
Eternal Heartbound

{Mature content} "I'm afraid that your love for him shall be in vain" ********** He was her arrogant Mr, her bully!! She was his little bunny, the light to his intense darkness What happens when two different hearts meet in the most obnoxious way? And what happens when these two hearts are faced with tons of mysteries and secrets that are bound to break them even more?? Twenty years old Anxi tragically dies after being nearly sold by her foster parents, only to get reincarnated and transmigrated into the body of another, who surprisingly bore the same name as her. Unlike every reincarnated and transmigrated book she's come across ever since she was little, she never expected her's would be so different, waking up only to find herself in an expensive hotel room, dressed in a sexy nightwear. While in the middle of registering the whole commotion singing in her head, the air went cold and an unknown sexy hot stranger casually stepped into the room, except he had a mask on. His presence was enough to make the air around her take a sudden stand still as she was met by his crystal black eyes… Who is he? And most importantly, why is he wearing a mask? From then on, Anxi's life began to change drastically as she meets the CEO of Starcrest company who appointed her as his secretary but then refuses to let her out of his sight. She never realized crossing paths with this mysterious man was bound to change her life completely, opening her to a completely different world that she never knew existed, a world filled with danger, secrets, lies, mysteries, betrayal but everything as always….. comes with a price. The dark mysteries surrounding this unpredictable stranger and the truth about her sudden existence will surely come to light. With many obstacles trying to break apart two lonely hearts, what happens when they are left with no other choice but to point weapons at each other's faces?? #The laws attracted to desire has always been a powerful one# Hell-bent on finding out the main reason for her existence, she discovers something along the way, something that changes her mind completely, leaving her to take a decision that'll leave her shattered. Who knows, she might not even be shattered at all. #1 ~Duty comes before heart right? but my heart is bound to breaking those duties along with you.~ *************** Disclaimer: book cover isn't mine and every praise on the cover goes to the rightful owner Do bear with me as the beginning of the chp would be more of building up the characters, the main plot starts at chp 100 I do hope you stick around with me as I serve you with the most spiciest treats!! (^^) I've worked hard on this nvl and will need your loving and unconditional support to take it to the top >.

Sky_Li_9922 · Fantasy
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123 Chs

Remember This

Xandria got to her feet and turned around to look at her brother who barely even smiled at her, she was used to his cold tantics but what was he doing here?

Almost everyone at the bar was now staring at Xander, taken aback by his captivating charms and the ladies were on edge after coming across such a handsome being, biting their lips and passing him seductive stares which he barely noticed.

His gaze alone was enough to make them go wet, despite how cold and dangerous he looked, it only made him harder to resist.

"We were just celebrating." Xandria proceeded to explain the situation but he strode up to Anxi who was resting her head on the counter, dozing off slowly.

"Celebrating? She's half drunk!" Xander wasn't happy at the sight he witnessed, he was used to this dark side of his life including that of his sister, he was actually driving by when he noticed the car of his sister parked at the corner and actually came over to clarify she wasn't getting into any mischief but who knew he'd sight his little bunny in a bar, it certainly isn't a place for the innocent and mostly for her, he won't let her get dragged into this.

"Go home." He straightforwardly said to his sister while reaching to carry Anxi in his arms.

"But I have to take her home first."

"I'll take her home, you leave."

Xandria pouted in annoyance, she hates it when he bosses her around like this but there was certainly nothing she could do about it, angering her brother was the least thing on her mind right now.

At least she would feel at rest knowing Anxi was safe in her brother's hands.

She watched her brother pick the half drunk Anxi into his arms and walked out of the bar while glaring down at his little bunny, unable to hide his anger. Why did she even come here??

He took her into his Porsche car and got in as well, signaling the driver to drive to her place.

Anxi was half asleep, murmuring something irrelevant in her subconscious state and it irked Xander up leaving him in a more disgruntled mood.

"Shut it!! Of all the places you could have possibly chosen to celebrate, you picked a bar??"

He was totally displeased and he doesn't even know why her going to a bar bothered him that much.

what if those horny idiots at the bar did something to her, then what??

He couldn't even imagine anyone laying a finger on her. He'd give that person a slow and painful death If that ever happened.

Anxi's eyes slowly flickered open and she found herself staring at the handsome face of her CEO, her boss and a surprised smile formed on her lips.

"Boss, it's you!"

Xander tsked helplessly but didn't utter a word, Anxi barely even realized what she was doing, she was half drunk and couldn't think straight, her mind was just clouded by the handsome being who was right beside her.

He was still dressed in his suit except he had taken the jacket off and loosened his tie, a few buttons were undone providing a tantalizing view of his flawless chest and his beautiful collarbone was enough to make even the ladies envy.

"Has anyone told you it's illegal to look this good? You should be arrested for making the ladies lose half of their senses just by staring." She pouted, clearly annoyed by his charms.

He chose to ignore her which Anxi casually shrugged to.

She stared out through the window and her pupils dilated.

"Ah! We're moving! Does this mean we have some kind of superpower??"

"You really are drunk." He accentuated while feeling her forehead with the back of his palm, to him she was talking nonsense due to her drunken state.

His statement made her crease her brows in confusion and a slow panic was starting to build up on her cute face, like she just heard the most shocking news of her life.

"I'm drunk? My grandmother can't find out I got drunk….I…"

"Shhh." Xander placed a finger to her lips to shut her up, her constant whining was starting to annoy him but after placing his finger to her soft lips and meeting her baffled gaze, a sudden desire was starting to ignite at the depth of him just by staring at her small tempting fuchsia lips, he craved to taste them even if it's just once.

This strange desire..!. Why did he only feel it towards her???

"Silence." He whispered but wasn't expecting the baffled Anxi to reach out to him, claiming his lips at the last minute while wrapping her hands around his neck which startled Xander himself.

Anxi doesn't even realize exactly what she was doing, she was tempted to kiss the handsome being and decided to go for it.

Xander stiffened, feeling her soft lips pressed against his and didn't even move, he didn't respond either, hoping she'd retract on her step and move away before she falls into the devil's trap but when she started dropping tiny kisses on his lips, the desire which many has failed to awaken inside of him ignited just by the single touch of this woman's kiss and he grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her back to meet his lustful and dangerous gaze, only to press his lips hard against hers which made her eyes widen.

He forced her mouth apart and deftly slid his tongue in which sent his brain on a short circuit.

She tasted even sweeter than he had expected and it was maddening as he continued to finish her with kisses and tracing every line of her small mouth.

Anxi was still baffled by his wild response but she liked it, the unfamiliar sensation which surged through her body left her in daze at the new feeling, in fact, she wanted more of it, she's never been kissed before so experiencing this was quite thrilling to her.

Anxi could feel her heart hammering against her chest and there was barely any space left between their bodies as he wrapped his arms around her small waist, pulling her close, her small tongue clumsily trying to entangle itself with his but she didn't realize her response was only driving Xander insane.

From the way she kissed him, he knew it was her first time so he had to slow things down a bit.

Xander finally took the lead and raised her chin up with his fingers, guiding her tongue to move along with his, he pulled back for a brief moment and tilted his head the other way, Anxi did the same and their lips were locked once more.

Anxi was starting to get the hang of it until their lips were now moving in perfect sync, completely lost in an unwavering wave of pleasure and Xander felt the need to take her and make her his right here and now.

The driver gulped hard at the erotic scene happening behind the back of the seat as he secretly stared through the mirror, he doesn't want to but sometimes even our body parts betray us.

Xander held himself back and pulled away from her with a half groan, staring intensely at her flushed face as he tilted her small head up with a finger so she could meet his gaze which had already darkened with sinful intentions.

"Never test me, It could get dangerous for you if you dare to try that next time." His fingers trailed the softness of her face, her cheeks, her temples, down to her lovely throat, reaching further to the first button of her collar shirt and stealing a peak at her sexy cleavages, he felt her swallow hard making his lips curl up in satisfaction.

"Remember this."