
Eternal Harem

(Note1: For those who are curious about which world I have written till now, see the chapter list I always mention the name of the world in the chapter title. Note2: I'm not a professional writing nor I want to be, don't expect relationship development, my grammar and spelling mistakes might give you headache, I'm writing this on mobile and it's really pain in the ass. Those who are hardcore harem fans this may be treasure for you I guess hehe. Mc will visit many worlds but there will be only few chapters for each world. This ff is fully focused on waifu collection you have been warned.) This is the story of a man who died and finds him self in the void and he could not remember about him self he only remembered all the fictional work that he read and the games that he played. Then he meets One Above All. Find out how our mc Arch Elrod visits various fictional worlds and games to collect wifus and to have adventures. Mc will be manipulative he will steal wifus that he likes even from death. If mc likes a wifu but she have wrong personality or background he will change it as he see fit.(ex- Freya from danmachi) and yeah gender bland will be there too. Mc or me doesn't care about plot we only care about wifus. so those who likes plots or the original protagonists sorry there will be many changes you have been warned. Mc will be the doom of many male characters. Note: Manipulative and netori tags are not just for show you have been warned. Note2: I only own mc and maybe some oc, others characters are not mine. Note3: Those who likes and enjoy reading my ff thanks, if you don't give positive comments it's up to you but those who doesn't like it you can stop reading but please keep those negative comments to your self cause I want to keep my motivation to keep writing.

Jake_Makvana · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 21 Claiming Two Waifus.

After explaining things, Shiroyasha took us to her personal space called 'Game Board' She told us that she wanted to test us.

A Griffin came, Yuu looked at it with sparkling eyes, she volunteer to ride it the ride went smoothly as the Griffin was less prideful, thanks to my invincible pressure. Yuu got Griffin's ability saying it is the power of friendship.

Then Shiroyasha gave us cards Called 'Gift cards'

it shows our gifts that we possess, my gift card was void like and there is unknown written on it.

Shiroyasha and the others got surprised and Shiroyasha smile at me meaningfully.

After that, we went back to community, Kuro and the girls went to take a bath while I too went to other bath, after few minutes I sensed Someone coming in the bath that I was in, it was Shirayuki.

Shirayuki: "*blush* M-master I'm here to wash your back."

Arch: "Hmmm, sure if you want to,then go ahead."

She was covering her body with towel while her face was completely red, I set down on the mini stool, she used a body soap with her hand on my back then suddenly i felt very soft sensation on my back, she started to massage my back with her big soft boobs.

Shirayuki: "*blush* M-master how does it feel."

Arch: "It feels really good but you know being my maid does not mean that you have to do this kind of things."

Shirayuki: "No, I do this because I want to make my master happy, the moment I lost to you I decided to dedicate my whole life to you."

I smiled and grabbed her hand and hugged her.

Shirayuki: "Kyaaa!, *blush* M-master?"

I smiled while enjoying her soft boobs on my chest, I looked into her eyes and said.

Arch: "So, you want to be my woman huh?"

She blushed and with a 'Mmm' sound buried her face on my chest, I chuckled and then held her face then slowly moved my lips towards hers.

She closed her eyes, we both kissed each other and the moment my saliva got inside of her mouth her body glowed, she widen her eyes then closed it and started enjoying the kiss.

While we were enjoying the kiss I sensed some presence a bit far from the community, coming towards us, I used my powers to make all the intruders to sleep and teleported them far away.

I quickly created Time, sound, and defensive barrier in the bath so that no one can disturb us.

(lemon start)

After few minutes of kiss we separated our lips, Shirayuki looked at me and smiled, I kissed her again then started to suck her juicy boobs while occasionally gently biting, her hard pink nipples.

Shirayuki: "Ahhh mmm"

I moved down to her pussy, spread her pussy lips and inserted my tongue inside.

Shirayuki: "Ohhh that feel so good master."

I licked her pussy till she came.

Shirayuki: "Ahhh❤️"

I positioned and thrust my dick broke her barrier and after some time started moving from slow to fast, while kissing and massaging her boobs.

Shirayuki: "Ahhh Coming❤️"

She came again, we continued our activity for few hours, then cleaned our selves enjoyed the bath and went to our own rooms.

(lemon end)

Next day we went to fight the gift battle with the tiger guy, the place was looking creepy.

Kuro pointed out a scroll that has description of the gift battle as well as the conditions that tiger guy mentioned.

The condition was we can not use our gifts in this battle and only one person can participate.

Yuu: "Arch, can I handle this game please?"

I smiled at her and patted her head, she blushed.

Arch: "No, leave this game to me, I'm not underestimating you or anything but I heard what that guy did to many children so I want to handle this matter personally."

She and others nodded, we found the villa, Thanks to Yuu and her friends, when we arrived there I alone went inside of the Villa while others stand at the entrance.

After walking inside the Villa for some time I saw a big white tiger made an entry with a roar.

I vanished from my place came behind him grabbed his tail and started smashing him to the floor again and again till he admitted defeat, I then put a curse on his mind That after he reaches his community he will arrange a meeting with all the people that willingly supported him, and kill all of them then kill him self.

I came out of the Villa with a smile, I already noticed a certain loli's gaze a long time ago.

A bit far from our position a blond haired Loli with red eyes was looking at our direction specifically looking at me with blushing red face and heavy breathing, she bit her lips and blood came out then she licked her own blood.

The reason for that is I made her attracted to my smell and blood, she is a vampire after all, she is like a girl that is hungry for many days and suddenly fount her favorite food right in from of her.

She calmed her self down by drinking her own blood.

While me and the girls were already heading towards our home, and I was smiling inwardly.

Arch: 'Soon I'll have a vampire Loli wifu hehe.'

At night in at our community, I was in my bed room waiting for someone, suddenly the windows of my room opened and a Loli with a blond hair and red eyes with cute face was standing there, she was breathing heavily with a blush on her face.

Arch: "*Smile* Hello there, my name is Arch I've been waiting for you."

Leticia: "*blush* W-what!!? you knew I was going to visit... forget it M-My name is Leticia Draculea, I came for a business here but before that a have a request."

Arch: "*smile* say it."

Leticia: "*blush* C-can I d-drink your blood?, just a little bit please."

She said while playing with her fingers looking down at the floor.

Arch: "*Smile* sure."

I removed my shirt showing my neck to her, she looked at it while drooling and then quickly jumped on me and bit my neck with her cute little teeth.

She could bit me because I'm letting her, otherwise no one can put a scratch on me.

The moment my blood went inside her mouth she widen her eyes as her body glowed, she ignored it and continue drinking my blood for few minutes.

Then she separated her mouth from my neck and looked at me then kissed me she was horny, I too was entered in heat, letting a vampire drink your blood turns you on.

(lemon start)

(A/N: Lemons with With legal Loli, you can skip if you don't like it.)

We both began to kiss each other, as our tongues were fighting each other She followed my moves clumsily, I grabbed her ass with one hand while with other hand started massaging her small boobs.

We kissed each other for five minutes and separated our lips, I had already put some barriers surrounding my room.

We both quickly removed our cloths, I picked her up and placed her on my bed, then started licking her pink pussy, she was already wet, I licked it for few minutes then she came.

Leticia: "HNnnn❤️"

Then I went for her lips kissed her for few minutes then started sucking her 'A' cup boobs gently biting her hard pink nipples.

Leticia: "Ahhh."

She hugged my head tightly, I positioned my 6 inche dick(reduced size) In from of her wet pussy and slowly started to put it In, after some time I reached at her barrier getting her permission i thrust my dick broke her barrier.

Leticia: "Ahhh it hurts."

I kissed her, massaged her boobs for few minutes then she gave me permission to move, I slowly moved my hips back and forth.

Leticia: "Ahhh feels so good, you can move faster now."

I picked up pace and moved my hips faster.

Leticia: "Ahhh Ahhh oh yeahhh."

After thrusting for some time she came.

Leticia: "Ahhh❤️"

I waited for few seconds then started moving again, till I came and filled her pussy, feeling something hot inside her pussy she came again.

I pulled my dick from her and cum mixed with some blood flowed from her pussy.

She smiled seductively and her body glowed , she was in her teenage matured form.

Leticia: "*smile* Ready for another round?"

I smiled at her grabbed her, kissed her while putting my 10 inches dick inside of her pussy, we continued our love making session for few hours.