
Eschatology: Open the knife to the zombie sister, wake up to God-level

ZYGJKP · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 9 Single brush critical floor!

A treasure?

Su Yi was overjoyed.

Treasure, a general term for treasure equipment in the last days, including all kinds of weapons, defenses, special treasures and so on.

This kind of thing is like the equipment of the online game to hit the monster, by killing zombies, monsters and other monsters, there is a certain chance to obtain.

However, the probability of dropping the treasure in the early stage is extremely low, almost outrageous.

You can see that in Sue.

He's killed a lot of monsters since yesterday, but he hasn't dropped a single treasure yet.

Who knows, these guys got their hands on a map treasure?

This is a pleasant surprise.

Su Yi was excited.

This map treasure does not add to his fighting power, but it is quite practical.

Because this isn't just any map.

It can visually display the distribution, quantity and movement of all zombies, monsters and other monsters within a radius of 10 kilometers.

In short, with it, Su Yi is tantamount to opening the perspective.

I can see everything for 10 kilometers.

"Oh, I don't know where they got this good stuff!"

Su Yi was surprised.

"Is that how he discovered me?"

He pulled out the map and opened the data panel.

"Upload the treasure!"

A line of small print appeared on the data panel.

[ Upload successfully, we have updated the data interface for you ]

[ Personal Information ]

[Name] : Su Yi

[Level] : The first awakened one

[ Physical fitness ] : 15 calories

[ Talent ] : Infinite Awakening (God level, 0%), Purple Inflammation (B level, 30%), Personal Space (A level, 0%)

[ Treasure ] : Superpowers map


This treasure is very special, before use, you need to upload it to your own data panel before you can use it.

Oomph! Oomph! Oomph!

The map of the superpowers began to flash, and beams of light slowly emerged from the map.

If you look closely, the lights have shapes, flow quickly, and almost in the blink of an eye, they take on familiar scenes.

Everything in a ten-kilometer radius, including buildings, creatures, etc., is clearly visible on the map.

Su Yi looked at the scene and began to analyze it.

"Well, there's a tall building three kilometers from me that's almost full of zombies, at least 1,000 of them."

"Hey, the neighborhood five kilometers away from me is empty, wait, a man and a woman... Oh, my God, can you drive?"

"TSK, the number of zombies in this radius of one kilometer, less than 20, it seems that I chose this as the base camp, but it is not wrong!"

"HMMMM... Is that?"

As Su Yi observed, a slight figure attracted his attention.

He reached out with his finger to zoom in on the figure.

I saw the outline of the figure, slowly emerged, the skill is extremely strong, a slight leap, from the flat position, jumped to the third floor.

"Actually... It's him!"

Su Yi eyes refracted a wipe of light.

That guy's one of three potential zombies, the Green One!

"Look at its skill, I'm afraid it's not far away from the second-class zombie... I saw on the map that the green zombie was hunting other zombies.

It expertly knocks down a zombie, and then directly thrusts one hand into the latter's heart, and with a hard pinch, directly tears out a rotten heart.

Without hesitation, it gobbled up the heart.


Probably by illusion, Su Yi even heard voices.

That was impossible, of course, because his maps weren't that advanced and didn't have sound transmission yet.

"No, this guy is getting stronger too..."

Su Yi's face was stiff.

"It must be dealt with soon, otherwise when it rises, it will be even harder to deal with!"

His eyes flickered at the thought.

"That's all, in this case, tonight will not sleep, enhance the strength is important, anyway, there is a super map in the night is not afraid of!"

He clicked on the map and activated the "Retina Overlay function."


The map of the superpowers melted into a stream of light and disappeared into his eyes.

When Su Yi opened his eyes, there were scenes in front of him.

You can see everything in a 10-mile radius.

"It's you!"

Su Yi picked a place, figure like the wind, quickly ran over.

Tumou City first People's Hospital.

The critical floor.

A straight figure came downstairs.

It was Sue.

There are a lot of zombies here, at least 300, but because they are all seriously ill patients, they are much weaker than ordinary zombies.

Best for his single brush.

Of course, the zombie combat effectiveness is weak, which means that the enhanced crystal effect is weak.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the amount is large!


Su Yi kicked open a ward, holding Tang knife, and swung hard!


One stab, cut an old man in half on the spot.

"Ow ho..."

Several zombies on the side saw this, immediately rushed over.

But Su Yi didn't panic.

This is an intensive care unit.

It's either an old zombie or a dying zombie. Limited fighting power!


His foot kicked hard, instantly kicked two zombies flying, the body slightly, avoiding the attack of a zombie, at the same time Don knife swing.

Very busy!

A zombie head, like a ball, rolling around on the ground.

"Die, too!"

Su Yi drink lightly, Tang knife wave a number of hands, easily killed the other two zombies!

"Oh, lucky, three of the four zombies actually exploded the enhanced crystal?"

He held three crystals and looked satisfied.


The body slightly shook, Su Yi secretly nodded.

"Although the quality is indeed poor, three weak chicken crystals are almost equal to two ordinary ones, which is quite good!"

Then he went on the hunt!

Bang, bang, bang...

He kept kicking the door open.


And he keeps cutting down zombies!

There are patient zombies, there are nurse zombies and doctor zombies. Don't you say, nurse zombies also have a different flavor, especially individual zombies who are very beautiful before life, with nurse clothes, TSK TSK!

Without looking at the face, it's still pretty beautiful!

Two hours later, Su Yi took a break in a grocery room and then opened the data panel.

[ Personal Information ]

[Name] : Su Yi

[Level] : The first awakened one

[ Physical fitness ] : 70 calories

[ Talent ] : Infinite Awakening (God level, 1%), Purple Inflammation (B level, 60%), Personal Space (A level, 0%)

[ Treasure ] : Superpowers map


"Oh, 70 calories?"

Su Yi nodded, a face of excitement, "It seems that tonight, hard work, can definitely rise to 100 cards, promoted to the second awakening, then..."

Suddenly, the smile froze on his face.

"No, that guy... A breakthrough?"

At this time, his eyes emerge green skin zombie figure.

He has not relaxed the monitoring of it, after all, at the same time they become stronger, the other party is also becoming stronger!

"It's... Found a zombie swarm?"

Su Yi's face changed abruptly.

Right now, they're approaching a swarm of 500 zombies.

If it kills you, it's not impossible to rise to level three.

'It must be stopped!

Without hesitation, Su Yi lifted the Tang Dao and set off immediately.