
Erroneous Journey

This is just a fanfiction I only claim the MC and plot is mine as for all others? they belong to their respective Authors. A CMDK Fanfic. A child of taboo will rise and shake the Heaven and Abyss to its core. Find out what will happen in this "Multiversal War" Main world: Fate Destroying Emperor

Thebored_Writer · Book&Literature
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Financial Stability

Bright Sun City, Amon's house


Woking up early after practicing till dawn Amon suddenly feel a bit groggy due to he only sleep for 3 hours Amon thought to himself.' Heh I need to solve this problem or else it might come back me bite in the ass later.'

Amon thought many ways to solve his current problem but only two seemed viable at the moment. The first one is to become a Cultivator. But considering on what information he learned yesterday the recruitment and scouting for the mortal who possess the talent to cultivate will only start 1 year later and these aspiring Cultivator will have to go through spirit trial first.

Spirit Trial is sponsored by the will of this world or rather Heavenly Dao in Cultivator terms. Every generation of a new batch of Cultivator Heavenly Dao commences opens a secret realm that contains countless fortune, inheritance of deceased Cultivators, treasures and many more.

The lady that he met in the Golden Pavillion also said that some really lucky people will get a Emperor Scripture or Emperor Artifact. Not that Amon know it as he lack context about these scriptures as he did not even got to see the most basic of it as right now he is just a day old in this cultivation world.

The first and foremost characteristics that these mortal needed to have to start into becoming a Cultivator is to have a Leakless body. This particular characteristics of a Cultivator will let them absorb spiritual QI in their bodies and store it in their bodies to nourish their blood and when a wisp of spiritual Qi have been successfully contained in the blood to nourish it. That's the time that said practitioner become a Cultivator starting their Immortal Path at Body Refining Realm.

Truthfully the Amon why Amon paid a steep price of a 10 Gold something that can allow a Mortal Family to live a well off life for years. Because of this information regarding the mysterious immortal cultivators.

AN: My Self invented Currency regarding the mortal side of the world.

100 Bronze Taels = 1 Silver Taels, 1000 Silver Taels = 1 Gold Taels.

There's also those Geniuses that have a spiritual root on top of a Leakless body. Amon thought of this spiritual likened to Nasuverse magic circuits as said spiritual root will also have a particular element.

And the most bullshit of all Heavenly Physiques. The owner of these physiques is said to be blessed by great luck and favoured by the heavenly dao.

Amon then thought to himself

'Atleast I have a rumoured spiritual root so I did not lose much. If worst come to worst don't I have a system? So catching up to these genius isn't really much it's just how much of a EXP I'm willing to spend.

Coming back to his problem of not getting enough sleep his second solution is to enchant the bed in his own house. So that every hour he spend lying and sleeping in the bed will translates to Atleast 2 hour of resting. So he only need to sleep four hours a day to fully met the requirement of good rest.

Standing on his bed Amon then proceed to the bathroom of the house and tend to his morning routine for his hygiene.

Amon is in for a suprise when he bought a house in this street because when he thought that a cultivation is considered backward based on his knowledge on his previous life.

Well Bright City is still considered backward in terms of technology but Bright City have a good damn plumbing system and drainage system. Well considering that Trillions of trillions of humans is currently inhabiting this city you can guess what will happen.

This city will stink and will smell of shit. That's that so Amon gave a thumbs up on whoever the City Lord is may Heavenly Dao bless you and your family for countless generations.

Exiting the bathroom after he take a bath Amon then began to put a black hanfu and Amon began to look at himself at the mirror.

Black Hair, Blue Eyes standing at 183 Cm tall.

'Damn I look good'

Moving on to finally cooked a rabbit and a chicken and eating a sumptuous meal Amon then began to put the steel sword that he bought yesterday and head out to the lawless area of the city.

And his objective? Of course

To Hunt.


Bright Sun City is considered a Arcology in modern terms but with the technology being backward. Think of Hive Cities in Warhammer 40k but with technology considered backward and the sizes multiply by a thousand no a several hundred thousand in size

Bright Sun City is composed of Core Section, Inner Section, Middle Section And Outer Section.

The core section of this city is considered to be the place where the City Lord family and his relatives or should I say his Clan considering their numerous numbers.

Inner section is where some aristocrats lived, powerful clans, wealthy clans, cunning clans as long as you name it. It existed in these Aristocrats.

Well considering that the main ideology of this world is heavily based on Darwinism Amon isn't really surprised because in this world Strength is Right.

Well moving on at the Outer City is where Amon lived where countless mortals is living. Thankfully the city has a unwritten rule that cultivators on the more inner side of the city can't act blantly in broad daylight lest they incur the wrath of City Lord.

Knowing this unwritten rule is the reason that Amon dared to go to the Lawless Zone where countless gangs is gathering. Where countless heinous crime is going right now at this very minute.

Looking at the Lawless zone in front his eyes Amon then uses his create function again the Artist Based and draw a mask that have the look of a Devil.

[Devil Mask

Description: An ordinary mask that hides the user identity to others to a certain strength and let the user use a rank E skill: Presence Concealment

Cost: 2 EXP]

Paying the requirements of exp for the mask to fully materialize. The mask materialises in front of his hand and then he vanished using the presence Concealment.

Going deeper into the Lawless zone Amon saw the unbridled act of evil going on in front of his eyes.

Amon then jumping from building to building without these mortal having a chance to discover him. He started he started to kill those who he caught act doing evil and then from this time a new legend will be born in this Lawless Zone.

The mortals of Lawless Zone are deemed to die Infront of Amon with with his Esper ability that allowed him to view the weakness of these mortals they are all one shorted in their vital points coupled with Amon reinforcement, Memory Partition and Thought Acceleration.

The slaughter began. Numerous +2 EXP per mortal vibrated in his ears but Amon paid it no mind as he continuosly assassinated every thing in his line of sight.


Night time, Amon's house.

Finally arriving in his house after his hunt. there's not even drop of blood has been spilled on him considering his speed so he did not need to worry about changing clothes as for his steel blade? He throw it away after the mad slaughter as the the end of its durability had come. No need to keep garbage right?.

Undressing his black hanfu and his mask long in storage space. Amon proceed reward himself a bath considering how much EXP he gained.

Exiting the bath Amon proceed to a chair in his house and began to ponder.

[EXP POINTS: 3648]

Considering that he did not have a bit of exp when he go to the lawless zone due to the creation of the mask Amon felt this hunt a good haul.

Well considering simple math all in all he killed a 1,824 person in the lawless zone. But Amon still felt that this is not enough considering that in the novel Roy actually started a Zombie Apocalypse and claimed all those souls he suddenly feel inferior.

But then he suddenly realize that he just got killed so many people and not even feeling bad about it. Is it because all the people he killed in the lawless zone is inherently evil just like himself?

Amon then purposefully vow to himself to protect his morality that the only thing that will die by his hands are evil people and his enemies.

Sighing to himself Amon then proceed to systematically create the Consumable: Alchemy Book from Intermediate knowledge, to Advance.

And this creation took a whopping 2000 EXP points from his reserve.

'500 from the intermediate and 1500 from the advance one?' Amon thought to himself as he feels that his 3k+ EXP points suddenly isn't so much.

Using the Book of Alchemy that he create it immediately struck Amon on ideas about the more advanced knowledge of Alchemy.

He gained the ability to transmute lead into gold permanently so he gained and enlightening to the Dao of Rich Young Master.

Adding to that he gained the ability of scar in Full metal Alchemist on how to perfectly create a Fully functioning Alchemical Circle and can brand it into his own arm granting him the ability use Alchemy as a form of combat.

But he will not brand it into his arm right now considering that in 9 months the scouting and recruitment of new generation of cultivators of Bright Sun City will commence so he did not want the older generation to see his magic ability.

Well now considering that he achieved a financial stability he through the use of alchemy he can now more focus on getting ability that will get him stronger.

Amon then began to open the Creation panel the NAB one and he began to describe of what kind of thing he wanted to create.

[Perk: Superhuman Desire.

Description: You always wanted to be special and that want was itself so strong that you really did become so. Whenever you are subjected to a procedure that will improve or beneficially alter you with a chance of injury to you, death or even just the procedure failing outright, it will instead have a guaranteed chance of success. Risky operations will always go off without a hitch, shoving an energy source into your own body will have it combine with you successfully if there was even the smallest chance of you not dying.

Cost: 1600 EXP]

Looking at the enormous amount of EXP to create this perk Amon suddenly felt himself going back to zero again. Sighing to himself he proceed to create the perk as this perk will be really useful to him specially in cultivation.

Amon then began to rest himself as this day have been really a lone one for him.

[Amon Evans

True Name:?

Race: Human, Demon [Sealed]

Perks: Superhuman Desire.

Life Level: Supernatural

Magic Circuits 7 A rank

Esper: Level 0, Vision of the flaws

Skills: (gained through the hunt)

Swordsmanship: Supernatural


Create: (NAB) (AB) ]