
Eschatology: Open the knife to the zombie sister, wake up to God-level

ZYGJKP · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 5 Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to save you!

Therefore, after Su Yi came in, he did not rush to take supplies, but first explored the corners around them one by one to prevent zombies from suddenly rushing out.

Huh? What was that?

Suddenly, he noticed a pale arm sticking out of the corner of a shelf.

That's the hand of a zombie!

"Well, there you are!"

Su Yi sneer, quietly walked past, suddenly turned around, a knife split down.


The zombie was caught off guard and killed with a knife!

Unfortunately, it didn't drop the crystals.

But the good news is it's the only zombie in four weeks.

Then, Su Yi quickly packed the supplies he needed into his backpack.

This time, he just packed a full backpack.

Today, he has 10 calories of force, whether speed or strength, or even reaction force, are much stronger than before.

This weight for him, nothing at all, will not affect his play.

When Su Yi passed a quiet street, he suddenly heard a small sound in the distance.

Huh? Is there movement?

Out of caution, he stepped aside and calmly looked ahead.

Before long, a team of four men came along.

Three men and one woman.

His whole body was dirty and his face was tired, as if he had just been through a terrible battle.

Three bad guys, three bad guys.

The head of the scar man, holding a mountain knife, eyes show a fierce light, a pair of big flower arms, a look is very unpleasant.

The other two guys, pretty much the same.

The girl alone is special.

A light colored clothes, look a little beautiful, Wen Wen weak weak, like a delicate orchid.

She looked lovely with her tears on her face.

The combination of these four people is extremely incongruous, and there is a feeling of animals and beauty!

"Scar, you go first, I want to save small Chu!"

All of a sudden, the girl in light clothes made a deep voice and turned her head to run.

I was stopped by Scar Man.

'No way!

Scar Man stuck his knife in the ground and said coldly.

"That zombie is too strong, Chu will never survive, you will only die."

"Dead or alive, I just want to be with him!"

The girl in light clothes firmly said.

"Oh, do you like little Chu so much?"

Suddenly, the knife scar male tone changed, some fun, "He is now dead, you should change someone like!"

"Scar, you... What do you mean by that?"

The girl in light clothes changes her face slightly.

"What do you mean? Oh, what do I mean, can't you see?"

Scar Man smiled grimly.

"Why did I save you yesterday? Do you think it was out of kindness?"


The girl in light clothes had a frightened face, and her body did not take two steps backward, but was blocked by the other two people.

I saw them both smiling.

"Oh, to tell you the truth, we scar brother see you, if not you have some pretty words, who will save you!"

"You guys..."

The girl in light clothes trembled, and some could not speak.

In fact, she already figured it out.

These three people are not good people from the face, how could they save them out of kindness?

Seeing a torn face, scar man just... In previous lives, humans were not united.

Or, in other words, disorganized!

The major forces struggle with each other.

"Thanks" to the Corpse Emperor's attack, the three forces were wiped out, forcing the rest of the forces to integrate and form a coalition of human camps.

But this kind of temporary integration, we're all doomed.

Large-scale apparent internal friction is gone, but small-scale hidden internal friction is still emerging.

But after the integration, the balance was maintained.

This balance is both human and zombie, but also the human camp itself.

But the appearance of Su Yi, unintentionally upset the balance.

For the zombies, he led the team to battle, personally thwarted several plots of the corpse emperor, angry each other furious.

For humans, when he was a law enforcement captain, he personally killed dozens of violators!

Either way, it throws the balance a little off balance.

Especially the killing of the violators!

They're all high-level relatives, and one of them is the only son of a league boss.

If Sue had to pick someone who wanted to kill him, it would be ahead of the dead King.

"The man who betrayed me must have been him... But he's not the only one!"

Su Yi's eyes sank.

Looking back at the battle in his past life, someone was secretly working to cut off his escape.

Otherwise, with his means, he can't beat the escape, or no problem!

That's a bit of a problem.

Because that guy is famous for his versatility, not only countless people, but also a wide range of personal contacts, and many high-level contacts!

Think of this, Su Yi cold hum.

"Never mind, first wipe out that guy's power, no one left!" The rest of you, I will liquidate slowly!"

Taking a deep breath, he rose slowly.

After a night's rest, the body has been fully recovered, full of energy, full of energy!

Su easy to deal with two simple, carrying an empty bag, on Tang knife went out.

Before going out, he blocked the exit here to prevent the zombies from finding him.

For the next few days, this will be his base!

Just down the stairs, Su Yi met a zombie, straight at him.

"Oh, go out happy?"

Su Yi smiled, pulled out Tang knife, a jump step, directly cut up.


That zombie was cut in half by Su Yi!


I got an enhanced crystal!


After Su Yi took it, the body changed a little and immediately opened the data panel.

[ Personal Information ]

[Name] : Su Yi

[Level] : The first awakened one

[ Physical fitness ] : 10 calories

[Talent] : Infinite Awakening (God level, 2%), Purple Inflammation (B level, 16%)

"Oh, finally 10 calories, you can go to the supermarket to see!"

He set out for a big supermarket.

Right now, on a building.

Several eyes will be what he did, see clearly, eyes with envy, there are cold.

The big brick supermarket.

Su Yi observed outside the door for a while, found that there was no movement inside, and went inside.

No movement, doesn't mean no zombies!

Because some infected zombies, who still retain some of their psychic intelligence, will use some strategies... "Your boyfriend, Chu, was actually left behind by me on purpose!"


As soon as these words came out, the pale girl's face was pale.

"If someone doesn't stop us from meeting that black-robed zombie, we'll all die!"

"Hey, anyway, that guy alive, it will only hinder my good, just throw him to the zombies!"

"I was trying to cultivate a relationship with you, and you died for that kid?"

"Oh, that's funny!"

Scar man sneers.

"Well, since you want to die, it is better to let the brothers have a good time!"

After saying that, Scar man and the other two people rushed up.

"Nooooo. Don't..."

The girl in light clothes cried out desperately, but what she got in return was bursts of evil laughter.

"Hey, shut her up before the zombies come!"

Scar male evil charm smiled, "You two hold her hands and feet, I'm the first on, and when I play, I'll give you to play!"

"Thank you, brother."

Just as Scar Man was about to undo his pants, a cold light ran through his chest.


Suddenly, the blood spatter, like a fountain, quite spectacular!


Such a bloody scene, directly scared the other two people, shallow girl is also a face of dismay.

Wait until the scar man fell, a thin figure, into the eyes of three people.

It was Sue.

Kill with one cut!

The action is crisp, there is no mud!


The two saw this, and thought that Su Yi was a brave man, and ran away.

But would Sue let them go? One big jump, one flash of the sword!

Both men are dead!

"So much... Thanks a lot!"

The girl in light clothes was also shocked by this scene and hesitated to thank her.

"Don't get me wrong, I wasn't trying to save you!"

Su Yi face cold, indifferent said.

"What was that black-robed zombie you were talking about?"

He certainly didn't mean it out of the goodness of his heart.

In the last days, this kind of thing is so common that it is impossible to control it!

Let alone the last days, even if it is a time of peace, he will not strike.

After all, bad guys are more likely to be protected by the law!

Well, I digress.

He only saved this girl to find out where the Black Robed Zombie was.

In a week, Flip City will give birth to three terrifying zombies.

They are not only powerful, but also extremely intelligent, and can even dominate other zombies.

When the time comes, they will lead an army of 10,000 zombies to sweep the entire tipping Bucket city, no one can stop!

One of the zombies is wearing a black robe!