
Esper Era : God's Heir

In the future, after humanity began space conquest and science reached a near godly realm, the proof of existence of soul, spirits and the astral realm brought forth a new era. In this new era, Tnemelc and all the other powerful espers of all races received a mysterious signal later named “God’s call” which started a quest through the universe in search of the origin of the realms, to ascend to godhood. Being at the end of his life, Tnemelc renounced his beliefs to pursue the truth in his new life. Monsters, aliens and humans but also death, betrayals and friendship, reaching the end might be far harder than he imagined.

CJBG_G · Sci-fi
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7 Chs

Chapter_2 : History (2) _ Ceremony of the New Era

According to the biography of Dr. Louis Servusdei, humbly named "Louis Servusdei : Legend of a New Era", the preparation of the ceremony began 35 years after his discovery.

7 BEE, Dr. Louis Servusdei realized that his time was coming. Of course, just like any other people of his era, he could have chosen to prolong his life using drugs, surgery or even his new knowledge of the soul. Yet, unlike any other, he decided to respect the will of his ancestor and accept his death, in order to let the future generations shine brighter. But even so, he didn't want to just die of old age, laying on a bed with barely enough strength to appreciate the last moments with his family.

Yes, he accepted his death, the cessation of his biological functions, the definite end to his very own existence in the physical world. But he didn't want to die out from history, only to be remembered by his own family before eventually being forgotten. He wanted another form of immortality, one that many others before him sought, an eternal life through history, myths and legends.

At his request, his family orchestrated a ceremony on planet Prima, the new capital city of the human galactic empire. Just like any other family from the solar system, the Servusdei could be considered as filthy rich. And we are not only talking about money or private assets. No, as a family with a few thousands years of existence and inheritance, they harness power under all his forms. That is the reason why, when the Servusdei family announced the holding of the most important and most spectacular ceremony of history, everyone wanted to be present.

The 3rd of September E00, date of the ceremony, the capital city Prima was unrecognizable. Except for the garden of the central tower where the speech was set to happen, the rest of the planet seemed black due to the number of people wanting to be part of this historical event. No place was left untouched, not even the sky. And no one would regret it.

All eyes were on the podium located in the central tower garden, no one really knew when the ceremony would begin, but all were discussing the content of the speech. The murmurs of each person soon blend in a monstrous cacophony, to the point that no one was really sure they could hear the other and yet, kept their conversation going.

Closest to the podium, the most prominent people of the time were present. Among them were the richest merchants, the leaders of each star system and other powerful and influential families. Since the beginning of the spatial conquest, it was the first time leaders of different star systems met. After nearly two thousand years, physical differences and cultural differences could be observed. Unlike the rest of the crowd which seemed to be talking just to be talking, a true meeting was happening in the central tower garden. A meeting about the future of the human galactic empire.

Yet, in a single instant, all sounds came to an end, the mere sight of the man walking on the podium was enough to make one mouth drop. He was not especially handsome but his presence was unique, like a singular magnetic attraction, a presence that messes the mind of others so much that not even a coherent thought could be formed.

With just a step, he imposed the frequency of everyone's heartbeat and with each passing step, their heartbeat grew louder and louder, until they became so loud that they seemed to play his entrance's symphony. Then, once he reached the center of the podium, he stopped and with him the heart and thought of everyone.

Some fainted, some were breathless, but none were unaffected. He stood there, without a sound, waiting for everyone to regain control of themselves. He looked everywhere, he looked at everyone and he made sure that everything was deeply engraved in his mind. He knew today was likely his last day in this world. He knew what he had to do, he knew how to do it, but the instinctive fear of death tried to encroach his mind.

He didn't plan to, but he looked at his family, especially his children and grand-children, and then smiled. His ancestors were right. He already reached this conclusion long ago after having thought about it for a long time but, this time, it was different. He didn't need to think about it, to rationalize it, he just knew.

He looked at the audience once again and began his speech :

"First of all, I would like to thank everyone who came here at my request. I really appreciate it.

As you may know, I spent my whole life doing research, the same way my ancestors did. And I am proud to say that today is the day where all our efforts, all our blood and all our tears finally bear fruits. After today, the world will never be the same again. After today, a new era will begin for mankind.

42 years ago, I finally managed to reach the realm of the soul. It was not much, I barely touched it. And yet, I realize the potential that was behind it. I knew it was the path we were supposed to follow. I knew it was our future. Unfortunately, it was impossible to share my discovery due to the lack of proof. How to prove the existence of something that cannot be seen, measured or understood without experimenting with it ourselves ?

So I carried on my research, I dive deeper and deeper into the mystery of the soul. And now, 42 years later, I am too old to keep going. I still can't bring scientific proof to attest my discovery but I can still show you a glimpse of this new realm. And that is what I will do.

After this speech, I will burn my soul power to forcefully connect you with your soul. I hope all of you take full advantage of this opportunity and that you will help to bring mankind to a new era.

Anyway, I already talked long enough, and a more complete paper will be published tomorrow.

Thank you for listening to me. And please, remember this moment forever."

Once the speech was finished, he sat done, closed his eyes and began to meditate. As it was since he appeared, only silence was present. Everyone was still processing what he just said and then waited for the aforementioned soul connection.

Every eye was on him, the atmosphere has never been this tense. They all were waiting for him and they didn't have to wait for long. Dr. Louis Servusdei opened his eyes and everyone within 10 kilometers of distance experienced what he once experienced. A peculiar feeling, the sensation of reaching something that was always here and yet never here, the feeling of being whole for the first time.

Unfortunately for them, it didn't last long. A few seconds later, everything stopped. Suddenly interrupted in the middle of this ineffable experience, they all let their incomprehension and instinct take control of themselves. As they opened their eyes, they were ready to pour out all their frustration on the man that gave them the keys to a new world to take them back only a few seconds later. But all their rage instantly cooled down when they saw him, now lifeless on the podium.

A new era was upon them but silence still prevailed.