
Estranged Daddy

Olams_223 · Urban
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10 Chs


Beth and I hit the shops in town.

Each shop on every lane was decorated with red fabrics and flowers, and the sales attendants wore red heart-shaped pieces.

Love was in the air.

We went to my salon first, had our hair washed and styled by my staff, and listened to chatter from clients. Then we went to the boutiques and explored their collections, laughing and bantering the entire way.

We purchased hats to protect our faces from the sun and flirted innocently with attractive men. We hadn't had a girls' day out in a while, and I really missed it.

We visited the gift shop last.

Gifts for lovers were placed on the shop's first two isles, ranging from large to small, sensible to silly.

Perfect gifts for your man was plainly emblazoned across the top of the second isle. We walked towards it.

I suddenly became nervous. 

"So, here we are." Beth announced as she opened her arms wide, indicating the shelves. "Do you have any gift in mind?"


"Oh, come on. There must be something on your mind."

I stifled a sigh, "I don't have anything in mind. That's why I asked for your help, remember?"

"Okay, alright. Calm down. Let's see..."

She regarded each item on the shelves. "What kind of person is he? I mean, what are his interests and detests?"

What does she mean by interests and detests? "I have no idea. I told you it wasn't that kind of relationship."

"You must know something about him. You've been sleeping with him in his place for days."

"Something like what?" I snapped. Seriously, if I had known that asking Beth for help would be so trying, I wouldn't have bothered.

"Like his favourite colour, the way he takes his coffee, the brand of cloth he favours, things like that." She sounded exasperated.

My mind wandered back to the days I spent at the house before he left on that business trip a few days earlier, and I had to return to my place.

He had wanted me to accompany him or at least remain at his place until he returned, but I turned down both offers. After all, I have a business to run, as well as my own home, which I had ignored for far too long. I wasn't the kind of girl who wanted to be at his disposal all the time, always ready for his cock.

But I was enticed by both offers.

"He seems to prefer blue or gray. "Most of his suits and sweatshirts are deep blue or dark grey."

"Okay, we're getting somewhere."

"And I think he likes Armani."

An elderly lady strolled by to the next isle, holding a small puppy with a red ribbon tied as a bow around its neck.

Dogs seemed to be celebrating as well.

"Maybe I should buy him a tie." I said, still gazing at the dog. A fantasy of James wearing a bow tie and a collar around his neck, worshipping me with puppy love, as I hold his leash, filled my mind.

"Too personal." She quipped, ruining my fantasy.

"A pair of socks?"

"Too private."

"A tea mug? I think he prefers tea over coffee."

"Too homey."

"Okay, what about a tee shirt."

"Are you his wife?"

I threw up my hands in frustration. "I give up! You're supposed to be the expert here, yet thus far I've been the only one making suggestions, which you've rejected."

Beth ignored me and sashayed on to the next isle, leaving me to run after her like a maid, which irked me even more.

"Beth! Say something!"

"Shh! I am thinking."

I was almost giving up when she exclaimed. "Ah-ah! I found something."

I watched avidly as she reached out her hand to pick something off the shelf, then turned to me with pride and presented a pair of golden-colored somethings on her palm.

"Ta daa. Perfect!" She exclaimed.

"Uh... You want me to gift him earrings?"

"No, silly! These aren't earrings." She laughed. "These are cufflinks."

I examined them thoroughly and discovered that they were indeed cufflinks.

"You know, those button like things men use to hold their__"

"I know what cufflinks are." I took them from her and inspected them. They did not look bad.

"It's a perfect gift for your man. Practical and manly. He will not suspect you are in love with him."

"I'm not!" I glared at her; she smirked.

"Let's go pay for this and get out of here." I declared, eager to leave.

"Why the rush? Let's check around some more." She let out a sharp gasp.

"What is it?"


I turned to see where she pointed. There was an isle not far from ours with the word NAUGHTY prominently inscribed above it.

"We are not going there." I stated strongly.

"Yes we are, come with me"

She moved to drag me along.

"No!" I insisted, maintaining my stance.

The last time she dragged me into a sex shop, she left me at the mercy of a cocky salesman who assumed I was still a virgin considering my embarrassment. He offered, with not-so-subtle innuendos, to assist with the minor inconvenience of my cherry.

That was three years ago, and it is still the most embarrassing event of my life.

She must have detected the sincerity in my voice. She stopped trying to drag me. "All right, spoilsport," she muttered with resignation, "let's get your gift wrapped."

We paid and then left the gift shop.

It was past midday, and the sun was at its peak. We wore our caps and glanced around. Where to visit next?

Beth's phone rang in her bag; she took it out, cancelled the call, and returned it.

"Who was that?"

"It's him."



Oh, him. So, why don't you talk to him? I asked sarcastically.

"I don't want to talk to him yet. Let's go eat; I am hungry."

I knew she didn't want to talk about him, so I let her be. She'd explain when she felt ready to confront her feelings for him.

Sir Paulo, one of Beth's numerous admirers, owns an eatery across the gift shop. She had helped set up his computer system for improved bookkeeping, and the jolly man immediately took Beth as his daughter.

He feeds and pampers her whenever she returns from a business trip; he's like the father she never had. She deeply loves him but will never admit it. Beth isn't very comfortable with affection.

From the first time I met Sir Paulo, I had taken a liking to him. We share a love of food; he enjoys cooking and I enjoy eating.

I knew Beth wasn't hungry; she simply needed an excuse to see Sir Paulo and get him mind off him.

Sir Paulo greeted us at the door with a bright smile; he had clearly noticed us from the window. He is an elderly man with thick grey hair and beard.

He had opened the restaurant in remembrance of his beloved wife and her fondness for good food.

"My girls!" He hugged Beth lovingly, and she kissed his wrinkled cheeks.

"What do they feed you during these trips? "You look thinner than the last time I saw you!" He exclaimed, examining her from head to toe.

Beth laughed with delight; no man has ever been as concerned about her well-being as Sir Paulo.

"I don't go on these trips to eat, Paulo."

Sir Paulo shook his head in disapproval. "I have to feed you again, can't bear to see you loose weight"

"Yes, Dad, that is why I am here. Feed me." Beth rubbed her palms together, gleefully.

He laughed.

He turned to me and opened his arms wide. "Oh, my dearest girl, how have you been?"

I moved in closer to hug him. "I'm fine, just standing back, watching my friend blush as you fawn over her."

"I never blush!" Beth exclaimed indignantly.

We laughed at her.

"Come, let's sit in the kitchen. It's almost lunchtime; this place will quickly fill up."

"Where are your waiters?" Beth asked.

"They are on thirty minutes break before lunch hour." He paused and smiled, "Happy Valentine's day, my darlings."

We grinned bashfully and hugged him on both sides.

About an hour later, Beth and I sat in a corner of Sir Paulo's kitchen, savoring wonderful dessert after a mouthwatering meal prepared specifically for us by Sir Paulo himself. We watched as the waiters rapidly carried out several customers' orders. It was lunch rush hour, and everyone was busy.

"So, when does your John return? Is it still today?" Beth asked.

"His name is James and he should return tonight."

"You're not sure?" She shook her head. "I also noticed you guys don't talk on phone."

"I told you we don't have that kind of relationship."

"Anyway," she shoved a slice of cake into her mouth. "I'll like to meet the guy who is making my bestie's heart go aflutter."

"He does not make my heart flutter, and you cannot meet him tonight. This night is for us lovers." I winked at her.

"Wow! I am jealous." She narrowed her eyes in mock anger. "Wish I have a man to spend today with, instead I had to help someone pick a gift for her man."

Her phone started ringing again, she checked the screen and silenced it.

I picked up my drink and observed Beth. She clearly didn't want to talk to him.

James hadn't phoned me since he left; I wished I wasn't worried, but he should have called at least once to check on me. This is the first time he's traveled for days since I've known him. Previously, his trips had only lasted a day or two.

I understand that our relationship does not entail phone conversations, but this is not a day trip, for goodness sakes. Isn't he missing me?

I had wanted to call several times but chickened out. I didn't want to cross an invisible line in our relationship.

And there sat Beth, rejecting her man's call because he refused to sleep with her. I shook my head; to each her own.

"What's his name?" I inquired suddenly.

"Whose name?"

"Your man."

She kept silent for a while.


"Why don't you answer his calls? He clearly cares about you."

"He does not care about me. He must have encountered a problem with his system and needs me to fix it."

"Oh, you worked for him."

"Yes, he is the new CEO of Kings & Son.

My eyes widened. "He's Stephen Kings! The only son of Mr. Andrew Kings. The one I saw online at his father's funeral?"

She nodded.

"You are joking! That man is hot! Hot and rich."

She sneered, "Who cares."

"You should care, he is on the list of the most eligible bachelors."


"So pick his call and stop pretending you don't care!" I retorted with irritation. "I know you like him because you keep avoiding his call."

Her eyes shifted away, confirming my suspicion. I gripped her hands on the table.

"Girl, I want the best for you." I softened my voice. "Give him a chance without sex and see where it goes."

She looked directly at me, and I could see the staggering dread and confusion she had been concealing beneath her sassiness. It was during these moments that I remembered she was a Gemini.

"If we don't have sex, what will we do?" Her voice was low and shaky. "What do people in serious relationships do?"

I wasn't sure what to say. I'd never been in a meaningful relationship before, what James and I had couldn't really be labelled a relationship. It was more like scratching an itch.

"I believe they talk about stuff...like work, family, and babies...Things like that."

I glanced at Beth, she was beginning to freak out. To be honest, I was freaking myself out too. The concept of it alone is tedious. How can people be together for years without breaking up? What anchored them?

"But that is boring. Do they actually discuss babies?" Beth's eyes widened.

"Babies? Who's having a baby?" Sir Paulo joined us, wiping his hands on a napkin. The afternoon rush had subsided.

I looked at Beth, "Let's ask him."

"Ask me what?" Sir Paulo demanded, pulled a chair closer, and sat down.

"Paulo, what did you and your wife discuss?" Beth inquired, staring at him anxiously.


"I mean, did you talk about babies?"

Sir Paulo looked puzzled.

"What she's asking is, how was your relationship and marriage with your wife? How would you rate your life together? What motivated you? Things like that." I elaborated.

"Aah. I see," Sir Paulo drawled, stretching out his legs, crossing his arms over his chest, and relaxing into his chair. "Someone is in love."

"Definitely not me!" Beth promptly denied.

"So quick to deny." He smiled knowingly. "My married life with Maria was... interesting."

"How do you mean?" I inquired.

"We were totally opposed individuals with conflicting personalities. She despised black, but I adored black. She was an early riser, but I was a late one. She adored tea, I loathed it. Things like that. But we made it work. She loved neatness, but I preferred clutter."

Beth and I listened intently as he continued.

"We quarreled, argued, and got into foolish fights. I would sometimes leave home to stay with friends just to punish her. It worked for a while, until she told me one day;

'Paul, if you ever leave this house because of a disagreement, you will not find me when you return'. He mimicked his late wife's voice. "That put an end to that."

He chuckled slowly, reflecting on the past.

"So what did you do when you guys quarrel?" I asked.

"I lock myself in the room till the aroma of freshly made meals hits me. She knew my weakness was food, so she used it as a strength." He grinned. "It always works."

We all laughed.

"Oh, Paulo, hearing you speak of her makes me wish I'd met her. She must have been a sweetheart!" Beth said.

"She would have loved you too, she seriously wished for a girl but God gave us three handsome and hard-working boys." He touched Beth's cheek. "You would have been the daughter she never had."

Beth pressed his palm against her cheek, "I'm the daughter you never had."

I'd never seen Beth that emotional, it was so heartwarming. Time to get them both back on track; no more mushy distractions.

"How did you both decide to start having children?" I interrupted their passionate show.

"We just did." She awoke one day and said, 'Isn't it time we had babies?' And I responded, 'Yes, it's time,' so we got started. He shrugged.

Beth and I gaped at him.

"What?" He laughed and laughed till we scowled. "Just kidding, girls," he added, still chuckling.

"The truth is, we discussed it and settled on how many children we wanted." He sighed. "We just didn't anticipate all three to be boys, but we love them as they are."

"I believe that ought to ease your fears." I told Beth, "couples in serious relationships quarrel and settle, they discuss food and babies, and they live happily ever after."

My cheekbones ached from my overly bright smile. I wasn't sure if I was attempting to convince Beth or myself. These types of relationships were foreign to both of us, and we were about to enter them blindly.

Beth looked skeptical.

Sir Paulo glanced at each of us, "who is playing with my girls' hearts. Give me their names, and I will beat their heads in with my spatula."

Beth and I giggled as he intended us to.

I grabbed the last cake on the plate and checked my wristwatch; it was almost 4p.m. and James hadn't called, which bothered me. He should have phoned me if he returned... or is that too much to ask?

I wanted to be at his place when he returned, prepare him a wonderful homemade dinner, and then give him his gift. He shouldn't object if I make him dinner, right? It was Valentine's Day, after all.

The way to a man's heart, they say, is through his stomach; that certainly worked for Sir Paulo's late wife, Maria.

I sighed inwardly.

I had thought that the night would take us to new heights and help us see each other as better halves... or whatever people call themselves in real relationships.

Beth noticed me check my watch and realized it was time to go. We stood up to bid Sir Paulo farewell.

"We have to go Paulo, places to go and things to do," Beth announced.

He rose up as well. "Don't stay away too long." He turned to face Beth, "you must eat well and take good care of yourself." He ordered her.

"Yes daddy." Beth responded, grinning.

We were given enough food to last more than a week, we hugged him, and promised to visit again soon.

I was eager to reach home, take a bath, and pack a few overnight necessities. Gather a few ingredients from my refrigerator to prepare at James' house, and then wait for his arrival.

I was quite excited.

However, nothing went as planned.