
The Enchanted

Waking to a sunlit morning, I sniffed my nose while wiping the drool off my face. Shaking my head, I found myself still inside the big empty shed I hid in yesterday. Standing, I stretched my arms while yawning as the whole ordeal with that beautiful man was still fresh in my head. 

Walking towards the door, I stopped and twitched my brow as the door was left slightly open. What's more, a pair of smooth and soft legs were noticeable in the crack of the door. Sliding the door open, I not my lip as the radiant beautiful man turned with the single most innocent smile I had ever seen in my life. 

"So he wasn't a dream... Ugh. " Walking over and crouching, he stared passionately at the blooming flowers as the buds of a rose bush were in full bloom. "You've never seen roses, huh? Oh-"

Sitting still as he proceed with sliding my hair behind my ear and sticking a rose in my hair. 

"Ouch! What the he-" His expression turned to sorrow as he saw the small cut. "Oh... I-It's not a big deal. "

He then began to move closer as I was powerless to even flinch. When suddenly, out of nowhere, he crossed his arms between my waist and licked the cut behind my ear. Shaking, I abruptly pushed him away while suddenly remembering what I did to check if he was really a girl. 

I blushed and stood up whole turning around and clearing my throat as I had bigger things to worry about. Walking back into the shed, I grabbed my bag of coin and dug a hole where I would take enough to for food and supplies. Leaving the rest behind, I would come back another day to reclaim my small fortune after dealing with this mess. 

Walking back out, I stood wondering where the beautiful man had gone off to. Closing my eyes, I deliberated on whether to leave the man behind. A sudden flash of him holding the rose with such an innocent smile passed through my head. Exhausting a deep sign of anguish, I opened my eyes and began looking for him. 


Rounding the corner, I hid as the passing maids did their rounds in the morning. Looking from behind the pillar, I flinched as I bawled at the beautiful man drinking a cup of tea while sitting on the master's patio table. What's ore unbelievable, the maid confused him as one of the Masters new wives. 

Regretting ever talking to him, I gritted my teeth and snuck close enough to urge him to come with me and escape. Tilting his head as he set the cup down on the table, he climbed over the short fence and gently stood before me with an overwhelming smile. 

"Ugh... " Holding his hand subconsciously, I got us both pit without getting noticed and soon began heading to the port. "Stay here... Wait here. Okay? "

Nodding, I took off to make a deal in buying one of the boats and after a while, came back smiling as I got a great deal on a good ship. Rounding the corner where I left him, I punched the stone wall as a small cracked formed from my rage filled fist. 


After a bit of digging around for supplies and food, I began heading towards the ship when I overheard a loud commotion as a beautiful woman was being scolded for eating without paying. Recalling something awfully familiar, I walked to the shop and locked eyes with the beautiful man once more. 

Rushing to my side as soon as he let my gaze, I sighed while taking out what I had left and paying the damn expensive bill with a couple of painted false coins. Taking off before anyone knew the wiser, I helped the man club aboard as I had arranged the things we needed for the voyage and pushed out to sea as the shop owner and guards came rushing down the steep hillside. 

Turning as we disappeared into the dozens of other ships, I steered us into the sea as the beautiful man grew sea sick. 

"Ugh... Sorry, bud. Your just gonna have to have to grit your teeth for a while. "




"What?! Why haven't you found him yet! " As he slammed his hands over the table in the war room, I proceeded to answer. 

"Your Majesty... Almost three fourths of our army is out fighting in the front lines of two separate wars with two separate clans. Our resources have been spread awful thin for-" 

Falling backwards as he slapped me to release his frustration, I stood back up as I remained firm in my statement. 

"Whatever it takes! Get that boy back into this palace immediately! "

"Your Majesty... I remain where I stand in when I tell you we have no spare troops at the moment. Going after him would be... " Pausing for a brief moment, I continued. "It would be illogical, Your Majesty. "

"Hmm... Fine. Pull back a group of soldiers who are capable of bringing him back... The guards I placed to watch him have already been executed for failing at the most simplest things. I'd hate to have you join close behind them should I not find my idiot son in this palace by the time I returned from the Iena clan banquet. "

"Understood, Your Majesty. " Bowing, I gritted my teeth as I have finally reached my breaking point. "Consider it done. "

Walking outside from the Royal Palace, I turned and reached into my armored chest as I took out the identification tag that held my rank as an official Captain. Snapping it in half, I then made my choice and was determined to find... And serve to protect the young Prince with my life. 

Though he himself is not aware, we share a bond as my mother was his mother's younger sister. Which makes us family and all the while reason I ever joined the palace. Now that he has been freed, I'll find him... And we will take a blood oath as eternal brothers.


As I snuck low level explosives in and around the palace, my eyes lowered as I felt a presence behind me. Turning to grab hold of my sword, I gasped as I lowered my stance when I encountered my unit. 

"Master... " Shocked when they all suddenly dropped to their knees, I eased my stance my one of my subordinates spoke on behalf of the rest. "Master... We wish to follow you! "

Throwing their own broken identification tags onto the floor, I raised my head as I walked up to them and handed the rest of the explosives to be set up. 


"Master... The ignition box. " As I stood atop a hill, I inhaled a deep breath and released the trigger as the bombs went off in sequence. 

Smoke and fire soon engulfed the palace as everyone had been cleared out under my orders beforehand. With a gleaming gaze, I slid  up my black scarf and turned as we were now rouge. There was no doubt in my mind as I was destined to find and protect my future sworn brother. 




"Mmm... " Waking to find myself under a sea of shining bright stars, I turned to my right and fell short of words as my guest was adamantly gleaming with wonder at the sky. 

Turning a while to the sky, we laid under the stars as he pointed and smiled. Drifting in a calm and silent sea, the soothing sounds of the brushing water somehow made the night a little more interesting than any I had before. 


Waking to a cool breeze, I sat up on the boat and looked around as the land of Elise was just over the horizon. Sniffing my nose, I got up and began rowing towards the shore. Looking at the beautiful man, I realized simply calling him, 'The Beautiful Man', wants as effective. 

"Hey... Buddy? Wake up. We're here. " As he turned and sat up in such a seductive manner no matter what way I looked at him, he turned and brightened up as he rocked the boat. "Easy! Hey, What's your name... I notice you don't really like talking. That's cool, but I'm going to need a name. "

Smirking elegantly, I blushed slightly as he tilted his head and shrugged it for me to decide. 

"Hmm... Okay. I'll bite. How about... Dazo? Puly? Arto? Hmm... What about Genji? " Opening his eyes, he nodded with a bright smile as I shook my head as he didn't get my joke as my new was Ganja. "Really... Genji? Ugh... Might as well get it out of the way. I'm Genja. "

Opening his eyes, I blushed while rowing as he rocked the boat and stared at me until we reached land. 


"No, yeah. Keep it. I'm not leaving any time soon anyway. " As I clenched a few coins after selling two new boats, I quickly disappeared when the owners found their boats out at sea. "And thank you for your business. "

Stopping at the edge of land, I chuckled as Genji was holding his stomach. 

Going around and buying something to eat, I was slightly amazed at his appetite as well as embarrassed. Once he was full, I raised my head as I paid out of my own pocket as the owner sniffed out my fake coin scheme from the start. 

Short half my money, we wandered around as I gave up with his holding my hand as we walked down the road as everything seemed to fascinate him. 

"Hey! You two, the beautiful ladies, ha! Yes! Come! Come! Let me read you your Fortunes! "

Being dragged onto the stall, I was hesitant to release my last coin until the old woman smacked it from my hand. Standing with a pouting expression, she then began her process. 

At least, until she threw me off with curses and approaching trials of life and death. Yawning, I walked casually while swiftly pick pocketing passing people. With the sun going down, I dragged us towards a ramen shop and took a seat as I had enough to order a big bowl both of us could split. 


As we slurped the noodles, I sat back with a mouth full and slowed down as Genji's natural born charm enchanted my view. His pale white hands slid his hair out of the way as the smoldering heat from inside made his skin radiate with a certain shine. 

The way he even gently slurped the noodles, it was his animalistic instinct that was guiding him through unfamiliar territory for the first time... 

"First... Time... " Stopping, he raised his gaze at me and soon discovered he had unknowingly enchanted everyone in the shop... Including the dog. 

Walking out as I tried to clear my head, Genji came chasing after me as what happened in there wasn't normal at all. I felt as if I had been completely taken over. Turning as he held me still, I looked into his glowing grey eyes and somehow understood he didn't mean any harm. 

Shaking my head, I shook the incident off and warned him of pulling another stunt like that again would cost him a hefty price. Walking down the crowded road as the sun had already set over the horizon, I didn't notice he held onto my hand as much as I did before.



Hmm... Who knows.

Snow_Luxcreators' thoughts