
Ethan; A Story Untold (HxH fanfic)

"A funny thing death is, it comes as it pleases, gives no warning nor cares if you were done with life or not" said he, being as disgruntled as he was helpless. "Really ? I think its sad itself, having to take everything from billions and more. I too, wouldn't want to show my face either, as an existence hated by all." said she, being as gentle as she was kind. And yet, when he lost it all, it was her hands that were stained. "We will meet again" said she. 'Sure, lets meet again in hell' thought he, for he too had sinned. And thus Ethan lost the chance given to us all, he lost his life. But not all was bad, he could start anew. Though having lost all he owned was a hefty price indeed. Declaimer- This is a hxh fan-fic, i own none of the character of hxh universe nor the artwork used.

Syed649 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs


Both sides were at a stalemate, and all they could do was stare each other down, at the red we had a diaper warrior who was feeling the most awkward in all his lives, representing the blue was the new father who absolutely had no idea how diapers worked nor was backup of the maid available, the baby wrestled a bit as if saying 'Leave me alone' the father tackled him back replying with a physical 'As if i can' but before all this could continue mommy came to the rescue of the father, displaying uncanny ability in wrapping diaper ,defeating the infant in a matter of seconds.

With a humiliated look, the baby decided to get a grasp on the situation, other than figuring out the fact that being a baby sucks, he also found out the names of his Mother and father, asking the system revealed a little more about himself.

'System, interface'


1. Stats

2. Shop (locked)

3. Skills (locked)

4. Settings

5. Inventory


'Show, stats'



Str- 0.9

Int- 15

Constitution- 1.1

Luck- 50


Condition- Optimal

Active Effects -

Being a baby surprisingly makes you popular- Charm +10

Natural good looks- Charm +5


Lady luck's beloved- Luck +25


Gift of god- A mystery box which would help you survive an ordeal once


Ethan explored the functions, his inventory seemed to be only able to hold things from the shop, settings option was an interesting one, he could change the color of the interface, change its size, positioning of everything, give the system a nickname, even give it a personality.

"Ethan, its time to eat!" said a jolly voice which sent shivers down Ethan's spine.


A few months had passed

Ethan got used to his new body and was trying to contemplate a way to use nen and what to do with this new life of his, he wanted this life to count; a life without regrets, a life where he wont be stabbed to...

Asking the system had got him the answer- "To use nen, feel the life-force inside you, accumulate it to a small point inside your hand and slowly open each and every pore inside your body"

Yes, nen, it was something that was always inside of him, but to draw it out he needed to increase the life-force within him and to do so, he had to Increase the strength of his body and have a strong will.

Since there wasnt much a 3 month infant could do , so he tried meditating. There was something different about this body, he could feel something other than blood coursing inside him, and the more he concentrated on this feeling, the more faint his heartbeat became until he could no longer hear it. Then he felt something dense, so much so that he was in awe of not feeling it before. On focusing the entity split into seven silhouettes of varying size, but none weaker than the other.

Just when he was thinking of probing further he sensed one of the seven masses notice him and he felt what was best described as being 100 meters underwater, such pressure that made breathing arduous, he quickly broke out of his stupor, panting as he realized where he was.

<Warning host was marked by one of the wills of the world>

<Scanning for additional information>


<No information found>

<Scanning host>


<Host was noticed by one of the wills of the world, all the negative effects were eliminated by the title beloved of the lady luck>

<Host has gained a new title-

Perceiver of wills- Nen Capacity +20%, Ability to use all nen traits to their 80% efficiency>