
Eternity with my family ( Twilight fanfic)

My mom picked my sister and me up from the airport. On our way home we were hit by a truck. What happens when you thought you had died but wake up again in the middle of a crazy witch experiment. Well that's what happened to my family.

artemis_kingson · Movies
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30 Chs

Figuring out the truth

-Alice pov-

As I sat there in the makeshift chair, I looked on absolutely amazed at what I had just witnessed. My mind had trouble catching up with the events that had just happened. I was excited, because even though vampires can have a huge array of different abilities, we had never had or ever heard of the ability to control elements. Especially the ability to control fire. At the same time I was frustrated. I have the ability to see the future almost nothing surprises me, but at this moment I see none of the decisions he is making. I can also tell with 100% certainty that he is not one of us. So what in gods name is he.

"How did you do that." I couldn't help but blurt out. My mind still racing with questions and speculations. He looked at me in the eyes and gave me a smile and said.

"You're asking the wrong questions my dear Alice." When he said that my mind raced for the right question to ask, but couldn't find the right question at all. So I asked the next best thing.

"Does everybody in your family have special abilities." His smile widened and to be honest it looked a tad bit creepy. I mean can you blame me if I was a regular girl I would run. We were alone in the forest he just preformed some kind of magic and now hes looking down at me with a creepy smile and to add more to that the sun has started setting too, so even though forks is dark in the middle of the day it's even darker at the evening time.

"Yes we do, but again your asking the wrong questions. The truth is I know exactly what you are. I also know that your not the only thing that goes bump in the night." He said and my brain came to screeching halt at the second part of his explanation. If he knows what I am why is he hanging out around me, unless he is also something that goes bump in the night. As that passed through my mind, it just became more and more logical the longer I thought about it. Then it hit me, that was the question he wanted me to ask him. He didn't want me ask who he was, he didn't want me to ask where he came from or what he can do. He wanted me to ask what he was.

"What are you?" I asked the question with a hint of nervousness. The moment those words left my mouth the look on his face changed from a smile to a genuine smile and chuckle and that was all the confirmation I needed to know that that was the correct answer.

"That my dear Alice is for me to know and for you to find out. Try asking Carlisle he knows more then he lets on. I mean he was a good little soldier when it all happened. I don't hold grudges or anything so you don't have to worry to much. Well anyway seems pretty late I should go." When he said that he gave me a quick peck on the lips and all of a sudden the shadows from the surrounding converged on him and he disappeared.

In that moment the only thing in my mind was to race home and call a family meeting. I got up from the chair and ran faster then I ever run before, I needed to get home as fast as possible. The moment I got home I yelled out.

"FAMILY MEETING! NOW!" Completely disregarding the fact that we were vampires and could have heard me just fine if I would have whispered it. Everyone ran into the living room and Esme was the first one next to me.

"What's wrong honey. Is everything alright." She cupped my face extremely worried, but when she asked me if anything was wrong the images of what just happened popped up. Edward immediately turned to Carlisle and started questioning him.

"What the hell is he Carlisle. Better yet what THE HELL are they." Edward seemed nervous, agitated and anxious. This the first time that they have seen him this way ever since he returned from Alaska after his week long retreat. He actually seems worse then that time. The rest of the family immediately turned extremely serious.

"What do you mean and what did you see." Carlisle asked immediately. That's when I retold them of about exactly what happened after we left to go to the forest behind the school. I conveniently left out that he pecked me on the lips and now that I think about it I kinda liked it, luckily Edward didn't snitch on me either. After I was done we all stayed silent, the one to brake the silence was Emmett, the ever aloof happy go lucky giant that he is, couldn't stop himself from making a joke.

"Well damn Alice you got yourself quite the catch." He chuckled at his own joke, well until Rosalie slapped his arm. We spent the next hour in silence thinking and contemplating how to proceed with the situation. Then finally Carlisle decided to speak, but before he could even utter a single word. Edwards face changed to one of utter shock.

"There called night walkers." That was all he said before he stood up and headed for his study. We all looked confused at what he was doing. He came back after a few minutes with an old journal. It looked to be over a few hundred years old. He placed it on the coffee table he seemed to hesitate for a moment before he let go of the journal. That was a signal for all of that we could pick up and check the journal. Edward was the first to pick up the journal and after flipping through it for a few minutes he almost dropped the journal from shock.

I picked up the journal. I flipped it open and started to speed read the content I was also shocked beyond belief. To summarize this journal contained a very large amount of information on the species dubbed the night walkers. They are just like us a species of the category of vampires. This journal contained their history with the cold ones as we are dubbed. In the journal it is stated that we don't know where they come from, but what we do know is that they have a set of powers passed on from one night walker to another. They don't manifest abilities like us cold ones. It also states that they are individually more powerful then cold ones. It also tells of our war with them.

"The thing that gave it away was when he said that I was a good little soldier when it happened. The only time I was ever any kind of soldier was when we went to war with them. They put up one hell of a fight and the worst part is that the longer they live the stronger they get. We were just lucky that they better alone or in pairs. They are the reason our coven system was applied in the first place." He started to explain for us to get a better understanding of the night walkers.

"The Volturi felt threatened by their existence. They claim themselves as the kings of the vampires, but the moment they found out that there is a vampire stronger then them they immediately decided to do an extermination. Anybody who sympathized with them or that would help them was also killed. So I had suck it up and do the Volturi's dirty work. I was still young back then all I was thinking about was my survival, so no matter how much I hated it I did it anyway. They had an array of abilities that made killing them harder." We could all tell that Carlisle went through some dark times.

"For one the older they are the stronger they are. We once met a vampire who was about six hundred years old, he would brag about how he was one of the oldest of them all. He at that time was two to three times stronger than Emmett." When he said that we swallowed some saliva. "They also had the ability to manipulate shadows and dreams. They were less durable then us, but that is due to the fact that our bodies where remade to be as hard as diamonds. While their bodies were still made of flesh and blood. They still taste food and can do everything any other human being can except get pregnant, cause they are still technically dead. In exchange for less durability they have accelerated healing. They also don't have problems moving around in the sun, they just receive sun burns and sensitive skin. And just like us their senses are also heightened except not as good as ours. This is the first ever sighting of a night walker with extra powers."