

At the age of 13, Lyon Grey suffers an accident and remains in a coma for a year of his life in a private hospital where his family had taken him. On his 14th birthday, he suddenly wakes up, but instead of being happy to be able to live normally, he feels confused. After all, gender roles have been reversed due to the fall in the ratio of men to women, with 1 man for every 3 women After the opening of several towers around the world, men must enter them and complete the floors so that the portal doesn't break. When they turn 14, they must go to the base of the tower and receive their awakening so that they can use Aura. Women are not allowed to enter the tower and awaken. All governments have established that all men at the age of 14 must go to the tower and undergo their awakening, after which they can decide whether to attend the academy called "Aura Path Academy", which is now established worldwide to train all new aura users. Or whether they will start entering the tower without any training. This will be a world with reversed gender roles. Warning: This book contains smut, R-18 and Incest. If you don't like it, please don't read it. There will be no NTR, i hate NTR! As the series progresses it will be explained that they are not real blood relatives. So do not worry. IMAGE CREATED BY LEONARDO.IA

Jhon_Sinners · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Red Line

After waking up in the morning, his mother was by his side, gently stroking his hair with a slight smile on her face, and when she saw that her son had woken up, she immediately rejoiced even more.

"Good morning Lyon... Did you sleep well tonight?" His mother asks Lyon.

"Good morning Mom... Yes, I slept well." Even as he said this, when he remembered the night before, he couldn't help but blush and look away from his mother's eyes.

His mother, seeing her son's strange behavior, knew something was wrong and decided to question him.

"Hm... Did something happen during the time I wasn't here?" His mother asks him while giving him a serious look.

"Not... Of course not... hahaha..." Being confronted by his mother's gaze, Lyon was quite distressed and was looking away as he thought of some way to escape this situation without lying to her, after all that's something he doesn't want to do.

"Lyon, you don't trust your mother...?"

"Waaaaah... Waaaaaaaaaaah Lyon doesn't trust mom anymore..." His mother began to cry when she saw that Lyon was hiding something from her.

Seeing his mother crying again made his heart heavy, so he decided to tell her about the dream he'd had.

"It's okay... It's okay... I'll tell you, but do you promise you won't hate me?" Lyon asked with a worried expression.

"Of course I won't hate you, son. You'll always be my little love... Sniff... Sniff." His mother replies as she strokes his head to ease his worry.

Lyon takes a few deep breaths, trying to ease his embarrassment at saying something like that to his mother.

"I... I dreamt about you, Mom!" Lyon says, his face completely red from embarrassment.

"Hehehe, my son dreamt about me? What were we doing in your dream?" His mother asks him with the most beautiful smile on her face.

"I... I dreamt I was kissing you..." After saying this, Lyon put both hands to his face in an attempt to hide from his mother's gaze, which was staring at him in shock.

"L-Lyon, did you dream you were kissing me?" His mother asks him and Lyon just nods at her to confirm. 

"Hehehehe... I'm so happy that my little boy dreamt about his mother... But tell me, did you enjoy kissing me?" She asks him as his whole face begins to heat up from the rather erotic subject...

"You're not mad?" Lyon asks her, as he removes his hand from her face to get a better look at his mother's expression.

"Of course I'm not angry, I'm glad you dreamt about me, but tell me how it was, did you enjoy kissing me?" His mother had a charming smile and her cheeks were flushed as she looked at her son.

"Y-Yes, it was very nice, your lips tasted sweet and they were soft..." Lyon told him as he began to blush even more.

Looking at Lyon saying such lovely words to her, she couldn't resist putting one of her hands on his cheek and slowly began to approach him.

Lyon was gazing into his mother's beautiful brown eyes, as their faces came closer and closer and Lyon could feel her sweet breath mingling with his.

Due to the silence around them, the sound of their strong heartbeats was audible, the seconds passed slowly and for them it was as if minutes had passed due to the magical moment they were having.

Gradually they finally got close enough for their lips to almost touch, just one more small movement and they would cross that beautiful red line that was in their path... 

Just one more movement and they would taste each other's lips...

Both of their minds were blank, there was no trace of extraneous thoughts, they were completely focused on their feelings and consumed by carnal thoughts...

"We're all in a rat race, no one is an exception, live by reading and telling stories you like, just keep the sanity to separate reality from fiction. If you equate the two you're just an idiot!" Jhon_Sinners

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