
Eternal Harem

(Note1: For those who are curious about which world I have written till now, see the chapter list I always mention the name of the world in the chapter title. Note2: I'm not a professional writing nor I want to be, don't expect relationship development, my grammar and spelling mistakes might give you headache, I'm writing this on mobile and it's really pain in the ass. Those who are hardcore harem fans this may be treasure for you I guess hehe. Mc will visit many worlds but there will be only few chapters for each world. This ff is fully focused on waifu collection you have been warned.) This is the story of a man who died and finds him self in the void and he could not remember about him self he only remembered all the fictional work that he read and the games that he played. Then he meets One Above All. Find out how our mc Arch Elrod visits various fictional worlds and games to collect wifus and to have adventures. Mc will be manipulative he will steal wifus that he likes even from death. If mc likes a wifu but she have wrong personality or background he will change it as he see fit.(ex- Freya from danmachi) and yeah gender bland will be there too. Mc or me doesn't care about plot we only care about wifus. so those who likes plots or the original protagonists sorry there will be many changes you have been warned. Mc will be the doom of many male characters. Note: Manipulative and netori tags are not just for show you have been warned. Note2: I only own mc and maybe some oc, others characters are not mine. Note3: Those who likes and enjoy reading my ff thanks, if you don't give positive comments it's up to you but those who doesn't like it you can stop reading but please keep those negative comments to your self cause I want to keep my motivation to keep writing.

Jake_Makvana · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 22 Cleaning Some Trash

Taking a good rest after my fun time with the Vampire Loli, she explained that she wanted to test our strength that's why she arranged the had a hand in the fight with tiger guy.

She then meet up with Kuro and Jin along with Asuka, Yuu and Shirayuki.

Kuro and Jin were old friends with Leticia, they talked with each other while watching Shirayuki and Leticia with jealousy.

Kuro: "By the way Arch, Kuro wants to know just what the hell is happening here?"

She said with irrigation, Asuka and the girls too were given us the same gaze, because right now Leticia in her Loli form was sitting on my lap while I was patting her head and Shirayuki was sitting on my left side burying my hand between her big boobs while leaning her head on my shoulder.

I just smiled at her, then Leticia said to me that

Leticia: "Arch, you should go outside I want to talk something with them."

I then went outside as i had the idea of what will be the topic of their talk, after some time I felt presence of few people coming towards us flying.

I quickly teleported in front of them used my power to manipulate their memories and gave them a statue of Leticia making them believe that they got her, I teleported back to where the girls were.

Kuro: "What happened?"

Arch: "*smile* well the person that was the previous master of Leticia, sent few people to take her back, but i used some tricks to make them believe they got Leticia back."

Hearing this asides from Leticia and Shirayuki all of the girls got surprised, they looked at each other and nodded.

Asuka: " *blush* A-Arch, we heard few things from Leticia and Shirayuki, and after discussing with each other we decided that we too want to make that contact with you."

Yuu & Jen Nodded with a blush.

Kuro: "*blush* Kuro too a-agrees with that."

Arch: "*smile* well, be aware that this is one way road, there is no turning back you will forever be stuck with me."

They nodded firmly, I grabbed Kuro from her waist, and kissed her using my tongue, her body glowed but she was too shocked to react, I kissed her for few minutes then separated our lips, she was blushing heavily her eyes were spinning and smoke was coming out of her head while her hair turned pink.

I then Kissed Asuka then Yuu and then Jen, then after some talking me, Asuka, Yuu and Kuro went towards Thousand Eyes.

Leticia stayed here as she will be hiding here, through even if they knew she was here, nothing will happen that I can't handle.

We headed towards the Thousand Eyes, there we found Shiroyasha and a Guy named Laius Perseus, who will soon die.

Currently we were sitting in front of Shiroyasha and Perseus.

Perseus: " So, you people are the famous 'No Names' huh."

He said in a mocking tone, then his gaze turned towards Kuro, the moment he tried to ogle her, I released a bit of my aura as well as my killing intend, my eyes were also glowing red, the only affected one was that guy.

Arch: "Mind your gaze mister."

My simple words made his whole body shiver, he gulped his saliva and started to sweat while looking at me with horror, Kuro got surprised and became happy as I stood up for her, and other girls especially Shiroyasha got surprised.

I removed my pressure on him, he was breathing heavily.

Arch: "Now lets talk about business, you have our friend to your side while I have a thing that you will definitely like."

As I said that a box appeared in my hands, I opened the box which revealed a shiny Pearl, this is just a normal Pearl but I manipulated his mind making him believe that this is the most precious thing that he needs in his life, seeing this Pearl he gulped and looked at this Pearl with greedy eyes.

All the girls looked at the Pearl with curious gazes.

Arch: "So, how about we bet Using freedom of Leticia and this Pearl, And I have another Pearl with me but we have to add an extra bet as well."

As I said that another box with a Pearl appeared in my hand, watching this his eyes widen as if he was ready to snatch these Pearls.

Shiroyasha: "*Ahem* Perseus, do mind your actions."

Perseus: "Alright, speak what is the bet?"

Arch: "*Smile* one Pearl for Leticia and...one Pearl is for your life."

As I said that my eyes glowed a bit, all the girls along with Perseus got surprised,then he gritted his teeth, after a while he agreed and left, normally he would not agree to such terms but with my manipulation it went smoothly.

Shiroyasha: "So, what is the Pearl that he was looking at it like his life was depending on it?"

She looked at me with curiosity, I smiled and throw the Pearl towards Shiroyasha, she inspected it for a while and said,

Shiroyasha: "It's beautiful aside from that it's looks normal."

Arch: "*Smile* That's because it is normal Pearl."

She widened her eyes in surprise.

Shiroyasha: "Pffff hahaha boy, you really are something, to make that guy bet even his life using a simple Pearl, don't you think you'll be in trouble?"

Arch: "No, I'll be fine besides its his fault for not checking if the Pearl had any value or not hehe."

Shiroyasha: "Hahaha true, Ohh dear he is in for it for sure hahaha."

She was laughing while rolling on the floor, she looks so cute.Kuro and others girls laughed too.

We headed back to home where Leticia and other was waiting, when they heard about what happened, all three of them were laughing and Leticia was laughing while holding her tummy, while having few tears in her eyes for laughing too much.

Leticia: "Ohh dear I so wanted to see his face when he got tricked hahaha."

Arch: "You want to see it, here you go."

I snapped my fingers and a hologram Screen appeared showing the video of what happened earlier, They watched the video and started laughing.

Next day, Me, Asuka, Yuu and Kuro went for the Gift battle with Perseus, As we arrived there we found a scroll that stated the bet and conditions of the battle, the conditions were to reach for Perseus and defeat him.

We quickly went inside and the girls took on the mobs while I was heading for the boss, after few minutes I reached at an arena, I heard the voice of the bastard.

Perseus: "Well well well never knew you will reach here this quick, well no matter this is where you die hahaha."

He snapped his fingers and a scary looking woman with blue hair and red eyes came in the middle of arena then she roared, but just as she opened her mouth I threw my crystalized blood in her mouth, her body glowed and a beautiful woman with long blue hair and blue eyes came in to view,

She after a minute adjusted her self, looked at me smiled with tears in her eyes bowed a little and thanked me.

I went near her hugged her, she first got surprised then hugged me back.

Arch: "You suffered enough, don't worry I'll make you happy from now on."

She then started crying in my embrace, while we were having our emotional moment, a certain bastard had a look of disbelief on his face, then he gritted his teeth and started yelling.

Perseus: "What the fuck is happening?!! what did you do bastard!?!, And you bitch you are my slave why are you hugging him? obey me and kill that bastard already"

Algol: "Master.."

Arch: "You can call me Arch."

Algol: "Mmm, Arch can I kill that bastard please?"

Arch: "*smile* Yes you can but make sure to torture that bastard probably ok?"

Algol: "Mmm I will."

Perseus: "W-wait, you are my slave you can't hurt me, wait Ahhhh stoop Ahhh."

She began torturing him and it continued for an hour.

Perseus: "P-please stop no more please."

Then she delivered final blow killing him then burning his body, Algol was fully covered in blood of Perseus, I used magic to clean her and changed her clothes. She smiled and we head back to other girls.