
Eternity with my family ( Twilight fanfic)

My mom picked my sister and me up from the airport. On our way home we were hit by a truck. What happens when you thought you had died but wake up again in the middle of a crazy witch experiment. Well that's what happened to my family.

artemis_kingson · Movies
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30 Chs

First day of School 2

Once we were inside the school buildings my sister turned her head around looked at me and giggled. She whispered so ow the human ears couldn't hear.

"You brought that gust of wind on purpose didn't you. Don't even think about lying to me I know exactly when you're lying. We've been together for the last two thousand years. I can read you like an open book."

"Yep" Was my short reply.

We made it to the administration office. When we stepped in we were met with a middle aged women red haired women with a pair of glasses sitting at the desk. The moment she sees us she plasters on one of those business smiles.

"Hello. How may I help you." She asks very politely.

"Hi we're the Winchester siblings. We just transferred here from Minnesota. They told us to come here to get our schedules." My sister says very politely, with a little smile on her face. The lady behind the counters immediately went from a business to a genuine smile.

"Oh yes, I heard that you two would be arriving this week. Just give me a moment to look for your schedules. Ah here they are. Here we go, your schedules, a map of the school and you will give this pink slip to your teacher and let them sign them. At the end of the day you will give me back the pink slip with your teachers signature on it." She told us.

"Thank you." My sister replies and hands me my schedule, map and my pink slip. We say our goodbye's and start making our way out of the building. Due to the fact that we are in different grades my schedule is different from hers. I start with history and she starts with english.

"Well see you at lunch." I tell her and start heading my own way. I made my way to my classroom. When I entered the classroom the teacher turned and looked at me curiously.

"Hi, I'm Percy Winchester." I tell him while handing him my pink slip for him to sign. He takes my slip signs it then introduces himself.

"My name is Ms. Aubrey I'll be your history teacher this year. Why don't you introduce yourself mister Winchester." She asks me. I turn to look at the class, most of the girls already making weddings plans for when 'we get married'. The dudes are studying me, most are envious of my good looks. I'm pleasantly surprised to find Emmett sitting in the back.

"Hi my names Percy Winchester. My sister and I had just arrived yesterday from Minnesota. I like all things sports, also big fan of chess. I'm 18 years old." I tell them. My introduction was kinda weird but it's either nobody noticed or they chose to ignore it.

"Very well Percy why don't you join Mr. Cullen in the back there. Mr. Cullen can you please raise your hand for Mr. Winchester." My teacher says. I see Emmett raise his hand. I walk over to him and take the seat next to him. The class went on pretty well halfway through we had to do an assignment in pairs. So Emmett and I decided to work together.

"Sup man." He asks me with the signature Emmett goofy grin. Man this guys good mood is infectious. Cause now I'm also grinning at him.

"Not much. So dude, since I'm the new guy. The first person who gives me a good impression becomes my friend. So tell me friend anything interesting to do in this little town." I ask him.

"Well friend I don't get out much. I usually stay home and play video games. I also play different sports with my brothers." He tells me. At the end of class I feel like Emmett and I really hit it off.

The day went on and lunch finally arrived. I met up with my sister before we decided to head in to the cafeteria. The moment wee entered the cafeteria quieted down somewhat. We headed for the lunch line, got our food and sat down at an empty table.

"How has your day been going so far." I ask my sister as I try to ignore all these thirsty stares sent in my and my sisters way. I am genuinely debating killing every guy in this cafeteria for staring at my sister that way.

"It's been going good. Met this girl named Alice in art class. She's nice, we hit it off pretty well. How about you, anything of interest happen." She asks me.

"Met this guy named Emmett in first period. He was pretty cool and his good mood is really infectious. I mean I was kinda bored with all of this. But he gave me some goofy grin and all of a sudden I'm smiling too. I don't get it." I tell her honestly. After that we just make small talk to keep up the facade of being normal.