
Eternal Harem

(Note1: For those who are curious about which world I have written till now, see the chapter list I always mention the name of the world in the chapter title. Note2: I'm not a professional writing nor I want to be, don't expect relationship development, my grammar and spelling mistakes might give you headache, I'm writing this on mobile and it's really pain in the ass. Those who are hardcore harem fans this may be treasure for you I guess hehe. Mc will visit many worlds but there will be only few chapters for each world. This ff is fully focused on waifu collection you have been warned.) This is the story of a man who died and finds him self in the void and he could not remember about him self he only remembered all the fictional work that he read and the games that he played. Then he meets One Above All. Find out how our mc Arch Elrod visits various fictional worlds and games to collect wifus and to have adventures. Mc will be manipulative he will steal wifus that he likes even from death. If mc likes a wifu but she have wrong personality or background he will change it as he see fit.(ex- Freya from danmachi) and yeah gender bland will be there too. Mc or me doesn't care about plot we only care about wifus. so those who likes plots or the original protagonists sorry there will be many changes you have been warned. Mc will be the doom of many male characters. Note: Manipulative and netori tags are not just for show you have been warned. Note2: I only own mc and maybe some oc, others characters are not mine. Note3: Those who likes and enjoy reading my ff thanks, if you don't give positive comments it's up to you but those who doesn't like it you can stop reading but please keep those negative comments to your self cause I want to keep my motivation to keep writing.

Jake_Makvana · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 72

Me and the newbie party arrived at the guild, Nia, Maya and Sara were still there seeing me come with the newbie party they showed happy expression.

Saya: "*blush* Welcome back."

Maya: "*blush* You really saved them."

Nia: "*blush* I thank you for your hard work please come with me to report what happened there so we can make some proper decision to prevent this kind of things in the future."

Arch: "Sure."

I nodded and went with her to the upper floor of the guild other girls were still had their eyes on me till I left.

I met with an middle aged man and talked with him regarding what happened after half an hour left the room.

Sara was talking with the newbie and she was consoling the warrior he was in better state than before. When they saw me coming the warrior came forward and bowed to me.

Warrior: "Thank you very much for saving us, if you have not came at the right time... because of my foolishness me and my teammates would have died I thank you again."

All three girls also bowed and thanked me.

Arch: "*smile* It's fine as long as you are alive, you can learn from your mistakes."

Warrior: "Yes but...I decided to go back to my village and devote myself to develop the village I already talked this with my teammates."

Arch: "Well if that's what you decided then let me give you this."

I gave him few hundred gold coins.

He along with the girls widened their eyes when the warrior opens the bag that I gave him. When he was about to refuse I quickly said.

Arch: "Don't even think of refusing you should know this much is nothing and consider this a donation to improve your village."

His eyes became a little teary and he said thanks then after some talking he left saying his goodbye to me and the girls.

Arch: "What about you girls?"

Kotori: "We ah umm.."

They wanted to say something but couldn't say it.

Arch: "Wanna join my team then?"

They widened their eyes in surprise and disbelief.

Ishiga: "A-are you sure? we are just 10th rank adventurer and newbies at that while you are 3rd rank adventurer."

Yui: "Yeah we'll only be hindrance to you."

Arch: "Don't worry about that you'll be stronger eventually."

Yui: "Well if you really don't mind then."

She looked towards the other two and they nodded then they looked towards me and bowed slightly and said 'Please take care of us.'

While Maya and Sara were looking towards us with smiling faces and with bit of jealousy. At this time we heard two voice one by one.

??: "*blush* Ara~ It seems interesting I'd like to join your party too can I?"

??"*blush* Me too, if you don't mind I want to join your party too."

As I turned around to see I saw two beautiful ladies, one woman has yellow eyes, long purple hair, and a voluptuous body wearing a witch's attire. She is Amanda(oc) the Witch.

Other girl has long blond hair, purple eyes wearing a Knight armor. She is Rachel(oc) The female Knight.

Well, I had to pull few strings to let them join my newly formed party.

Arch: "Sure I'll be honored to have two more beautiful lady in my party."

They both blushed and smiled. Suddenly I heard a voice filled with a bit of jealousy.

Nia: "My oh my you already have five beauties in your party not to mention two of them are famous 3rd ranked adventures, aren't you lucky Tch."

Arch: "Thank yo.. Oi did you just clicked your tongue?"

Nia: "My how can I, you must have heard it wrong Tch."

Saya: "Tch"

Maya: "Tch"

Arch: "*ahem* Ok how about I treat you girls to dinner when you three are free from work."

Nia, Maya & Saya: "Really!!?"

Nia: "*ahem* Since you want to treat us then so be it, how about 4 days later as we'll have holiday."

Arch: "Sounds good should we go out or should I cook for you?"

Sara: "You can cook!!?"

Arch: "Yeah my cooking skill is quite good hehe."

Maya: "That we'll see."

Rachel: "*blush* C-can we Join too?"

Arch: "Of course silly aren't we in the same party already, I'll cook for you girls whenever you want."

All five of them got exited and happily nodded.

Amanda: "Fu Fu can't wait to taste your cooking."

She said while licking her lips seductively. While the three receptionists were again dissatisfied.

Arch: "Naturally that goes for you three as well."

Nia: "Ok then we'll hold you on that."

Three of them got happy and nodded.

After some small talk I along with my newly formed team left the guild, I have created a big mansion near the forest of the city.

Arch: "So girls do you have any house in the city or do you live in the Inn?"

They all answered that they live in the Inn. So I suggested them to come live with me. They all got surprised with my suggestion after some thoughts they agreed.

Amanda: "Well if you aren't bothered by us they I don't mind."

Arch: "Alright let me take you to your new house."

They all happily nodded, after some time we arrived at a big luxurious looking mansion.

Yui: "My god! you must be a rich noble to have such mansion."

Kotori: "Let's go have a look."

Arch: "Let me guide you girls."

I showed them various parts of the Mansion.

Rachel: "My there is a training ground as well this will be my favorite place."

Hearing her me and the girls laughed.

Rachel: "*pout* Hmph"

Arch: "Alright, Alright let me show you the bathing area. This mansion have a open bath naturally divided for male and female."

Hearing me all the girls got happy and pushed me to quickly show them. We arrived at the open big bathhouse I also have shampoo and soup as I told them how to use it, they all got really existed that they wanted to try it right now.

Rachel: "*blush* What are you waiting for go we want to take bath and no peeping."

Amanda: "*blush* Ara~ I don't mind if you want to see it fu fu."

All the girls blushed.

Rachel: "*blush* Amanda!!"

Arch: "Alright you girls take your time, I'll bath on the male area then I'll cook something for you so take your time and enjoy the bath."

They happily nodded and I left the towards the male bathing area and took a bath. Then I went towards the kitchen and started cooking after half an hour I finished cooking and served it on the dining table and waited for the girls to come, after few minutes they came when they smelled the aroma of the food they drooled and quickly took the sit then started enjoying the food while of course moaning.

They all had Red faces from embarrassment and glared at me.

Rachel: ' I came just from eating the food, so shameful.'

Amanda: ' Amazing! it seems I did not choose the wrong guy, I waited for so long for a partner and finally he is sitting right in front of me, he has the looks, power and also wealth and most important thing is his personality is the really good even after have so many good quality he doesn't show any arrogance,

Well he do seem like a playboy who goes after many girls but I have a good ability to judge a person and I'm sure my future with him will be lovely fu fu I can't wait."

We finished eating and the girls again went towards the bathhouse while glaring at me with blushing face.

Arch: "Ha ha It's not my fault."

Yui: *blush* Hmph"

They quickly left the place while awkwardly walking, while I was suppressing my laughter. After they left I burst out in laughter.

Arch: "Pfttt hahahah."

Rachel: " *blush* That hateful guy."

Amanda: "*blush* Ohh come on you too enjoyed his cooking right? he got the looks and he also knows how to cook, he'll be a good husband."

All the girls looked at her with blushing faces.

Amanda: "Fu Fu do you think I won't notice your intentions to tell you the truth we are in the same boat."

Ishiga: "I knew it, if you guys are in the competition how can someone like me have a chance?"

Amanda: "Don't worry dear, strong and capable man like him can have as many woman as he wishes to."

They started taking about the topic while bathing. Just like this four days have passed and the girls got along well with each other Me, Amanda and Rachel would train Yui and other two girls.

In the evening I went to get the three receptionists girls and brought them to my Mansion.

Nia: "You are a rich guy I see."

Arch: "Come on let's go inside"

They nodded and followed me inside. Other girls welcomed them and took them to show the Mansion while me and Rachel went inside the kitchen to cook, these girls take turn to accompany me in the kitchen to help me cook and today it's Rachel's turn.

We started cooking and talking with each other and after some time we served the food on the table.

Nia and the girls also came back and sat at the dining table.

Sara: "*gulped* seems delicious."

Nia and Maya nodded while gulping and tried to take a bite but they noticed something was off.

Nia: "Why are you girls looking at us like that?"

Amanda: "Ohh it's nothing we just want to see your reaction that's all."

Nia and other two raised their eyebrows. Thy ignored them and took a bite but as soon as they did they moaned they quickly covered their mouth with their hands.

Nia: "*blush* T-This food is Heavenly."

Other two just nodded, Amanda and other girls giggled.

Yui: "Haha you'll get used to it."

They started enjoying the food but they also moaned.

Few days have passed I went out with Nia, Maya and Sara and I also went out with Rachel, Amanda and other girls. We developed and strengthen our relationship in these few days, Nia and other two would always come in the evening even if they don't have any holiday to enjoy my clocking.

One evening I told them that I wanted to discuss something with them and passed the necessary information to them after digesting the information they all happily agreed to be my wives and had their first kisses and and first time.

I did not cross the line with Yui, Kotori and Ishiga as they are still 15 or 16 years old but I did use my 'tongue art' hehe.