
Every Night With You

Story of twin girls tormented by destiny. An intricate story where you never know if it’s true or not. This is the story of Juliana Sabrina, the woman who dreams strangely about a man. A man she had not seen since.

Queen_Els · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

Every night since I was a child I have a man with me. The man of my dreams is now my boyfriend. He is handsome but when I wake up I forget his whole appearance but he is white and tall.

Since I was born, he has been there in my dream. of course just kidding! From the beginning I thought I was already with him. so sometimes I just want to sleep so that at least I have a boyfriend.

In reality, no one likes me. I'm not a beauty. Who would want a woman like me with pimples on her face and still dark. when it rained pimples, I caught them all. Hayst!

I got pimple on my face meanwhile i always sleep early and i always sleep too. I feel like I'm stupid because I can't do anything right if I don't sleep. Of course I will really want to sleep because someone is waiting for me in my dream. And because I had nothing to do in life, I just slept.


When I opened my eyes I immediately saw Chester sitting next to me. He was doing something so I peeked. He cuts the dishes. My sweet boyfriend has breakfast in bed, I don't know! Whenever I dream, it is morning but I sleep at night And never spend the night here in my dream.

"Good morning my beautiful Julia!" Chester greeted me when he noticed me and then he kissed me on the cheek

He's really sweet. He said I was beautiful

So I want to be here in my dream, I don't have pimples and my skin color is also white here hihihi.

"Good morning too my handsome Chester!" I kissed him on the lips which made his face turn red.

"Wifey do you want us to take another walk later?" Chester asked as he handed me some food

He takes care of me even in the shower.

"Sure hubby as long as you carry me again? Hihihi!" I replied to him as I pinched his piercing nose

He nodded with a smile on his lips. see? Who can't stand sleeping when you have such a boyfriend in a dream, right? If I can just not wake up, I'll do it, I'll just be with him


"yes hubby?"

"What if one day I disappear from your dream?"

I stared at him. His face was serious and I just frowned at his question.

"why did you ask like that hubby! you've been here in my dream for 25 years and then you thought about that?"

His face is still really serious and it looks like he won't stop that topic. I sighed and then looked back at him. I put my hands on his cheeks and then leaned our foreheads against each other.

"Hubby don't think like that and we'll be like this forever and until death do you part" I happily told him that he smiled.

"As long as I'm still your hubby! Don't ever trade me for anyone!" hubby

"Of course! I'm just your wifey and you're just my hubby"


"JULIANA SABRINA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Ah!!! where's the fire!!!?" I woke up immediately from my bed and immediately ran to the door. but someone stopped me and then beat me

"You're crazy! You're asleep! The boss needs you in the office to give you orders!" Alisa

"It's a beautiful dream of mine, you're really ruining the moment!" I sighed at her then I went back to my bed

"hey Juliana Sabrina! Stop right there with your drugs! Maybe one day you'll be in jail to sleep!" Alisa

I threw my pillow at her which was quite heavy and hit her. good for you.

"You're hard on me! Shouldn't you still be supportive because I'm having fun? Then hello? We're just the two of us in the world, you're still fighting me!"

she threw the pillow back at me and I was lucky to escape.

"If you weren't just a twin I would have changed my personality a long time ago!"

There is my twin again. She doesn't want us to be twins because after all. she was the opposite of me. if I am not smooth and concentrated pimple, she in turn has beautiful skin and smooth. it looks like she's just my whitewashed and polished version but we still look alike so she can't do anything BWUAHAHAHA !!! she immediately left my room so I got up.

This is again the situation that I do not want at all. The guy is always ordering you and there is no rest. So I hurried and dressed for the office then I went to the parking lot of our house.

Even though my face and complexion are like this, I have built a house and land and still have a car. Alisa and I are in the same job. She enjoys life in the office because our boss's son likes her. So I am always ordered instead of him.

I'm a call girl … just kidding! I am a graphic designer and what else can I expect? My good boss will have another job. If he still gives the project, it is good for one month and will only stop when the worker is dying.

He gives me ten projects in the next month. meanwhile Alisa is always dating my boss's son and is already getting paid. oh right where is the justice? But unfairness, I earn almost 30k every month. my salary is much higher than Alisa's so I bought the house and land. She only bought her own car because she also preferred the orphanage.

That's where she spends her income because we also grew up in an orphanage. We don't have a single family anymore. Alisa and I are the only ones left alive.

As usual, when I arrived at the boss's office, he scolded me again.

Why didn't I come in early, I knew there were piles of work and then I just let go.

Blah blah blah I didn't let him finish speaking because I already knew what he was going to say.

I just took the necessary papers and then I went to my own office. I immediately smiled when I saw a flower on my table. also ever since I met Chester in my dream, I have always been receiving flowers. it was just a piece of flower but now it's bouquet. Improvement also.

I just put the flowers on the flower base. I have never seen Chester in person because I also forgot what he looked like when I woke up. when I worry, I can't see his face anymore. I didn't know if it was a real dream or not. I always wonder at flowers. When I ask the people in the office here, no one seems to enter my office.

weird, maybe Alisa is right. I may be on drugs

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