
Eternity with my family ( Twilight fanfic)

My mom picked my sister and me up from the airport. On our way home we were hit by a truck. What happens when you thought you had died but wake up again in the middle of a crazy witch experiment. Well that's what happened to my family.

artemis_kingson · Movies
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30 Chs


[A/N: Hey guys it's author. I want to thank all of you for your suggestions. I had come up with a pretty cool idea on how to make this world more interesting.]


After my sister gave an explanation we decided to fill some thermoses with some of our blood. The reason is our blood is less attractive to vampires, due to the fact that they hold less nutrients. However our blood will do the job for Bella though, it will also stop her from becoming a sickly pale ghost that she looked like in the movie.

After we had finished everything we decided to head home. Before we left I decided to take Alice on a little date though. I also wanted to test out a little experiment.

"Alice come here for sec. I want to take you on a little date." I told her as she magically appears next to me. In all honesty I think she just used teleportation magic, cause she moved to fucking fast. Just my imagination, but she is too hyper active sometimes.

We first decided to go hunting, the forest behind their house is filled with all kinds of animals. Honestly the twilight world is popping off with all kinds of predators. I mean does the world just spawn mountain lions and grizzly bears every time one dies. Cause I swear to god that I have hunted three mountain lions on the same damn mountain. Aren't they supposed to be territorial.

After we finished hunting we decided to hang out in an open field. We bot lied down next to each other, with Alice resting her head on my chest. We were just enjoying each others company in silence.

"Life gets quite boring when your the alpha of the entire planet." I mused out loud. Alice turned and looked at me, just as she was about to say something the world around us freezes. There are no sounds, her mouth is still open but unmoving and her body completely frozen in place.

"Well that's quite the statement don't you think." I hear from behind me. I immediately get up and look at the figure standing in front of me. He looked like Morgan Freeman. With that appearance I knew who this was.

"Your assumption would be correct mister Winchester." He told me with a deep voice.

"So what's a person like you doing in a place like this." I say back trying to lighten the mood and get my nerves under control.

"Well I see everything that happens. I know all about you and your family. Heck I am the reason your here, cause you think some random ritual could allow souls to cross over to another universe." He says. I mean he isn't wrong, if he is the real deal then something like that would never happen without him knowing, better yet without his permission.

"So tell me what have I done to call someone like you over here. You haven't seemed to care so much about me and my family till now."

"Well you just said that it is tiring being alpha so how about we just make a few more." He says with a smile. "This worlds story is coming to an end quicker than it should have due to you. So how about we spice it up shall we." That was the last thing he said before he disappeared.

When he disappeared the world resumed I also felt some kind of cosmic energy wash over the world and it got me real nervous.

"How did you get all the way over there all of a sudden?" Alice asked me curiously. Then she looked at me worried when she noticed my nervous expression. I immediately picked her up and ran back to the Cullen residence at full speed. I had an inkling of an idea of what God had just done and I was very nervous about it. On the other hand also very excited.

I bursted through the Cullen homes front door. I noticed that my mother and sister also had worried looks on their faces. Most likely they could also feel that wave of cosmic energy and unlike me they had no idea why. So they were starting to stress out. I pull them aside and instruct my mom with hand signs to erect a soundproof barrier.

"I may have fucked up." The moment those words left my mouth they immediately knew it was my fault.

"What. Did. You. Do?" My mom very calmly, but very aggressively asked.

"I may have talked to god and given him the impression that I was bored. Which led to him somehow changing something to entertain himself." I say very nonchalantly trying to make it sound like something that wasn't important. My mother and sister on the other hand did not seem to think the same way.

"Explain. Now." This time my mom was pissed and I was sweating a little bit. No matter how big your balls are, everybody knows that is better if you don't piss of your mom. So I immediately explained what happened. At the end of the story my mother looked tired and my sister looked pissed.