
Evil Goddess in Second Life Ranker

Current World: Naruto(Part 1). an otaku boy after going to sleep the next day wakes up and realizes that he died and reincarnated in the verse of Second life ranker as Wakaba Hiiro (D) and all his powers as god. After finding out where he was, he decided to climb and conquer the tower to become a supreme god who would rule the multiverse.

Moon_Kagari · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Goddess and Profesy

Shiro began walking behind him, letting the man lead.

Shiro and the man didn't walk for long because the shop they were heading to was a bit close, or more precisely, right where the crowd was.

[Is it here?] Shiro asks curiously.

[Yes, my lady, she's waiting inside], says the man, opening the door and indicating Shiro to enter.

Shiro nodded, understanding, and entered the shop.

[Pleased to meet you, Goddess "D," my name is Athena], introduces the beautiful goddess, who appears to be in her twenties. Her clothes transform into a Greek toga, and she wears a crown of flowers on her head. She has long silver hair and violet eyes.

Shiro was surprised by her beauty, but quickly took a seat in front of her.

[Oh, pleased to meet you, Lady Athena], greets Shiro in a friendly and respectful tone. After all, she was facing one of the strongest Goddesses in the "Second Life Ranker" universe.

[There's no need to be so formal, call me Athena and nothing else], says Athena, correcting my formality.

[Well then, Athena, I'd like to know the reason for this meeting], I ask with a serious tone, interested in why she wanted to meet me.

As far as I know, I haven't done anything that affects the tower or Olympus. Well, maybe it was a mistake for a God to descend to the lower floors of the tower and ascend at will.

It must be related to that, because looking back... Everything was too easy for me.

[Mmn! Let's see, I want to talk to you about a problem that happened or will happen in the future], says Athena in a serious and calm tone.

[Problem? And how does that supposed problem involve me?] I ask curiously about the alleged issue.

[The thing is, about 100 years ago, a group of witches gave a prophecy to the gods of Olympus], Athena says while taking a sip of tea.

[Prophecy? About what?] I ask curiously.

[The prophecy the witches gave was the following: "She who rules over eternal darkness will awaken with the sin of origin and will attempt to usurp the Creator's Throne"], explains Athena the prophecy.

(But what nonsense of a prophecy, what does that have to do with me?... I have no interest in the Throne of Olympus, and who is that alleged Creator?... How absurd) I think to myself after hearing the supposed prophecy taken from a third-rate novel.

[And then, how does that relate to me?] I ask Athena.

[Well, the thing is, recently, a rumor has been spreading that you are that supposed Evil Goddess... In the very near future, you will face a catastrophe that will threaten your life and bring chaos to the tower], Athena says, looking directly into my eyes, as if she can see through my entire being.

Honestly, I felt a bit of fear after hearing that, and the way she says it makes it seem like she's certain that something will happen to me.

As far as I remember, she has the ability to receive visions of the future and possible divine events and outcomes due to her divine position as the Goddess of War, Wisdom, and Strategy.

So, there's a high possibility that something will happen to me.

Aaah, damn it.

Until recently, I thought I'd live peacefully climbing the tower, and now I'm faced with this supposed prophecy.

It's a damn problem not to have the ability to transcend space-time and destiny.

I guess I'll have to advance some of my plans.

[I see, that's what happens], I reply elegantly and calmly.

[Mmn... Aren't you worried?] Athena asks, surprised by my reaction.

[Of course, I'm worried, but there's nothing I can do at the moment], I reply logically, as if it's true that something threatens my life, I don't have a way to identify what it is.

The situation has taken a 360-degree turn; until a few hours ago, everything was normal, and now this.

But well, at least now I'm forewarned.

I just have to prepare myself and advance the "Armageddon" plan, which I just invented.

[I see, you're right... but well, remember that we're friends now, and if you need my help, don't hesitate to let me know], Athena responds, sighing at my answer.

[Thank you for your concern], I reply with a smile.

[Of course, that's what friends are for], she says.

Although I don't really know how we became friends with just a few words.

Maybe her powers have increased, and she can see parallel worlds, and in one of those parallel worlds, we became friends.

Mmn, well, it doesn't matter, as I have a backup in this tower.

[Fumu, well, I guess I should go, "D"——]

["Shiro," you can call me], I interrupt and allow her to call me by my name as a sign of friendship.

[Well then, "Shiro," it was a pleasure to meet you today... I hope we'll meet again soon and have an enjoyable chat], says Athena with a smile as she stands up from her chair.

[Of course, I hope we meet again, Athena], I say again with a smile.

[Goodbye, Shiro], Athena bids farewell as she disappears into a magic circle, along with her subordinates.

After Athena leaves, I quickly get up from my chair and teleport to my personal dimension.

[Sariel, initiate the "Armageddon" plan], I instruct Sariel while striking a Jojo pose.

[(MAESTRA, IF YOU EXCUSE ME, IN MY DATABASE, THERE IS NO SUCH PLAN CALLED "ARMAGEDDON")], Sariel responds with its usual emotionless robotic voice.

[B~Well, I was just about to explain the plan to you], I reply, trying to hide my embarrassed face.

[(I SEE... 🌚)] Sariel says, noticing my embarrassed face.

[S~Yes], I murmur softly.


(N/A: Guys, I apologize for taking so long to upload chapters, but the thing is, I'm still in school because I didn't pass some exams that I need to obtain my diploma. So, since I'm focused on passing those exams, I don't have time to upload or write chapters. That's why I'm posting this short chapter just to let you know that I haven't abandoned the fanfic).

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