
Eternal Tvisi

Teenage Bharat and his family were forced to leave their ancestral home and relocate to a new city when the crime lord placed restrictions on them. As a result, his father was denied employment opportunities and he was not allowed to enroll in the local college. Additionally, Bharat's childhood sweetheart left him for another wealthy boy and this devastate Bharat. This book chronicles Bharat's journey to acquire superhuman strength and abilities and return to his hometown to reclaim his house and exact revenge for his family.

Samrat_Bharat · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 9: Heart break in Love

On the dinner table the family of three sat and was having their usual chat however Mr. Brahma was quiet and pondering over the situation.

Noticing the situation Bharat said to his dad: "Dad you don't have to worry so much since you have just gotten better and had a major heart operation if you think or have too much tension then it may affect your health."

Mr. Brahma said: "I have to work however the doctor said I won't be able to go out and work anymore and for other kinds of work from home jobs it seems I don't have the necessary skills so how can I not worry after all even if there is a millionaire who just spends and do not earn then it will not take much time for him to come from riches to rags. I have to do something."

Bharat made a decision in his heart and spoke boldly while glancing at his anxious father: "Dad you do not have worry I think it is time for me to start a full time job after all I have already completed my class twelfth exams with good score so I am sure I will be able to get a job."

Mrs. Arundhati said: "Son, what about your further studies if you do not upgrade your qualification then you will never be able to reach a higher position in your career."

Bharat said: "Mom do not worry I can complete my graduation through distance courses since there are many universities in which you can take online classes and I can complete my course through distance learning."

Mrs. Arundhati said: "Agreed however it seems at present our family is sanctioned by that crime lord so we cannot get a job or get admitted to a university if we live here in this town so we have to move out of this town first."

Mr. Brahma said: "Then we have to move out of here and we will go to the Rajgarh city which is also a metro city to begin with so Tiger Bhai should not have much influence there."

Arundhati and Bharat agreed with Mr. Brahma to go to the Rajgarh city so they started preparing themselves.

All of Bharat's friends have already left town for higher studies apart from Pallavi since she was studying in Rajgarh College only. One and a half months had passed since the start of the college semester. He had not seen his sweetheart at that time due to his family's problems and the fact that he had never heard from her. He was also very much missing her at this point and had to let her know about his recent situation—that he and his family were temporarily moving out of town.

So next day he first thought of going to her home to meet her but then realized that she may have gone to college and waited for her outside the gate for the day session to get over.

Once the college gate was opened the students started to come out and Bharat looked for Pallavi after some time he spotted her as she was there strolling through the corridor gossiping with her friends.

Bharat walked forward with a smile on his face to greet her as he was very content to see her after more than a month's time since apart from being his girlfriend she was also his childhood friend.

Pallavi also noticed Bharat coming towards her however she didn't seem to be so happy seeing him so she excused herself from her friends and then met with Bharat and pulled him towards a corner to speak with him.

Pallavi said: "Bharat you were rejected from the university isn't it and did not have admission here so what are you doing here now?"

Bharat had never seen Pallavi speaking to him in this fashion so seeing Pallavi in an altogether different approach towards him he became a bit skeptical and spoke: "Pallavi I came to meet with you since I haven't seen you for almost one and a half month how have you been all this time? I have missed you a lot since I have never heard from you in all this time. You know there has been so much that has happened with me and my family in this time."

Pallavi said with a frown on her face: "I am already aware of all that has occurred. I know that you were not selected in the college not because of you, but because of the sanctions put on your father by the crime lord of the town. I also know about your father's condition."

Bharat said: "You knew! Then why didn't you come to meet with me or come to see my father even once in all this time?"

Pallavi said: "Bharat I will be very honest with you since you are my childhood friend. You must realize that things have drastically changed in the last two months. Your family's financial situation has gotten worse, and your dad is unable to find a legitimate job in this town, leaving you all practically bankrupt.

On the other hand, my dad is still one of the wealthiest businessmen in this town, and you are unable to even gain admission to any of the local colleges, let alone the esteemed Rajgarh College. Which I am enrolled in, but I was able to gain admittance to this college, so there is a significant gap between our statuses—like hell and paradise, really—so I believe we should call it quits now and move on with our lives, since it will be in our mutual best interests."

Bharat was shocked by Pallavi's words since he had never anticipated ending their relationship at this particular moment, when he most needed her affection and emotional support and didn't know how to respond to her. His life was spinning out of control.

Bharat said: "Pallavi we have made promises to each other of getting married and having kids so what about our promises which we made about marrying each other and then planning for the future and all?"

Pallavi said irritatedly: "Bharat don't act stupid or behave like a child. These are the promises which almost all the teenage couples make to each other but you should not take it seriously."

Bharat felt his heart was being torn apart as he clenched his chest trying to ease the pain he was feeling as he was devastated by the words and insults made by Pallavi.

While they were having this argument someone interrupted them from the back and pushed Bharat forcefully: "Hey you move away from my girlfriend. Pallavi is this guy bothering you."

Bharat was pushed back with quite a bit of force abruptly so he lost his balance and fell down as he was caught off guard. A tall well-built man with black jacket and leather pants was standing between them who looked to be very rich.

Pallavi said: "Dennis stop!! Don't bother him!! He is just one of the followers from my previous school. He will go away."

Dennis warned Bharat: "Listen to me very carefully as I am her boyfriend so I do not want to see you bothering her anymore as my dad is one of the mayors of this town so it will only take a minute for me to arrange people to beat you up."

Dennis was a popular kid in town who is one of those rich spoiled rude type of kid who spends a lot of money and goes to high class party with his friends because his dad is a mayor and had a lot of influence and money in Rajgarh Town so naturally Bharat knew about him however he was surprised to see that he was Pallavi's new Boyfriend. He did not know since when they were seeing each other. Probably since college started so that means Pallavi was cheating on him since she never broke up with him all this time and had another boyfriend.

Tears began to gather in the corners of Bharat's eyes as he began to get up, unable to speak due to his overwhelming anguish, as Dennis took Pallavi and drove off in his fancy car.

At this moment the commotion has already attracted the attention of quite a lot of people so Bharat controlled himself and went out of the college to avoid being more humiliated.