
Eternity with my family ( Twilight fanfic)

My mom picked my sister and me up from the airport. On our way home we were hit by a truck. What happens when you thought you had died but wake up again in the middle of a crazy witch experiment. Well that's what happened to my family.

artemis_kingson · Movies
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30 Chs

Start of canon 2

"Hi I'm Bella. My dad told me that I'll carpooling with you guys today." Bella introduced herself.

As I stood there looking at her. The star of the movies and the books. The person who this universe gave plot-armor. I have to admit I don't know what Edward sees in this chick. I mean sure she's easy on the eyes, but I mean come on bro. She's not that pretty. But hey she's not my problem.

"Hi my name is Olivia and this is my brother Percy. Yeah I had offered to take you to school today." My sister says, while sticking her hand out for a handshake. I do the same.

After we had exchanged pleasantries, we decided to head on over to school. I took my own car, cause even though I know Bella is the silent type I still don't want to be stuck in that awkward atmosphere.

As I was pulling up in the school parking lot I noticed Alice. I honestly have no idea where this is going. She tells me that we are friends, but she acts like we are dating. There is also the thing with Jasper, I mean I don't want to steal another mans women you know. So I have been very passive in this relationship always paying attention and not doing anything, but as a man this is fucking torture I mean you have this cute girl that can be really sexy. I mean she looks just like her movie counterpart except better.

*sigh* I'm getting a headache just thinking about it. What the f*** is wrong with me. Here we have a two thousand year old bad ass vampire who has been part of almost every major war in history, has had hundreds of lovers in his long life, but he gets stumped by a girl. For f***s sake, I should just man up and so what needs to be done. Just like my old spartan teacher used to tell me.

We had just gotten off a boot that I had decided to make. My mother and sister just waned to spend there times leisurely, but me as a history man decided to visit the Romans and the Greeks. I wasn't exactly sure witch year we were in but I knew for sure that we were before the A.C. calendar. So I had rushed to make a sturdy boot for us to use to travel to the other side of the world. It wasn't that hard to make it to the other side with my control over the elements. We had smooth sailing all the way. My mothers barrier made sure that when we made it to a storm nothing would effect the boot. My sister and her telekinesis would lift the boot over big waves during storms.

When we had finally arrived at the other side I had come to realize that I had arrived to late the spartan era was over. It had been over for almost a thousand years, but through my travels over the lands I had managed to find a small group of people who still pass on the teachings of the Spartans. I had asked them to teach me and after passing some physical trials they had set up and that I passed, they had agreed to teach me. They decided that my teacher would be a man named Mathias.

I had spent a total of 5 years training everything he could teach me. I remember one of our conversations about battle strategies.

-Flash back-

"You must always keep a level head when you are on a battle field. You must read your opponent and see if you should be on the offense or the defense. Word of advice always aim for offense. Make sure that when you hit your opponent you hit him so hard he can't get back up. Never let your guard down no matter what. And finally no matter what a distracted man is a dead man." Mathias said.

"Yes" I answered back. For the last 3 years I have been practicing everything, hand to hand combat, swords, spears, axes and bows. I even learned to use a shield.

"Good now we go back to battle training." Mathias said.

-Flash back end-

Always keep a cool head in the battle field. You know what they say all is fair in love and war, so that would make love a battle field. Keep a calm mind and lets get to it.

I step out of my car and notice that Alice was heading my way so I manned up and did what needs to be done. I walked over to her took her hand and dragged her to the back of the school. When we got there I decided to the all powerful wall slam just to boost my little ego and make me feel like I have some wort of control over this little vixen and then I went for it.

"Alice Cullen I feel like I have been passive long enough but before I say anything are you and Jasper a thing." I ask with a serious while staring down at her. I mean I'm almost a foot taller than her. But she did something that completely caught me off guard. She giggled. I was in the moment I was totally serious ready for rejection and this girl just giggles at me. I swear you could see a tick mark on my forehead.

"Pfffft hehe. Is that you were worried about, I honestly thought you didn't like me. Apparently someone has been paying to much attention to rumors. Jasper and I are like brother and sister the only thing is we click so we spend a lot of time together." NO IT WASN'T THE RUMORS I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT YOU TWO WERE SUPPOSED TO BE A THING. I yell mentally. After I was done doing my little internal rage quit, I decided to keep on going now that I know she's single.

"Well then I guess I don't really need to be so passive anymore." I say as I inch closer to her face, as I was about a quarter of an inch from her face I pulled back and teased her.

"Now it's not polite to kiss a girl before we have even been on a first date. So how about we fix that." I say. " How about I take you after school tomorrow." I ask her. She looks like shes about to kill somebody. Based on her personality she is usually one that teases everybody, so I don't think she likes it when other people get the slip on her.

"Fine mister. You better be ready to give me a good time, cause I am not easy to please." She says trying to sound unaffected.

"Well see." I answer back.

The rest of the day was spent uneventful. I mean what's the point of high school. I have like 4 masters and bachelor degree in different prestigious academy's. But for the plot.