
Eternity with my family ( Twilight fanfic)

My mom picked my sister and me up from the airport. On our way home we were hit by a truck. What happens when you thought you had died but wake up again in the middle of a crazy witch experiment. Well that's what happened to my family.

artemis_kingson · Movies
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30 Chs

Through the ages 1

After our little encounter with the grizzly we had come to realize that we weren't your everyday average vampires. We kept traveling and learning through out the years we learned that my mother had an ability that we like to call the absolute barrier. Why do we call it that, well simple really cause it is absolute. No attack can penetrate it we had quickly realized through our travels. No physical attack nor magical attack.

We found more witches and druids along the way. They had tried their absolute best to kill us. We came to a very quick realization that we can't die. They had lopped of our heads, pulled out our harts, burned us is fire and one even tried to drown us. But we found out that we can be mummified after this one witch had trapped me and just wouldn't stop trying to find a new way to kill me a few times a day.

It took my mother and sister a full month to finally find me and kill the witch. When they found me I was mummified but after a little bit of blood I was as good as new. They even made these cool silverdaggers that are dipped in a mixture of herbs and topped of with some white oak ash. The only thing that that accomplished was mummifying us.

After about a decades worth of travel we had finally come to realize that we were in North-America. Another interesting thing we found out was that were in the Twilight universe. How do we know this simple really. We found a man pretending to be a god. He was faster and stronger than any man. He could manipulate air currents. And he glowed in the sun like he was made of diamonds. We killed him cause he was hostile. He shattered like glass.

We also found out that we resemble Vampire Diaries type of vampires. So we classified ourselves as night walkers and them as cold ones.

Through out our travels we have come to learn of a few more abilities that we have. We each also had one unique ability that was our very own. The ones we shared were.

1. Compulsion

2. Umbrakinesis (manipulation of light and shadow)

3. Dream manipulation

The umbrakinesis was a cool find. We have a stronger connection to the shadow part of the ability. We can barely use the light side. Only to slightly distort sight to hide our face. The shadow part is cooler cause we can control shadows it works really well to scare the shit out of people especially at night when there is shadow and darkness everywhere.

But then we have our own unique abilities. My mother has the absolute barrier. My sister has telekinesis. I myself have what I like to call elemental affinity. Means I can control the elements near my vicinity. Can't make them appear out of thin air, they have to be there for it to work. My elements are fire, water, air, earth and nature. I can also freeze the water and I have an affinity for metals.

We kept traveling everywhere and anywhere we could go. We have traversed all of North-America. We spent all of our time together. We grew insanely close as a family. I mean we were all each other had for all of eternity.

By the end of the 12th century we finally decided to see if we could make more of our kind. Also wanted to find out if they had any special abilities like us. Well we had spent about a month trying to think of the best way to do that in the end we decided to kidnap a slave from one of the markets. Once we had the slave we had tried the Twilight way and to our disappointment it didn't work. So we did it the Vampire Diaries way. That did work.

After that was a success we had kidnapped multiple different slaves from across North-America. And turned them to. We turned a few people who my mother felt sorry for. Through all the pain and bloodshed my mother never lost her kind hart. My sister and I had stayed about the same except we had become a bit more brutal and savage.

Through out our research we had noticed that these 2nd generation vampires are almost exactly like the vampire from Vampire Diaries except these ones have inherited our umbrakinesis, they also have an immunity to wood and only burn slightly in the sun. Due to this reason they have adapted to staying in the dark and mostly only coming out at night. To be honest I'm kinda disappointed that no one of our species had manifested a special ability like the Cold ones.