
Evil: Naruto

Naivety doesn't imply they can escape consequences! Naruto, a cheerful individual brimming with boundless kindness, stands as one of the strongest ninjas in all the land. What if, at his birth, Naruto becomes host to an evil soul from another world? Could anyone endure the power of Evil Naruto? How many can survive or endure? Discover in the next chapter of Dragon Ball Z. #No-system #Decisive-killing #Scheming

Aurelius_Imperator · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Innocent doesn’t mean they are not evil

The tearing pain from his head made Naruto's legs wobble, and he fell to the ground. He could hear giggles around him.

"Hey, you demon, why are you even allowed to live in this village?"

"I heard he killed a lot of people."

"That's it! I am going to subdue this demon and kill him and become a hero."

Children around Naruto's age or even older surrounded him, carrying sharp stones. Their voices were innocent and pure, like angels, but their deeds were far from it.

Naruto slowly propped himself up, supporting his body with his hands, and barely stood up.

He looked at his precious pork, which had already touched the muddy ground and become dirty enough that only animals would eat it.

"What are you looking at, you monster?" one of the children exclaimed, throwing a stone at him.


The small stone landed on Naruto's chest, and a cracking sound came from it. His thin, malnourished frame fell to the ground again, tasting the muddy soil.

"Two," Naruto spoke.

"What are you counting for, you monster?"

Another child threw a small pebble at his head, causing Naruto to bleed profusely.

"Three," Naruto spoke again in the same tone.

Another pebble!


Another one!


Finally, the children stopped, confusion evident on their faces.

"I am going to check what happened to these brat."

"What are you talking about, you monster?" One of the bigger kids among them walked forward and grabbed Naruto's spiky golden hair, raising him to see the blood soaked brat.

Naruto was in a miserable condition right now, with his bones fractured and his head bleeding from the pebbles that the kids had thrown at him, he was dying.

If this went on, he might very well die from his injuries.

Even so, there was a chilling indifference in his deep blue eyes that seemed to pierce the soul.

The big-framed kid was a little intimidated by those deep blue eyes that looked at him with chilling indifference.

"Why are you counting?" he gulped his own saliva.

"I am counting so that in the future, I will know how many of your family's people I will slaughter. First, I will slaughter your father and mother, then I will kill your brothers. If there is a sister, I will sell her to a brothel and let you watch as countless men break her body." Naruto casually said, as if stating a matter of fact.


The child fell to the floor with a horrified expression, a watery sound came from his pants, wetting the ground beneath him.

"Mommy, please help me." He immediately ran away, screaming "Monster!"

The other children looked at Naruto apprehensively, their legs wobbling just staring at those deep, chilling blue eyes.

Naruto's limbs were weak, his entire body bloody and malnourished. There should have been no intimidation, but as he barely took a step, the others stepped back.

"Come on, hit me," Naruto shouted.

But no one dared to even raise the idea of the pebble in their hands hitting Naruto.

He took a step, and the others took a step back.

Some children couldn't bear it and immediately ran home crying. This had a domino effect, causing all the children to run away.

"Innocent doesn't mean they are not evil," Naruto muttered while supporting himself against the wall, his breathing heavy and weak.

He looked around at the people who were slightly peeking at him from their windows or doors.

There was not a single person who stepped up to help; if this kid died, they might even celebrate.

"Sigh, I should go to the hospital." Naruto dragged his injured body and gathered all the splattered meat into the bag, then trudged towards the hospital.

The nurses were horrified when they saw the injuries of the little malnourished child.

However, after realising he was the container of the Nine-Tails, they didn't pay much attention to him, not even showing a hint of pity.

Their loved ones had also died in the Nine-Tails attack.

At least the doctor checked his injuries and gave him some medicine and plaster.

"You have nine bone fractures, your head is suffering from a concussion…"

As the doctor said those words, she was instantly stunned.

"How are you still alive?" she muttered incomprehensibly.

Naruto just silently looked at the woman.

"When can I get discharged?"

"It will take a month, kid," the doctor said.

Naruto gritted his teeth. "I want to be discharged right now."

"Eh, you can't—"

"Don't worry, I will silently go away without informing you anyway. Don't you want to kill me?" He stared dead-eyed at the woman in front of him.

Her voice paused when she heard this.

"You killed my daughter, my only daughter. How could I not want to kill you?" she muttered with bloodshot eyes.

"Very well then, I will go away and you can keep your doctor's ethics." Naruto calmly patted her on the shoulder and walked away just like that.

Soon, he dragged his body home. The pain radiating from every corner of his body made him feel like he would die.

"Ahhh," Naruto started to scream as he lay in his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.

He wasn't immune to pain; he felt every bit of it, but...

"What doesn't kill me makes me stronger," he said with a resolute expression.

"Hey, Kurama."

Naruto thought in his head, but there was no response.

"Kurama?" he said lightly.

Instantly, his consciousness slipped away to a giant cage, where a colossal red-orange fox with nine tails swaying behind it stared at him with burning red eyes.

Kurama looked at him, his gaze piercing. "How do you know my name, kid?"

"It doesn't matter how I know it, just give me a strand of your chakra," Naruto said calmly, without flinching.

Kurama smirked, an amused expression on his face. "Why would I do that?"

Naruto's eyes were unwavering as he replied, "If I die, you die as well. So give me your nine-tails chakra."