
Chapter 8: Last Goodbye

Chapter 8: Last Goodbye Andrew O'Kelley andrewokelley.com

Daniel was mad, mad enough that his hands shook, and he couldn’t even say anything. He went straight from his grandfather's quarters on the edge of the Academy grounds into the dormitory. As he ran out into the snow, Daniel heard his grandfather’s words but ignored them. Enough had already been said.

If he had any regrets, it was that he had given so much of his time before leaving to his grandfather while making the rest of the people he wanted to see wait. People that he’d spent years attending lectures and classes with. People he had trained with, laughed with and fought with. Friends, companions, classmates.

The hour was already going to be too late to say goodbye to everyone else he wanted to. Daniel had thought he would have the rest of the evening to make sure he parted on good terms with the remainder of the staff and give away his things to the underclassmen.