
Screening a Piece

["Get'cha new jewelry and rare gems! Come, come! See our large selection! "] 

Walking amongst the crowd as it was late at night and business was booming along the main road. Yawning, I was half asleep as Ginji hadn't had his fill of fun as we stopped along every other booth. With the presence of the highlight over in the adult industry, me and especially Ginji blended right in as the local women were beautifully dressed for some hardy clientele. 

"Ugh… Hmm. " With a heavy gaze, I turned and spotted from the corner of my eye a pair of sharply dressed guards putting up a poster. "Hmm? "

As they stepped aloe and left, I walked up behind them as I got a better look at the poster. Instantly surprised to see my face, I looked down at the reward for my capture that warranted more coin than I had collected in my entire life. Seeing the bottom as it said I was traveling with a hostage, the reward for Ginji's capture was set double what mine was. 

"What a mess… In any case. To be put a bounty of this size… I must have pissed off some powerful old men to receive such a punishment. Which makes me worry over who the heck Ginji really is… " Turning my gaze over to Ginji as he was admiring a pair of gems, I tilted my head as I thought about what my next play was. 


Sitting down on the second floor of a theater room, I ordered for Genji and me as I needed to distract him for a short while. 

"Your meals shall be here shortly. " Excusing herself, she left as Genji was adamantly fixated on the screenplay in progress. 

After a while, I got up as the food had arrived to the table. 

"I'll be right-" Ignoring me, I scoffed and turned to leave for a short while. 


Walking down an empty and dark alleyway, I stopped at the center and turned towards the wall. Pounding twice, the wall then shifted as a doorway came into view. Stepping inside, I paid the entrance fee as I covered my face with a beige cloak. 

["Get him…! Come on?! Are you blind! "]  The sounds and distinct voices of men echoed as I was stopped and searched for weapons.

"Go ahead. Little lady. " Chuckling, I walked right through as I rounded the corner and found myself in an underground black market that sold anything from human slaves to classified information on high ranking officials in the Imperial court of this country. 

Passing by a large cage as a crowd of both crooks and nobles took part in placing bets on wild and exotic animals to fight to the death. Ignoring the terrible sight, I walked casually through the crowded road as arrogant laughter and screams filled the underground corridor. 

Stopping near the edge of an old sketchy pub, I walked inside as I slid myself over a black cloaked doorway. Stopping inside, I looked around at the beautiful assortment of sharpened blades from around the country. Having done all my shopping at places similar to this, picked up a set of twin katanas. 

"See anything you like… Miss. " Scoffing, I slid my hood down as I turned with a welcoming smile. "Those swords are cursed… No one besides their original Master is able to wield them… let alone, draw them from their cases. "

"How much? " Setting the cursed swords down, I turned to face the dealer. "One way or another, I'll be taking those girls with me. "

"I doubt you make jokes. Twenty silver, sexy. "

"Twenty-five and throw in the small dagger hidden in your arm. "

"You've got some pair on you lady… Hmm. Alright. Thirty and I'll even throw in some throwing darts as a bonus. "

"Thirty. Huh. Fine. " Dropping the money over the counter, I took everything and abruptly collapsed as the instance I brandished the two swords, my body became as terribly heavy as ships anchor. "W-what… " 

The sound of steel sliding out came from behind as this dealer had set the perfect trap for unsuspecting customers. Dropping my head, I shook and waited as the man laughed and threw down his sword onto my head. With a bright smile, a powerful shock sent a gentle and sharp breeze ripping apart the tent walls.  Turning my blood piercing gaze towards the dealer, an otherworldly laugh echoed from my mouth as I was suddenly stopping the blow with one of the cursed swords

My right arm had slid abnormally as I suddenly began to overpower him. Then, narrowly tilting my head and maneuvering I'm the blink of an eye, I managed to stop myself at the precise moment the sword was inches from his neck… And as well as his heart. 

"Ha-haha…! Agh… Hmm. Seems as though I've taken quite a pair into my soul. Would you say. " Overcome with fear, he collapsed to his knees as I stood firm while sheathing my balde in her case. "Thanks for the beautiful swords… Be sure not to skip town as I might have more use for you, hun? "

Turning around, I felt the powerful change in and around myself as I openingly walked outside. Steady and smoky laughter echoed as dozens of bounty hunters had taken notice the instance I walked in here. Smiling, I felt the powerful bloodlust coming from my swords. Drawing a soft breath of air, I held onto the hilts of my swords and smiled as I ripped through the air in an almost angelic time stopping motion. 

As the first dozens of mercenaries dropped the instant I sheathed the swords. Lowering my gaze, I felt my swords hunger for more as the dust began to settle. Surrounded on all sides, I remained frozen with a cold gaze as I exhaled a slight breath. The air had turned cold as I felt the more serious bounty hunters setting their eyes on me. 

A brief moment of absolute silence passed, everyone waited for me to cut someone down and strike me at an opening. Holding firm, the sounds of enclosing steps echoed loudly as my ears were like sharpened knives. From every low breath to beating heartbeat, I alone was able to control my body as I came from a clan of brutal and merciless killers. 

A loud powerful bang against the steep cage rung as one of the animals collapsed onto the ground. Tilting my head ever so lightly, an instantaneous twenty plus men sprung into the air as I felt the heavy weight for blood in each of their swords. Turning, my muscles contracted as my body filled with air. Drawing in the blink of an eye, all was calm as my eyes opened to a slow moving new world. 

Raising my stance, I walked with a steady and calm motion as I cut through the men's dirty wares while heading towards the exit. Stopping and turning my gaze halfway, I raised my arm and slid the sword across the air as my eyes came to a close. Blinking, the sounds of life revolving echoed in a fast motion as the spins of broken swords and shredded clothes filled the corridor at the instant I sheathed my swords. 

"Hmm… Guess I'm still a little rusty afterall. " Walking out to the exit as the pounding sound of steel gliding off its hinges broke the cage and pet lose a terrifying animal onto the crowd. "Found your lost heirlooms… Father. "

Walling out before everything was thrown into chaos, I left with the swarm of a panicked crowd as I headed back to the local theater. 


"Hey… what I-" Sitting down after setting aside my fathers katanas, I broke into a smile as Genji was engrossed with the play. "Ugh… Hmm? Hah?! You ate my meal?! "

Holding off on my anger, I remembered he was like this and calmed down. Calling onto a passing waitress, I ordered for another bowl as she nodded while eyeing my fathers red crimson sword cases. Afterwards, I sat back as I had finished what I had set out to do in the first place. Which was to gather information and recover my father's long lost swords. 


Relaxing as I had my fill and watched along with Genlji at the local production. 

["But… My Lady. We must obey His Majesty and refrain from meeting in secret like this. "] 

["Oh… Hako. Do you find me so intolerable that you forbid me to see the man I love? "] 

["My Lady! I-I meant no such thing. Please, believe me. "] 

["Then… Will you become the father of my children and take responsibility for as long as we both shall draw breath. "] 

["My Lady… I'm just a lowly potato. I'm in no such position to defile your chastity when-"] 

"Hmm… Lady's pretty forward, I'll give her that. "

["Uh… M-My Lady… W-why? "] 

["No man has touched my lips before… Will you now take responsibility as a man instead of a servant? "] 

["My Lady… If you'll have me. I'll become the lands most selfish man and steal your lips as well as your entirety for as long as I shall live! "] 

Heart warming cheers and applause echoed into the theater as many in attendance were local wives and women whose husbands were off drafted and off fighting in the war.

["Yes! That's all that I hope for! Take me! "] 

["You mustn't be so hasty, otherwise I'll have to find another way to silence your wild lips. "] 

"Oh… What a cheesy line?! Hmm… sorry. Sorry. " Nodding as I spoke my mind out loud, the play continued without any problems. 


Walking out with the crowd, I stretched my arms as I was pretty worn out from sitting and watching that whole play. Genji seemed pretty exhausted as well as he kept dozing off while holding onto my arm for support.

Chuckling when I met his weary face, I turned and paid for a room at a local inn while spending the money I collected while I was slicing up those men's clothes earlier. 

Setting down Genji on the bed, I stood back up and sat against the wall while holding my father's swords in between my chest. Closing my eyes, I fell asleep as my shoulders and legs were aching like crazy.

The particular technique I used definitely came at a price as my own muscles were either torn or sore from moving that fast. Smiling as I remembered a funny moment while watching my father train, he split his pants and turned beet-red in front of our clans Grand Master. 
