
Eschatology: Open the knife to the zombie sister, wake up to God-level

ZYGJKP · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 8 Does the dove occupy the magpie's nest? Kill!

Something's wrong!

Su Yi's pupils were constricted and his eyes locked on the marks at the entrance to the passageway.

It was a shallow footprint.

Although it is deliberately hidden, but the work is very rough, how can hide the eyes of Su Yi!

"There's probably someone in there..."

Su Yi thought, then tiptoed forward.

Before we reached the tunnel entrance, we heard several conversations coming from inside.

Inside the building.

Five people sitting in a piece, are young, tattooed on the body dragon painting tiger, flowing, at a glance is not a serious person.

"What the hell, this little food is not enough to stop people's teeth?" Damn it, I can't get through this..."

A young yellow hair, three bites of a bag of bread to eat away, severely threw the bag to the ground, scold a sentence.

'You shut up!

The young man with red hair nearby glared at him.

Black pupils, burst out a cold sharp, scared yellow hair quickly shut up.

Red hair looked around, a face indifferent.

"When the guy comes back, don't rush to start, let him relax his guard first, and then we will take him by surprise and pick him up!"

"When the time comes, all the supplies will be ours!"

Yeah, you wanna do something to me?

Outside, a strange look on Sue's face?

But how did they find me?

But what the hell, with a bunch of hacks trying to do this to me?

A fool's dream!

With a cold smile on his lips, he was about to break down the door when he heard someone speak again.

"As for the trouble?"

Some puckered their lips and grumbled.

"Brother, don't you have a shotgun in your hand? We don't have to be afraid of that guy. If he doesn't listen, we'll just shoot him down!"

"Yes, no matter how high kung fu is, you are afraid of kitchen knives, and you have a gun in your hand, what are you afraid of?"

Someone chimed in.

'What do you know?

Red hair glanced at them and said faintly, "This gun is used for zombies, it is a waste of time to kill people!"

"And don't be unkind to me if you ever question my decisions again."

"Yes, yes, yes..."

A few people hurriedly apologized.


These guys have guns?

Hearing this, Su Yi's heart sank.

Although he is not sure whether this is true or not, it is one of the ten rules of survival in the last days.

When a mortal danger is in the Schrodinger state, it is judged to exist!

His body strength now reaches 15 calories, the body reaction force and speed are far more than ordinary people, but not to the point of dodging bullets!

If you want to dodge bullets with your bare hands, you need at least 100 calories.

He was gonna go in there and kill these guys, but you can't do that when they have guns!

You have to be smart!

"I got it!

A thought flashed through Su Yi's mind, and then she smiled coldly.

"Hey, I haven't used that trick for a long time, let's try your hand today!"

Then he slipped away.

In 20 minutes.

Suddenly there was a cry for help in the corridor.

"Help, help..."

The voice was fast and harsh and full of fear.

Those guys were just like... Ow!!

A low voice suddenly sounded, followed by a heavy step, in the corridor sounded.

There's no way this could happen, except for zombies.

"Brother, it seems that someone has met a zombie, hearing the noise coming towards us..."

Someone exclaimed.

For the sound came nearer and nearer, and it was terrible.

"Block the passage! Stop it quickly!"

Red hair made a quick decision.

"That guy's probably back, we can't let him bring the zombies in and block the passageway!"


A few people heard, hurriedly moved all kinds of groceries, completely blocked the channel!

"Asshole, who's blocking the passageway!"

There was a fierce cursing outside, with some anxiety.

Then, the corridor came from the heart-wrenching roar.


The shrill cry stopped abruptly, as if the throat had been bitten off, with a faint whimpering sound.


Sounds like blood spattering.

Boom, boom, boom!

It seemed to be the sound of chewing bones, crisp and loud, coupled with the empty environment in the corridor, making people creepy.

The people inside the building, hearing this sound, could not help but break out in a cold sweat and their faces went pale.

After a long time, there was a sound of heavy footsteps in the corridor, but more and more distant.

Looks like the zombies left.

Such as completely no movement, red hair readily pointed to a person, coldly commanded.

"You... Go to the door, are the zombies gone?"

The accused man was a little reluctant, but he had to comply.

He crept close to the passageway, gently moved away a small crack, and looked out.

By this time, it was getting dark.

A sunset, from the outside window, slanted in, rendering the whole corridor a red halo.

A mangled corpse, lying quietly on the ground.

The man only looked at it once and almost threw up the food he had just eaten.

That scene, it was so stomach-churning.


"Gone, gone!

The man pressed down the acid water in his stomach and nodded.

Suddenly, his eyes were caught by a mass.

Beside the body, there was a knapsack, bulging, and a look inside contained a lot of things.

"Brother, that man seems to have supplies!"

He exclaimed, red hair heard, rushed forward, also saw the big backpack.

After making sure there were no zombies around, he sent someone to open the passageway and bring the backpack straight back.

But when the backpack was brought back, the red hair's nose moved slightly and was surprised.

"This is... What's that smell?"

That smell?

They slept in the sewer all night yesterday, and their noses have long been immune to all kinds of smells, and they didn't smell anything.

"This is... Gasoline?"

Red hair a face of consternation, a little do not understand.

Suddenly, there was a cold, hellish sound.

"Purple inflammation!


A purple flame slanted from the dark, like a rocket, and instantly hit the backpack.


Purple flames ignited a dozen bottles of gasoline in the backpack. Bang, bang, bang!

A powerful wave of fire and gas blew them all out.

Moments later, a ghostly figure, in the first moments after the explosion, rushed towards them.

It was Su Yi.

There is no doubt that all this is his masterpiece.

This fishing law enforcement, is the most common trick in the last days, often used to lure some of the surviving humans hiding in the tunnel.





Su Yi cut one at a time and took away all four of the five, leaving only the red hair.

Unlike the other four people who are half dead, Red hair's vitality is still very tenacious, and he can actually move two times.

"No injustice and no hatred still want to plot against me, but you are too young!"

Su Yi shook his head.

"Let's go!"


He kills him with a single stab, and immediately starts clearing the loot.

Moments later, Sue found the shotgun.

Unfortunately, it was damaged in the explosion, so it can't be used.

The rest is nothing but food and a few handfuls of scrap metal.

Just when he thought there was nothing to gain, he suddenly found a picture, and his eyes instantly lit up.

Wait, this is...