
Eschatology: Open the knife to the zombie sister, wake up to God-level

ZYGJKP · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 10 Fire roasted blue skin zombie!

A tall building somewhere.

A somewhat thin zombie, as if it had been radiated, actually grew a layer of cyan skin.

It looks like a lizard. It's weird.

Right now, it's up against a big, fat zombie.

"Ow ho!

Fat zombie let out a loud roar, and took a step toward the green zombie.

Although it is not flexible enough, but the victory in the power is strong, running strong and heavy, full of momentum.


Fat zombie hard to grasp, even faintly the sound of breaking the sky.

But this one, it was a bust.

Because the green zombie, with a jump, easily avoided the attack.


After a round, it reached out the palm, like the sharpest blade, easily stabbed the fat zombie's chest.


The green skin zombie pulls hard, and a zombie heart is gripped by it in his hand.

And the fat zombie stared and fell dead.


Green skin zombie shake hands, one bite heart half, directly swallowed.

Its expression is some ferocious, like the devil of hell, let people shudder.


Suddenly, there was an explosion behind it.


This sudden movement, let the green skin zombie a little surprised, then it came forward to see.


Almost subconsciously, the green skin zombie made a big jump and quickly left the spot.


At the same time, several horrible explosions were heard on the ground where it had been.

A homemade Molotov cocktail?

"Looking for... Die!"

He struggled to get two words out of his mouth.

Compared with the black robe zombie, this green zombie's spiritual intelligence is slightly inferior, but the strength is stronger than the former.


I saw him jump and go towards the window.

It saw the Molotov cocktails. That's where they came in.


But when he came to the window, he found no trace, and there was nothing below, seemingly nothing.

A delusion?

Green skin Zombie is a little hesitant.

Suddenly, a series of sounds whistled in my ears.

Ba-boom! Ba-boom! Ba-boom!

Several firebombs were fired at it.

Green skin zombie cold hum, figure like a touch of wind, easily avoided those firebomb attacks.

Kick it!

A touch of shadow quickly fled, as if afraid of the green skin zombie.

"Where... Leg it!"

The green skin zombie shouted and immediately chased them up.

"Oh, I'm coming!"

Su Yi smiled coldly.

Just now that is his strategy, to deal with zombies stronger than himself, it is not necessary to fight hard, or have to smart!

"That's very fast!

Su Yi felt behind the green skin zombie breath, is gradually approaching, the heart slightly startled. Among the three zombies, this green zombie is not the strongest, but the fastest and the most flexible!

So, he also sped up, figure like the wind, relying on the super map, through the alley.

Suddenly, he swerved into a dead end!

There's a wall ahead. No way?

But there was no panic on Sue's face. On the contrary, she was quite calm.

"Well, taste my surprise for you!"


When the Green Skin zombies came after him, Su Yi immediately activated the talent.

"Purple inflammation!


A purple flame, like a shooting rocket, is shooting toward the green zombie.

On the face of the green zombie, there was a rare hint of surprise.

Did it ever occur to him that a human would have the means to shoot fire with his bare hands?

Is this still a person?

Although the spirit of the general wisdom, but the green skin zombie reaction is very fast, the foot of a force, the body jumped into the air, easily avoided the flame.

But Su Yi's mouth curled.

'It's done!

The target of the attack is not the Green Skin Zombie, but a bottle behind it.

Tick, tick, tick...

The bottle was half empty, and the dark golden liquid inside was falling down drop by drop.

It's gasoline!

And the flash of fire set the bottle ablaze.

Then a flame burst out of the bottle.

And all the other bottles around, they were lit by this flame.

It's full of gasoline, too.

It all happened in an instant.

In the midst of the flash, a huge fire broke out.


The terrible explosion covered the green skin zombies.


The green skin zombie screamed and was engulfed in a monstrous sea of fire.

"Whew, the plan worked!"

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

He planned this whole thing.

In the early part of the last life, he used similar methods to kill these powerful, but intelligent zombies.

It has always worked.


Su Yi slowly pulled out the Tang sword and assumed a fighting posture.

He knows that the other party has the potential to become a metamorphosed zombie.

This damage, I'm afraid, is not enough to kill it.


A shadow rushed out of the sea of fire, it was the green skin zombie.

At this time, it was covered with green skin, burnt black, and even faintly exuded a flavor of barbecue.

It just smells pretty bad.


Su Yi moved, holding Tang Dao, eyes as cold as ice, face as calm as water, quickly rushed up!

"Eat me!"

When he drinks, he jumps up and it's a slam.


Qingpi dead body hands strong, even the first time to dodge, but Su Yi mouth slightly.

"Hey, where to run!"

Su Yi raised his hand to swing the knife, the blade pointed straight at the green skin zombie, a familiar purple flame, flickering up. Boooooo!

Purple inflammation such as electricity, straight hit on the green skin dead body.

"Ow ho..."

Green skin zombie was hit by purple inflammation, suddenly roar again and again.

Su Yi in line with the "while you are sick, want your life" fighting principle, suddenly step on the ground, knife cut.


A spatula light flicker, green zombie raised his hand to resist, was Suyi directly cut off an arm.

Clang and clang!

Green skin zombie eat pain, still want to fight back, but Su Yi will not give it any chance.

With a Tang sword in his hand, he wields it like a tiger.

Green skin zombie still want to resist, but can only be in vain!

Click, click, click!

Su Yi even swing a number of knives, cut the green skin zombie repeatedly defeat.

"Well, you have a tough skin, so try this trick!"

See Su Yi a force, the purple flame will instantly cover the knife body of Tang Dao, an additional layer of flame damage.


A knife down, green skin dead body out of the clouds of smoke, screaming again and again.

"Give it to me!

Su Yi cut his other arm off with a sharp knife.


This time, green skin zombie know Su Yi's bad, turn around and want to run.

But as soon as it turned around, it was a hot knife light, through the chest.

"Oh, stay!"

Su Yi sneer, force a shake, green skin dead body son suddenly burst open!


A large reinforced crystal fell to the ground.

"Worthy of the potential zombie, the crystal is so big?"

Su Yi picked up the crystal, some surprise.


He gulped it down.

Buzz, buzz!

In an instant, Su Yi felt a strong force spreading in the body.

"Ha ha, such strong power!"

He looked excited and opened the data panel.

[ Personal Information ]

[Name] : Su Yi

[Level] : Level 2 awakening

[ Physical fitness ] : 110 calories

[ Talent ] : Infinite Awakening (God level, 1%), Purple Inflammation (B level, 80%), Personal space (A level, 0%)

[ Treasure ] : Superpowers map


"Secondary awakeners? 110 calories? It went up 40 calories?"

Su Yi was happy from ear to ear.