
Eternal Parsing

In the heart of Southern Virginia, a fantasy world emerges where rebellion has overturned a government's rule. The people harness an enigmatic power called "aura," shattering the boundaries of the mundane world. Welcome to "Eternal Parsing," a captivating 200-chapter webnovel. Amidst this extraordinary realm, our protagonist, driven by his brother's heroic legacy, possesses a unique gift known as Sakusei. As one of the few bearers of this rare ability, he embarks on an arduous journey to honor his late sibling's sacrifice. Kyomu's selflessness had stirred hope not for personal gain, but to ensure his brother's survival. As secrets of the arcane aura system unravel, a spellbinding tale unfolds, filled with mystique and grandeur. Within city streets and the untamed wilds, the protagonist's quest for meaning intertwines with government defiance, magic, and extraordinary adventures. Eternal Parsing immerses readers in an unrelenting saga, where destiny and brotherhood unite, and the power of Sakusei resonates throughout the ages.

TensaProductions · Fantasy
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38 Chs

The Unpaid Debt

"Welcome, and good morning you three." Seikatsu murmurs in a soft tone, his gaze fixed on the trio, as he sits in his chair with a relaxed demeanor.

"It's beautiful outside isn't it, and to make it all better, the people of the Monark Regius are already up working early." Seikatsu remarks, his gaze fixed on the window as he observes the diligent activity of people bustling around the kingdom.

As Seikatsu finishes speaking, Double hasn't taken his eye off of Seikatsu yet. His eyes showing an expression filled with smoldering anger.

Reima tries to put her hand on Double's back to comfort him, but Double quickly takes her hand off.

"I don't trust you...these people listening without a care in the world. The thought that they can listen, and walk around here smiling. Oblivious to what's going on around them." Double remarks, looking Seikatsu in the eyes with a frustrated expression.

"You say that as if it's a bad thing." Seikatsu says, with one eye open and a smile on his face.

As Double finishes talking, Seikatsu's response makes Double's eyes widen in astonishment.

He walks up and slams his hand onto Seikatsu's desk. Seikatsu doesn't flinch though, and sits there unamused.

"What the hell do you mean is that a bad thing? Governing these people, and keeping them trapped inside this place. You think I'm stupid? I know that you're up to something." Double comments, glaring at Seikatsu with an angry expression.

"So...what you're telling me is that your ideals are a bad thing. You want to govern people, and turn the world into a place where people will finally work day and night shifts, live peacefully, and listen to the laws placed down by someone higher up, correct?" Seikatsu questions, continuing to keep the same expression on his face.

As Seikatsu finishes speaking, Double freezes up. Kazu walks beside Double, and looks Seikatsu in his eyes

As Seikatsu looks at Kazu with a serene and contented smile, Double begins taking a step back, giving Kazu more room.

"Look, nobody is here to have a discussion on who's beliefs are right and wrong. What we wanna know is what the hell is going on. Who are you, and why did Joki so willingly come with you?" Kazu asks, a quizzical expression etched across his face.

"It's not kind of you to discuss things about me when I'm not in the picture Kazu." Joki remarks, catching Kazu's attention.

As Kazu finishes talking, Joki walks into the room. He appears to be smiling, and looking well rested.

"Did you guys sleep well? And Kazu...it's nice to see you're finally awake." Joki remarks, striding past him.

"Cut the shit Joki, like I can even trust you a little here. Kashikoi was one thing, emotions got in the way of things, but then you bring us here. You won't even tell us about your connection to this man." Double says, unphased by Joki's calm and nice demeanor.

Double responds to Joki in a fit of rage, his gaze locked onto Joki, who looks at him with a nervous expression.

"He's an old friend Double, an old acquaintance actually. Me and Joki go way back, and if anything, you should be thankful to him. Joki had your best interest in mind coming here." Seikatsu murmurs, looking at Double with a serious expression.

As Seikatsu finishes talking, Reima walks up. Double tries to storm out of the room, but she grips Double's hand firmly.

Double attempts to pull away, yet the determined force she exerts makes it evident that she is unequivocally serious.

"Joki and your motives are none of our business. We are thankful that you decided to bring us in and help us. We would like a bit of extra information on this place, and for you to maybe explain things?" Reima asks, looking at Seikatsu with a forced smile.

"Hey! What gives you the right..." Double attempts to speak, but is quickly stopped by Reima.

"Shut up." Reima mutters under her breath, attempting to prevent Double from disrupting anything.

As Reima finishes speaking, Double tries to confront her, but Reima stops him in a ferocious manner.

"Truth be told, this place is the kingdom where I've gathered everyone together. A place where I find people of similar ideals, and they work together to make this place better." Seikatsu declares, looking in the direction of Reima.

Seikatsu begins to stand up, and looks outside his window. He begins touching the glass, and his serene smile fades away.

"There is no amount of work that can be done on the entire world, there is always a single individual who won't listen, and that single individual's ideals will spread throughout the world...like a virus." Seikatsu says, the calming voice that he maintained disappearing

"What if there was a single individual who tried to change the world back to how it was, and his ideals ended up spreading throughout the world like a virus...but in a good way?" Double asks with a calm voice, looking at Seikatsu with a serious expression.

Seikatsu, his once radiant face now clouded with sadness, finished speaking, his words began to hang heavy in the air. Double, in response, wore a calm expression, his hands clenched tightly into fists.

"You must be referring to yourself, your idea to change the world back to how it was. That's what Joki told me, though he didn't have such a respectful way of going about it like you did." Seikatsu says, chuckling slightly.

"Why exactly should I respect you?" Joki asks, annoyance etched across his face.

Joki responds to Seikatsu, Seikatsu begins to smile, and pace back and forth with his hands behind his back.

"You are not entitled to respect me, but you could at least quit it with your ignorance. You are here, and for that reason you could at least quit it with this nonsense. Does one need any more reasoning than that? All I ask is for your attention." Seikatsu asserts, a serious yet irritated expression etched across his face.


Everyone in the room drops silent as Seikatsu finishes his statement, they all begin to take a seat, and give their full focus to Seikatsu.

"You all came here, and the reason I would rather you stay is because we could use your help. We have enemies, and those enemies are trying to invade the kingdom my people help build. Their Reiki is a serious threat to us as well, they use abilities that even most of my security so far can't fathom." Seikatsu states, eyeing them with a combination of boredom and annoyance evident on his face.

"What the hell is Reiki?" Double questions, genuine confusion written across his face.

Seikatsu looks up in astonishment at Double's question. Everyone else looks in astonishment at Seikatsu in confusion.

"Your knowledge of Reiki is that little? Reiki is the energy you use to strengthen your attacks and use your abilities." Seikatsu says, confusion etched across his face.

"We called it aura this whole time." Kazu remarks.

Seikatsu begins to laugh at Kazu's remark.

"Reiki is the original name for this, and I assume your lack of knowledge of the name could only mean your Reiki is still tainted. Especially you Joki...The God of Technicality doesn't understand the full properties of Reiki? How interesting." Seikatsu remarks, taunting Joki with his words.

"You of all people shouldn't call me that, listen...I get that you are showing us hospitality, and you're right...without you Kazu and Double would be in bad shape. I'm still gonna have self respect though, we will help protect this kingdom the next time these enemies decide to invade, but after that our debt to you is paid!" Joki yells, locking eyes with Seikatsu.

As Joki raises his voice in response to Seikatsu, Kazu puts his shoulder on Joki pulling him back in order to calm him.

Seikatsu's gaze fell upon all four of them, his calm expression radiating an inexplicable sense of comfort.

"You are all dismissed. Tomorrow...I want you to meet the people who protect this kingdom. The Migaka, they are a group of wonderful warriors who will teach you a little more." Seikatsu says, lowering his head as if weariness takes hold.

The four of them nodded their heads, and began to walk outside of the building.

As they get outside, Kazu walks up to Reima to get her attention. Reima looks back at Kazu in confusion.

"So...who are you? I never got to ask that. We met you at the festival, but at the entrance was the last time I saw you." Kazu remarks, casting a curious gaze upon Reima.

"Oh um...my name is Reima. I'm glad you're okay. I apologize about what my father did to you. A man fixated with the idea of having more and more power...it drove him mad." Reima says softly, a nervous expression on her face from mentioning her father.

Kazu smiles in response to Reima, he taps her on the back and continues walking.

"If that sicko was your father, we should talk later. There's more I need to ask you. Goodbye for now Reima." Kazu says as he walks off into the distance.

As Reima mustered a timid smile and waved her hand goodbye, Double walks up next to her.

She remembers how she had let her nerves get the best of her, reacting aggressively and telling Double to shut up.

"Reima...why are you trying so hard to console me every single time there's a situation? What is your problem?" Double asks, annoyance etched across his face.

"I don't have a problem Double...I just don't like seeing you upset. You are already going through a lot, and you shouldn't let your emotions get the best of you." Reima hesitantly, her voice trembling.

"Oh shut the hell up, you don't know anything about my emotions or how I'm feeling. You decided to let us in that festival that day, and if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have had to fight that fight. You should have died that day, just like how your father lost his life." Double states, his voice trembling yet exuding a simultaneous air of confidence.

Reima jumps hearing the response from Double, as Double storms off, Reima cannot hold back the tears in her eyes.

Joki approached her, his gentle presence enveloping her as he gives her a warm embrace. As she drops to the floor under the weight of her sorrow, he gets on one knee beside her, offering his support.

"He didn't mean that...he's going through a tough time right now. I promise you he's not like that." Joki says calmly, trying to console Reima.

"I know...I'm trying my best to help, but I can do nothing at all. I feel so useless." Reima says as she begins to cry.