
Erroneous Journey

This is just a fanfiction I only claim the MC and plot is mine as for all others? they belong to their respective Authors. A CMDK Fanfic. A child of taboo will rise and shake the Heaven and Abyss to its core. Find out what will happen in this "Multiversal War" Main world: Fate Destroying Emperor

Thebored_Writer · Book&Literature
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4 Chs

Start! Cultivation World?

' ' Thought

" " Conversation

Myriad Emperor World, Eastern Continent, Ten Thousand Island Domain, Bright Sun City.

Year XXXX (1 years before the start of Spirit Trial)

Observing the bustling street in the city that he transmigrated is rather a new experience for Amon considering that be transported again.

'Did I reincarnate in ancient China?' Amon thought to himself as he observed the visible ancient Chinese architecture in many of the buildings that have been constructed in this street

Recalling through his memories this particular world isn't really mention into Custom Demon King Verse that he supposed will be reincarnated into still it doesn't mean anything the CMDK for all he know is Multiverse in nature and in Multiverse infinite possibilities are possible so he digressed.

Amon then decided to check his status interface but before he can even open it countless humans is suddenly awe struck by looking in the sky and many even shouting.

"Isn't that an Immortal? Heavens! I did not expect in my life to see one!" One of the girl in the crowd said

"What a powerful Immortal! To be able fly in a flying sword only those powerful immortals can fly!" One of the girl then again exclaimed

Hearing the commotion that is currently happening Amon then began to feel a crisis in his mind' What? A cultivation world? I know for sure that the CMDK supposed to reincarnated does not have a world like that!"

After a few minutes of thinking to himself why he is supposed to be in a cultivation world instead of a Modern world or maybe like those sword and magic genre.

'Damn Root how can you fucked up so badly?'

With the commotion going on Amon decided to call upon his system interface on his mind.

[Amon Evans

True name: ?

Race: Human, Demon [Sealed]

Perks: N/A

Life Level: Supernatural

Magic Circuits: Unawakened

Esper: Level 0: Vision of the flaws

Create: (NAB) (AB) ]

Looking at his interface he began to thought to himself' Isn't this interface a bit lacking of something? My magic circuits on unawakened state again?'.

Digressing due to the lack of stats in his interface Amon began to re asses his current situation. Amon then began to deduce of what is currently happening to his situation and come into two conclusion.

One is that the will of the Nasuverse. Root is sabotaging him considering his circumstances as an Otherworlder there seems to be a reasonable reason for her to do something like this. But then again won't she just kill me outright if she have a deep grudge like this? So Amon rule out this this conclusion because all it will is just a slash of a knife to kill anything that it isn't even funny.

His second conjecture is that someone, something powerful meddle in his transmigration. Something that can even subvert the ways of a world will and not just an ordinary world will at that, it is The Swirl of the Root. Amon shuddered at the thought that he is now involved into something Multiversal or even Omniversal scheme and he can't do anything about it because he is powerless.

Amon then came to know of one thing. Whether it is the Root or Another Entity that is currently meddling in his supposed life of power trip in his second life? Or maybe third life then they are in for a suprise as I Amon Evans will show them, The Way, The Dao of Overpowered.

And they will know, Throughout Heaven and Earth I Alone am the OP one!

AN: Wtf I am embarrassed by this and feel cringy after. Still I am the author so I call the shots Muhahahaha.

AN again: Well the thing that inspires me to write this cringy ass of a line is because I just read chapter 236 of JJK. So that's that.


Accepting his circumstances albeit with a hint of reluctancy, because he himself read many type of entertainment media and of course it include the cultivation one as well and he cringe at himself at those times. Still there are good cultivation novels so Amon digressed.

The problem to cultivation novels is that it possess to many idiotic tropes so ridiculous it isn't even funny anymore. For example a Cultivator that has lived through thousand of years will be beaten by some heaven defying genius with heavenly golden supreme jade quality fucking comprehension and talent.

The problem that Amon think here is that this geniuses will always think and act like a fool like what happen to Heaven defying Genius trait it is more like Heaven defying bullshitness.

And of course running into fucking young master is the worst of all one can experience in a cultivation world.

Amon then finally moved on and began to walk and observe the city in more detail. Using his esper power to boost his observation of the sorroundings. Well considering it is still level 0 it isn't much of a help to Amon but still everything counts so he digressed.

[Esper: Level 0, Vision of the flaws

As the name implies. It allows the user to instinctively see a flaw and weakness in everything the user laid eyes on.]

This ability from To Aru Verse greatly helped Amon in his time in Nasuverse specifically his time as an Executor of the Eight Sacraments of the Holy Church.

Well as an Executor of the Holy Church he learned the most basic spell that most Executor have.

Reinforcement and Hypnosis

Bumping purposefully into some of the rich looking person on the crowded street Amon then decided to let his inner kleptomaniac self do the deed and borrowed some money from these rich ones.

'Hmm 12 Gold taels 90 Silver and 213 Bronze taels not a bad haul huh' Amon thought to himself counting the money that he borrowed from the rich guys.

Amon then began to look and began to see the sign of the building located at its entrance.

Golden Pavillion

Entering the Pavillion Amon see the interior and Amon can only say one thing. 'Beautiful'

Observing the Pavillion Amon then suddenly heated something spoke behind him.

"Ahem. Mister how would the Pavillion help you?" Said one of the attendants of the Pavillion

"Well it's this." Amon said as he explained his circumstances that he just recently arrived in this city and needed information about this city

All in all Amon had to pay 10 gold coins due to it involve everything happening in the city Amon felt like he struck it big and design his plan to his Dao of Opness.

Well before that Amon needed to replenish his stock of money so he still need to borrow again to the rich ones.


Returning to the house that he just bought recently Amon then proceed to his room and put down the 10 little rabbits and 10 chicken he bought.

He then also unsheathed a normal steel sword he again bought again using borrowed money.

Just like the system of Roy on the CMDK that he rad in his first life he needed to kill something so he can get his own version of Points the EXP.

While he consider the idea to just went on a rampage and kill as many people considering the trillions of trillions of human just on this city. He decided just to play safe first considering there are cultivators out there.

Well considering his martial skills learned in the holy church, his reinforcement Magecraft and his Esper Ability to supplement his martial prowess he did not have to worry about those cultivators at the Body Refining Realm.

Heck even those are at the Peak of Body Refining Realm may not be his match. Well considering his Unawakened Magic circuits that may not be true so Amon had already rectify and awakened his magic circuits as soon as possible.

Well he still decided to be cautious as possible because Amon is familiar just how bullshit power levels in a cultivation world was Star plucking and bathing in the core of the sun isn't impossible in the higher stages.

Sighing to himself Amon then digressed as he prepared to kill these Animals that he bought.

[Ding! You killed an animal Snow Rabbit X10

You Acquired 10 EXP]

[Ding! You killed an animal Earth Rooster X20

You Acquired 20 EXP]


Looking at his experience points Amon then proceed to use the create panel the NAB one and then began to describe on what he wants to create.

[Magical Item: Potion of Magic Circuit Awakening.

Description: Drinking this potion lets the user to awakened will have/her Magic Circuit Awakened if they it. This potion will also let the user to know his/her Magic Circuit Quantity, Quality and Composition. It will also let the user know his/her Element and Origin.

Costs: 5 EXP POINTS]

Amon then proceed to pay for the cost of magical potion. Smiling as the potion dropped into his hand and he immediately open and drank it. After a few seconds Amon suddenly feels heat radiating in his body as the potion took effect.

7 Magical Circuits thrummed into life as green lines spread across his right side of his chest thrumming as the magical circuits absorb the ambient spiritual energy in the air and convert it into Amon's pool of Od this continues until his Od capacity had been reach.

[Magical Circuit Awakened!

Quantity: 7

Quality A rank

Composition: Dynamic]

[Element and Origin have been discovered!

Element: Dark, Light, Average One

Origin: [?], Fool

Looking at his current magic circuits Amon then thought to himself' So it is still the same amount of quality, quantity and composition.

'Well considering that I did not even have my element and origin checked in Nasuverse it isn't surprising'

'What is surprising is where the light element come from? As for Dark it isn't surprising as I am a part demon albeit my demon part is still sealed'

'Heh I guess there's no use now speculating where the light elements and everything counts heh. As for the Average One he link it to his human part nature manifesting as his talent'

Amon then began to observe his origin

'Heh! As expected my origin also has the most famous question mark just like my true name is. And fool huh? What a cliché origin.'

Nevertheless Amon still accepted this development Amon also thought to himself that maybe his mockery of having a fool origin is his fool origin manifesting on him? Heh the fool really.

Using the create panel again the NAB one Amon then began to describe again on what he wants to create.

[Consumables: Beginner Alchemy Book

Description: A book that has the Beginner knowledge of the following verses. Nasuverse, To Aru Verse and FMA


Seeing that this also works to put the book specific knowledge and create it.

He then materialize the consumable book on his hand. The reason he want to learn alchemy magic first instead of other magic branch is to not worry again about having to borrow from the streets.

He just can transmute some lead into and bwala instant money! Amon then feels that he suddenly gained an enlightened into the Dao of Rich Young Master.

Well considering this is just a beginner knowledge he still need to have atleast have the advance knowledge on Alchemy of the three verse to have the efficient way of transforming Junks into riches.

[Do you want to consume Consumable: Beginner Alchemy Book?]

[Yes] [No]

Amon then said in his mind' Yes'

Knowledge of the three specific verses that Amon suddenly popped in his mind. On how to properly transmute matter. On how to create a perfect Alchemy circle. On what are the two branches of Alchemy are, the transmutation of matter and of the other one Phenomena. On how to properly deconstruct and lastly he also gained three Magecraft spells. Structural Grasping, Memory Partition and Thought Acceleration.

Amon then finally gathered his bearing together because of the sudden information running into his mind he somewhat caught surprise but he quickly adapted to it.

Looking at the magecraft spell that he suddenly gained because of the book Amon though to himself' Albeit this spell is just some beggining spell in the field of Alchemy it is still very useful to me specially Memory Partition and Thought Acceleration to my Esper Power maybe I can now become Level one? Two? Five? Or maybe I will succeed where accelerator failed level 6?

With that in mind Amon began to finally start his Learning arc for his Esper ability and training arc to better use his current set of abilities.

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I updated the timeline instead of 15 year before the canon starts. Spirit Road Trial it will be instead a year not fifteen

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