
Every Night With You

Story of twin girls tormented by destiny. An intricate story where you never know if it’s true or not. This is the story of Juliana Sabrina, the woman who dreams strangely about a man. A man she had not seen since.

Queen_Els · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

past 10 o'clock pm when I finished the three projects.

I can only do the three projects in one day because I work hard.

Hahahaha just kidding. Because tomorrow I won't be coming in so I've done the three projects so that there are only seven left.

Alisa and I have a plan tomorrow to go shopping to buy gifts for children and the elderly at the orphanage. It's going to be Christmas too so we'll give it to them.

When I got home, I found Alisa sleeping on the living room floor while clothes that she would repack for the fire victims were scattered. Her preloved clothes. My sister is really kind to others even though she is bad for me.

So I stopped eating because in my dream I knew I would eat. It's weird because when I eat in my dream I get full in real life. Everything that was happening in my dream seemed real.

So this is it. I just put on sexy clothes and then lay down on my bed.


When I opened my eyes I saw that I was in the garden. Chester was lying next to me and sleeping. I stared at him as he slept. The tip of his nose, The smoothness of his face. The length of his eyelashes. but when I wake up again I make sure I forget what it looks like.

Chester slowly opened his eyes then he smiled when he saw me staring at him.

"Good morning my handsome Chester!" I greeted him enthusiastically

He immediately kissed me on my lips. My hubby's wild.

"Hubby wait a minute hihihi!, it's embarrassing maybe someone will see us here!" I stopped him as he dropped his kiss on my neck.

He slapped me on the forehead so I pushed him away. My hubby's mean

"Ouch hubby!" I said to him

"You know we're the only two here, don't you? During our time together, did you see anyone with me here? Didn't you" hubby explained as he helped me stand up.

Hmm, at least he's right. we are the only ones who exist in this world.

"Let's just go! Then chase me" I said to him

he just nodded so we started walking on the grass holding hands

I want us to take a selfie so I can wallpaper it in case there are no electronic devices here and neither the watch is working.

it's really sad.

When we were bored with just walking, I chased after him like a child. until we get tired and land in a river.

He pushed me into the river so I got wet. I was just about to go up when I saw some lights approaching me.


Hays' always really destroys my dream with Alisa. next time I can include her in my dream so I can leave her there?

"Yes, this is it! My dream is delicious!" I complained

I got up and went to the bathroom. I was only 10 minutes into the bathroom because I knew my sister was furious because of the time I slept. We should be leaving at 10 am in case I had a good night's sleep so it took me 1 pm.

I went to the parking lot and saw Alisa in her car so I got in her car. I'm lazy to drive because my car doesn't have gas. Alisa didn't growl anymore because she was in a hurry because they still have a date with our boss's son.

We went to forever 21 and there we first bought clothes. I hope we'll just go somewhere. the love of clothes here! The clothes I'm wearing are even better. I'm wearing clothes made in Taytay only. Let that be. Alisa will pay for it. I helped her choose clothes to give as gifts. then we went to the department store and bought toys that can be given to children.

I'm the one for the men's toys and Alisa for the women's. So the toys I picked up were cars.

Alisa's bill reached 20k so she just carded it. After that we just ate at fast-food because we were suffering right away. Then she took me home because they still have a date with her boyfriend. So I went home alone again.

A few days passed and we were just that routine. Wake up to work and sleep for my boyfriend.