
Chapter two

Today I decided to make pancakes for everyone, we'll it's cause I'm in a really good mood.

I recently went and dropped of a copy of my CV to about 3 different places yesterday. And guess what! Yes thats right your girls got a job. I'm so excited. It's so nice to start working and have a job but yes I also know that it is hard, tiring and comes with alot of responsibility, but I'm also ready to become independent. So I start work in exactly 8 days.

Ever since my mother and Cesar got married, he's been so... Nice. Like why is he being nice to me. I hate it so much and I hate him so much and I just hate everyone for forgetting about my dad. How dare they just move on and not worry that he has left us and is never ever going to come back. But I refuse to sit back and watch everyone forget him I will never forget him. He was my whole life. But now he is gone. And yet Noone cares!


"Eggs? Where is the eggs? "  I was sure I had them on the counter but now their gone

"ahh what the hell Cesar" I screamed

"omg T, I'm so sorry" he smirked. How dare he?

"you just grabbed my ass, what is wrong with you?"

"uhh yeah well you see I thought that it was your mother I mean you both have the same ass"

"WHAT" I screamed hoping my mom would hear me and come see what was happening and see that he husband is a perv.

"shh" he noticed what I was doing and he roughly put his hand against my mouth to stop me from screaming.

"if you dare tell your mother about this I will personally see to it that you loose your virginity within the next 2 days, and also make sure you get pregnant so your mother can kick you out for me"

How dare he threaten me? With my virginity. Why does he think I'm a virgin, I mean I am but how does he know? Who does he think he is? Stupid old man

"I don't make empty threats, remember that" he let go of my mouth so harshly. What is wrong with him? I just started thinking he was nice but now he decides to act like a dumbass. But I decided to be stupid enough to start an argument with him.

"what makes you think that I am still a virgin?" wow I sounded almost as if I'm not, I mean I am pretty convincing. But also why can't I shut the fuck up sometimes I should have just backed up and lived properly you know the saying park Dom, live long but no I decided I want to die early

" what, you're not a virgin no honey that's not true" he sounded so confident

"why isn't it true, what makes you so sure?"

"sweetheart" he chuckles "did you take a look at yourself?" he eyes me from head to toe "you look hideous" he laughed "the clothes you use is so damn pathetic, how unsexy sometimes I wonder If you are really ciaras daughter" he eyes me again and I'm start feeling a bit uncomfortable. "Noone on their right mind would want to date you let alone fuck you. So you can continue lying to yourself about not being a virgin but I know for a damn fact that Noone touched you yet"

"well how would you know whether in the past, before you came along, if I used this type of clothes. Maybe I'm just using it so that you don't get the wrong ideas"

"and clearly it didn't work because I had the wrong ideas from the start" he smirks "and just so you know I have seen you and the way you dressed from way before your mother and I got married. As a matter of fact I saw you from the time you were born. So don't underestimate me okay darling" he pats my head as if I'm his dog or some shit.

"so what you are saying is that you have been stalking me and my mom for like really long and waited for an opportunity to get close to her and you found it when my dad died. Then you pounced on the opportunity like a hungry dog?"

Was that actually true omds what.

" wow you are definitely smarter than I thought but you are on the right track. It's just that the whole truth is wayy more interesting "he chuckles " so you don't know ? of the truth after all"

"no I know 100 percent of the truth"

He leaned in closer to my ear.... To be continued

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Sabeeha_Rahmancreators' thoughts