
Eternal Tvisi

Teenage Bharat and his family were forced to leave their ancestral home and relocate to a new city when the crime lord placed restrictions on them. As a result, his father was denied employment opportunities and he was not allowed to enroll in the local college. Additionally, Bharat's childhood sweetheart left him for another wealthy boy and this devastate Bharat. This book chronicles Bharat's journey to acquire superhuman strength and abilities and return to his hometown to reclaim his house and exact revenge for his family.

Samrat_Bharat · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 16: Grand Cultural University (GCU)

Grand Cultural University (GCU) was one of the most prestigious and popular universities of the Rajgarh Metro City and was situated at the heart of the city which was also one of the posh areas of the metropolis so the university was naturally very expensive. Only students from wealthy families could afford to enroll here as the students wore very expensive clothes and came in expensive cars. Furthermore, Grand Cultural University (GCU) students were extremely materialistic; if you were wearing expensive clothing or accessories, people would flock to you; otherwise, they wouldn't even glance at you because they had to associate with people who were either higher or on par with them in status.

Priya had been asked by her father to accompany Bharat to college, so they went together on his first day of classes. However, Priya could not bear to go with him and introduce him to her friends because she felt that since Bharat was from a small town and was relatively poor, he shouldn't know how to greet and mingle with people in modern society. Additionally, she felt that Bharat's simple attire would reflect poorly on her in the college, so she made the decision to confront Bharat about this issue.

Priya said: "Bharat Since you are new to the college and are unfamiliar with its customs, I would like to let you know that many people will not find you attractive because of the way you dressed for it. You wore some cheap jeans and a t-shirt. Thus, please refrain from introducing yourself to people as my brother or mentioning me when you are on campus to avoid damaging my reputation."

Bharat could understand the predicament of Priya very well so he agreed with Priya and entered the college separately by himself and did not mind Priya who went to meet with her group of friends.

Bharat's admission was handled by his uncle Mr. Bhaskar since he had already been informed by Mr. Brahma beforehand about their situation and that they will be coming here for Bharat's college admission. So all the admission procedures were already completed in advance by Mr. Bhaskar. Also Bharat was a bright student with good marks so he did not face any issue in admission since now there was no crime lord to put a sanction on Bharat's family.

Bharat was admitted in the first year of the school however he did not know exactly where his classroom was though there were directions mentioned on the way nonetheless it was still a bit confusing for a new student who came from an entirely different place so he decided to ask someone on the way.

Bharat saw a group of students standing in the college campus who were hanging around with each other so he decided to ask them.

Bharat said: "Excuse me! Hello guys I am Bharat and I am a new student here in my first year but I do not know the way to my class so can you guys help me by directing me to the correct way so that I can attend my classes."

The group of scholars looked at Bharat and immediately they got an impression that he is from a poor background and not from this city by the dress he was wearing and started to look at him disdainfully and after knowing that he was a new student their eyes started gleaming in excitement since they knew that now they had got a source of entertainment as this new student will have to go through ragging first since it was the tradition of Grand Cultural University (GCU) that every new student had to go through raging first.

A Boy said: "Did he just say he is looking to go to first year class so that means he is a student. But look at his clothes he seems to be so poor."

Another student said: "By the looks of it, if he cannot afford to buy decent clothes then how can he study in such a college."

A Girl said: "Ewww look at him, it seems his standard is so low that if he is with us then the prestige of our class and college will have a blow."

Another girl said: "Yes you are right he should not be allowed to enroll in our college. We should do something to teach this worm a lesson that he should know where to draw the line and should not try to get which is not in his reach. Probably his whole family will be sold on paying the fees of the college if he studies in this expensive college."

Mary who was one of the prettiest girls of the college who was considered to be one of the college belles whispered to her boyfriend: "Rahul look at this boy how could he expect to enter our college and stand among us with such low stature and appearance. I think you should do something about it."

Rahul responded to Mary: "Do not worry Mary, let me take this matter into my hands and just see how I deal with this worthless worm."

Rahul who was the leader of the group said: "Hello Bharat nice to meet you. Sure we can show you the way to first year classes however there is a rule in this college that whoever comes for the first time here has to go through the test which we decide for you."

Bharat asked: "What kind of test is this?"

Rahul said: "It's very simple and clear. You will just have to beat me in a two hundred meter sprint race".

Bharat asked again: "why should I take this test?"

Rahul replied: "You have to take this test to prove that you are worth getting admitted to our college and if you win you are free to enter however if you lose you have to do whatever we say or ask you to do in the college such as running naked in the whole college and similarly if I lose then I will comply to you so do you agree to this."

Rahul further explained: "Actually day after tomorrow our college is hosting a sprint competition in which competitors from other colleges will also participate and this sprint competition is actually very famous in Rajgarh Metro city since almost all the colleges participate in this and to top it all this year our college is hosting this competition so it is a big thing for us."

Rahul was the fastest runner in the college and he had also won state level medals for his university so he was very proud of himself for his running skill and with a look at Bharat and his physique which did not look that great and he thought that he could easily beat Bharat in sprint since due to Bharat's physique he did not look like he can win a race in sprint however Rahul had got trainings from one of the best coaches in the academy who designed a more effective training schedule for Rahul and created a nutrition plan for his physical development to help him become a better sprinter. The nutritionist used to charge high fees for their coaching and nutrition plan, but Rahul's parents didn't mind given that his father was a powerful and affluent businessman in the community and by looking at Bharat and his cheap clothes Rahul was very sure that this boy could never afford the kind of training and nutrition which he had received and could beat him easily.

Bharat was never into sprinting so he never developed his fitness in that way however he had a very normal physique since he used to do a bit of exercise which was the influence of his best friend Abhimanyu and his family who were from the military.

Bharat did not want to accept any challenges at this point of time however he had been forced to accept this challenge by these students since his parents who were in a financial crisis had already invested a lot of money for his admission so he cannot back off now and had to take up the challenge.

Bharat finally accepted the challenge and said: "I agree to your challenge."

After Bharat's response Mary was smiling cunningly since her boyfriend successfully crafted his plan to trap this new boy to be humiliated which will be good entertainment for her and then Rahul said: "Good so then it is decided. Bharat will also participate in the Sprint competition for this year."

Bharat said: "So now can you show me the way to the first year classroom."

Rahul said: "Sure I will guide you, come I will show you the way."

After saying that, Rahul started to guide Bharat to his class and the rest of the group followed behind them though they were enemies and competitors. Still Bharat went to class with them as he did not have any direction and had to depend on them.