
Eternal Harem

(Note1: For those who are curious about which world I have written till now, see the chapter list I always mention the name of the world in the chapter title. Note2: I'm not a professional writing nor I want to be, don't expect relationship development, my grammar and spelling mistakes might give you headache, I'm writing this on mobile and it's really pain in the ass. Those who are hardcore harem fans this may be treasure for you I guess hehe. Mc will visit many worlds but there will be only few chapters for each world. This ff is fully focused on waifu collection you have been warned.) This is the story of a man who died and finds him self in the void and he could not remember about him self he only remembered all the fictional work that he read and the games that he played. Then he meets One Above All. Find out how our mc Arch Elrod visits various fictional worlds and games to collect wifus and to have adventures. Mc will be manipulative he will steal wifus that he likes even from death. If mc likes a wifu but she have wrong personality or background he will change it as he see fit.(ex- Freya from danmachi) and yeah gender bland will be there too. Mc or me doesn't care about plot we only care about wifus. so those who likes plots or the original protagonists sorry there will be many changes you have been warned. Mc will be the doom of many male characters. Note: Manipulative and netori tags are not just for show you have been warned. Note2: I only own mc and maybe some oc, others characters are not mine. Note3: Those who likes and enjoy reading my ff thanks, if you don't give positive comments it's up to you but those who doesn't like it you can stop reading but please keep those negative comments to your self cause I want to keep my motivation to keep writing.

Jake_Makvana · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 71

After finishing our hot activity and taking proper break me and my girls left the space, outside of that separate space only one hour had passed it was night time already I can sense those goblins were few km. away from the village and was approaching this way.

Arch: "So girls shall we hunt some goblins?"

Maria: "With pleasure."

All the girls nodded we left the house and my girls took different directions to deal with the goblins as those damn green things were too many and seems like they want to surround the village.

I too quickly headed forward with my Katana, within 1 second I arrived in front of the hord of goblins with few hobgoblins among them, these goblins are way uglier than the goblins in the dungeon of my Eternal world. Even though I changed their target from female to male but it still pisses me that these filthy things could ruin the lives of my current and future wives like the sword maiden.

Seeing a man suddenly arrived in front of them the goblins firs got scared then they showed their hostility and ran towards me with their weapons.I unsheathe my Katana and looked at them coldly sensing my killing intend the goblins froze from fear.

I smirked and ran towards them while swinging my Katana, with each swing one goblin's head would fall spraying their green filthy blood like fountain from their headless bodies. Seeing the little goblins being easily killed by me those hobgoblins took action. They had rusty swords with them probably they looted from those poor adventures who fell victims to them.

One hobgoblin ran towards me while raising his sword to cut me from my shoulder I just stood there and took that attack head on.


A metallic voice rang out, the hobgoblin was in a bit daze then he gritted his teeth and roared and continue to slash me like crazy.

*clang* *clang* *clang*

Seeing there was no effect on me the other hobgoblins also joined.

*clang* *clang* *clang* *clang*

But their rusty blade didn't even cut my clothes. I looked at them and smiled coldly, Seeing this the goblins got scared and slowly took few steps back and started to run. Hobgoblins were also shivering and took few steps back and they were about to run but my Katana already claimed their heads. Good thing I have the invincible barrier so their filthy blood didn't affect me.

I then focused on the remaining goblins, I quickly vanished from my place and in the next moment the heads of the goblins were falling on the ground they didn't even got the chance to scream. Now there were 12 goblins and a hobgoblin survived suddenly I got and idea i looked at them and smiled they shivered as I looked at them.

I teleported them to to a separate space and released Countless Mil-tans on them for Mil-tans every hole of those goblins and hobgoblin will be their goal.

Arch: "I believe this is what they say 'Taste of their own medicine.' hehe, Rejoice all the males of the village I literally saved your asses."

After the goblins died from the excessive work this space will be destroyed along with everything inside, I also got rid of the corpe of the goblins. I then teleported back to Maria's house all the girls were already there.

Tia: "Enjoyed the hunt? Cause I sure did hehe."

Emi: "Me too."

Kara: "Me three, I smashed theirs heads with my hammer."

Arch: " Good job girls, did you got rid of their corpse."

Maria: "Yes, I also got the loot as well."

Me and my girls looked at her.

Maria: "What? it's an old habit, besides we also have to show it to the villagers that the goblins are dead right?"

We nodded, let her deal with that matter. After few days I headed towards the City where the adventures's Guild is. As for my girls they decided to stay in the village as it is their birth place and they have some attachment with the villagers.

So they decided to strengthen the village defense as well as teach how to fight to those who are capable and also increase the education level of the villagers, naturally they can use their powers to just instantly finish everything but they prefer the normal approach.

There are 10 ranks in Adventurer's Guild, the lowest being the 10th rank while the highest being the 1st rank. I already used my powers register my self as a 3rd rank adventurer.

On my way I encountered few goblins and wolves I too tried to get the loot from them but it's too troublesome so I make it like a game that monsters I kill their drop will automatically be stored in my inventory.

Arriving in the city the guards asked me for identify proof so I showed them my rank 3 Adventurer's plat. After entering the city I quickly headed towards the Adventures's Guild, it has few counters managed by guild receptionist and a big bord that contains many quests like collecting herbs, hunting monsters from weak monsters like goblins and wolves to a strong monsters like Dragons and Demon Lord.

I saw two beautiful guild receptionists one has Dark blond hair and golden eyes she is Sara(oc- Guild receptionist) and other has light blond hair and blue eyes she is Maya (oc- Guild receptionist's Colleague). I went closer to Sara, she also noticed me as she froze while staring at me with a blushing face.

Arch: "Hello, my name is Arch, do you have any quest related to goblins."

But she didn't answer me as she was busy staring at me.

Maya: "Why did you froze partner answer him eh?!"

Maya tried to help Sara but she too froze when she saw me. Suddenly we heard a voice.

??: "Why are you two not working eh!?"

She too froze when she saw me, I saw the beauty who spoke she has black eyes, short black hair with a bang that covers one of her eye, slender body and she is wearing a black suit overall a cool beauty she is Nia(oc) the Senior guild receptionist.

Arch: "*Ahem*"

Before things get awkward I quickly let them out of their daze as they are few adventures present her otherwise I would have enjoyed their cute reaction more.

Nia: "*blush* Ohh my apologies."

Sara: "*blush* Ahh i-im sorry."

Maya: "*blush* So handsome that it is a sin."

She said in a low voice that no one could hear but I certainly did heard it hehe.

Arch: "So is there any quest related to goblins?"

Sara: "*blush* Yeah there was but four newbies took the quest."

Nia: "Newbies?!"

Sara: "Yeah even tho I told them that it's dangerous for newbie but the leader of that party didn't listen to me."

Maya: "*sign* Why do they throw their precious like like a fool I wonder?"

Nia: "*sign* They underestimate the horror of those goblins, let's just hope that they don't die."

Arch: "Shall I help?"

These girls got surprised when they heard me, Nia quickly glanced at my Adventurer's plate, she widened her eyes and she saw my 3rd rank plate.

Nia: "Are you sure?"

Arch: "Yeah don't worry I'll bring them back alive."

Sara: "Really!! thank you very much."

Nia: "But there won't be any reward for you if you do that."

Arch: "What are you saying lessening the worries of three beauties is already my reward."

All three of them blushed hard, I started walking outside of the guild.

Arch: "Be right back."

Nia, Maya & Sara : "*blush* Be careful."

I nodded with a smiling face, the few adventures that noticed this burned with jealousy thinking 'why cant we have the same treatment damn it.'

Nia: "*blush* He has good personality 'Not to mention the godly look *gulped*' "

Sara & Maya: "*blush* Yeah"

Nia: "Alright girls get back to work."

After leaving the city I quickly teleported near the cave of goblins where those newbies went, well those newbies includes my future waifus as well so how can I let them suffer.

Inside the cave there were four Adventurers three female and one male. One of the female has short red hair and green eyes her attire is of wizard her name is Kotori(oc).

Other girl has long black hair and black eyes her attire is of a fighter she is Ishiga(oc).

And the third girl has long blond hair and blue eyes her attire is of a Priestess she is Yui(oc).

And there is the boy, the fool leader who doesn't know his capabilities and risked his party's life with his foolishness. They were already inside the cave and those goblins were slowly approaching them, I used [Stealth] and followed them I didn't kill those goblins as I want to let that fool of a leader experience the hopeless situation that could happen with his foolishness.

??: "Grrr"

Yui: "Did you hear that?"

Ishiga: "Yeah seems like goblins are coming."

Kotori: "Come on let's take formation."

The other two girls nodded.

Warrior: "Haha what are you guys worried about? they are just weak little goblins watch me kill them with a single swing of my sword haha."

He laughed and ran towards the goblins like a fool and broke the formation.

Kotori: "You fool don't break the formation, how will I and Yui get the time to cast our spells?"

Warrior: "Haha don't worry you guys don't have to use your spells on these weaklings."

As he said that he swung his sword horizontally and slashed the goblin successfully killing a goblin.

Warrior: "Haha see that?"

Ishiga: "Reminde me to beat some sense to this guy when we get out of here."

She said while kicking a goblin and killing the came towards them.

Yui: "Ah haha"

Yui laughed awkwardly. At the same time some goblins came from behind to harm the girls but I quickly dealt with them. The fool warrior raised his sword above his head to slash the goblin while laughing like a maniac.


Warrior: "Huh?"

When he was about to hit the goblin his sword hit the ceiling of the cave. The goblins took this chance and pinned him on the ground and tore his leather armor, when the girls tried to help him few goblins ran towards them and kept them busy.

Arch: ' *sigh* '

I deactivated my [Stealth] and picked up a stone and threw it to the goblins who was trying to got rid of the pants of the warrior.


I blasted the head of that goblin and successfully drew the attention towards me. I quickly drew my Katana and started to cut of the heads of the goblins I also make sure not to hit the walls of the cave with my Katana.

The girls looked at me in daze with blushing faces while the warrior? I think he got traumatized even though the goblins didn't started their act thanks to me.

Within few seconds i got rid of the goblins and a hobgoblin as well.

Yui: "*blush* thanks for saving us."

Kotori: "*blush* Yeah thanks you saved us."

Ishiga: "*blush* Yes I can't even imagine what would have happened if you didn't came."

I smiled and nodded after I headed towards the warrior who was sitting on the ground with lifeless eyes. I shook my head and covered his body with a blanket.

Arch: "You three take him and wait outside the cave."

They nodded their head and took the guy and started to walk outside the cave.

Yui: "*blush* Be careful."

I smiled and nodded, when they left I went deep inside the cave and killed all the goblins. I saw a little cave which was covered with a wooden door as I opened it I saw a man tied with chains and few little goblins sitting in the corner.

Arch: "Ahh well nature takes it's place but it's still uncomfortable."

I quickly killed the man as he already lost hope on life and then trew a flam inside the little cave which burned his body along with those little goblins, the goblins screamed for few seconds then turned in to ash.

I then left the cave, outside the cave the three girls were waiting anxiously when they saw me they showed happy and relieved expression.

Kotori: "*blush* Are you ok?"

Arch: "Yes, let's go back to guild and report this, but you guys made a big mistake underestimating these goblins they have huge advantage inside the cave if you are not well prepared you would stuffer a terrible consequences fortunately I arrived in time."

Warrior: "I-im sorry *sniff* Its because of me *sniff*"

Kotori: "*sigh* You are not the only one that is at fault, we should have disagree with your decision 'even tho we did but you didn't listen to us.' "

Ishiga: ' I disagreed with him but he didn't listen but well he is at critical situation so it's better not to push it, *blush* but thanks to this handsome guy we are alive"

Yui: ' I just became a adventures today but this guy came to me with a foolish grin on his face saying to join them for this quest and I nearly died on my first ever quest *sign* but fortunately *blush* fortunately this handsome man came to save us like a Knight in the shining armor.' "

After some time we arrived at the city and naturally i flirted with the three ladies along the way, as for the warrior he fell asleep on the horse carriage that I told them that I bought it with me.