

At the age of 13, Lyon Grey suffers an accident and remains in a coma for a year of his life in a private hospital where his family had taken him. On his 14th birthday, he suddenly wakes up, but instead of being happy to be able to live normally, he feels confused. After all, gender roles have been reversed due to the fall in the ratio of men to women, with 1 man for every 3 women After the opening of several towers around the world, men must enter them and complete the floors so that the portal doesn't break. When they turn 14, they must go to the base of the tower and receive their awakening so that they can use Aura. Women are not allowed to enter the tower and awaken. All governments have established that all men at the age of 14 must go to the tower and undergo their awakening, after which they can decide whether to attend the academy called "Aura Path Academy", which is now established worldwide to train all new aura users. Or whether they will start entering the tower without any training. This will be a world with reversed gender roles. Warning: This book contains smut, R-18 and Incest. If you don't like it, please don't read it. There will be no NTR, i hate NTR! As the series progresses it will be explained that they are not real blood relatives. So do not worry. IMAGE CREATED BY LEONARDO.IA

Jhon_Sinners · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Returning Home


The sounds coming from the door leading into the room snapped them out of their beautiful moment.

Lyon and his mother were completely embarrassed by what they were about to do, and seeing that his mother was completely lost in thought about what had happened, Lyon decided to say something to calm her down.

"Mom, is everything all right? If you want, we can try again another time..." Lyon says in a worried voice towards his mother.

"Don't you hate me for what I was trying to do to you, Lyon? I'm the worst mother in the world!" His mother tells him as tears start to flow from her eyes again.

Lyon brings his hands to her head and begins to stroke it gently.

"Don't say something like that! You're the best mother in the world, besides I've been looking forward to kissing you, so can we try again another time?" Lyon says as he completely blushes at her question.

Seeing her son blushing and acting so cute, she can't help but rejoice at having Lyon as her son.

"Yes! Hehehe... If my little boy wants his mommy's lips, of course I'll give them to him!" His mother tells him while smiling happily again.


Then they heard the knocks again, her mother was in a good mood again so she decided to get up and go answer the door cheerfully.

When she opened it, Doctor Arya was on the other side with some papers in her hand.

"Hello, Mrs. Grey. I'm here to talk to you and Lyon about his discharge, may I come in?" Arya asked.

"Yes, come in so we can talk." Lyon's mother replies.

They enter the room, and as soon as Arya sees Lyon she can't help but smile happily.

"Hello, Lyon. I've come to bring you some good news." Arya says cheerfully.

"Hello Doctor, please tell us what the news is, now I'm curious." Lyon asks.

"Hehe... Yes, the good news is that we've finished all the examinations and there's nothing abnormal in the tests... That's why you're being discharged immediately."

"Waaah... Lyon, you're finally going home with Mom!" His mother starts crying again as she runs towards him and hugs him again.

"Cof...Cof... But I must inform you that he will have to come in once a week for at least a year, so that we can see his condition!" Said the doctor, interrupting their moment.

"All right, Doctor, can we go home now?" Lyon asks Arya.

"Yes, you can go home now, but remember, if you feel unwell, come to the hospital immediately so we can check your condition." Arya replies.

"Look, Mom, we can go home!"

Lyon approaches his mother's ear and whispers words in her ear.

"Once we're home, we can pick up where we left off..." Lyon says with a mischievous smile on his face.

When she hears his whisper, her mother stops crying and buries her head in her chest out of embarrassment.

"Don't say something like that..." says her mother as she blushes prettily.

"Cof...Cof... All right, I'll be leaving so you can get ready." Arya says as she walks away.

But as soon as she reaches the door, she looks at Lyon and gives him a slight wink with her right eye as she smiles, then leaves.


Just over 20 minutes had passed and now Lyon and his mother were heading home in their car.

They were in an Audi RS6, and his mother was driving calmly while humming happily.

"Lyon, your sisters have heard about your recovery and are waiting for you!" his mother tells him.

"Hm... All right, I'm looking forward to seeing them." Lyon said this, but in his mind he was thinking about what it would be like to look at Yara.

'The day I fell down the stairs, Yara was the one who pushed me...'

'But I can't blame her, she probably didn't think she'd hurt me so much, and besides, I'm to blame for always fighting with my sisters for whatever reason and being an idiot.

Lyon then began to remember how he used to behave in such a childish and spoiled way, but now it was different, he was going to be kind and take care of his family with all his love.

Gradually the minutes passed and they finally arrived at a large luxury condominium, and then stopped in front of a large mansion.

Lyon could easily recognize this house, it was the home where he lived with his family.

"Son, we're back, let's go..." His mother said.

"Yes, let's go." Lyon replies.