin no longer clung to his bones and no longer looked as malnourished as before. Instead, it radiated vitality and power.

His muscles grew a little, and his strength became comparable to that of an ordinary person who was at least six years old.

His height increased by several centimetres as well. You have to know that Naruto is still three years old.

Today, he sat on a futon, cross-legged.

"I am going to draw chakra now."