
Eroge Dragon Monarch: Harem In A Game World

A misunderstanding allowed Orion to be summoned before the goddess of war instead of his best friend, who had initially annoyed the goddess. Luckily for Orion, the misunderstanding was cleared by the goddess’s sister, who also allowed Orion to understand the true reason behind his summoning. With his mind made up to not only live as he pleases but also prevent the two goddesses from fading into obscurity, Orion’s soul safely transmigrated into the game world. Upon waking up in this new world, Orion discovered he had woken up in the body of a prince who also happened to be a villain in the game. In the game, Prince Orion Azvameth was fated to not only lose his half-sister and her mother but was also destined to lose his personal maid, who sacrificed herself for him. As if the cruelty he was meant to suffer wasn’t enough, his kingdom was destined to be plagued with both internal and external problems while he was destined to die at the hands of the protagonist after being used as a puppet by a Greater Demon. With all this weighing on his mind, Orion vowed to not only change his fate but also that of those he cared about. However, his actions were bound to create a butterfly effect, and what better way to defy the odds than by ruling the world.

Megabyte · Fantasy
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45 Chs

25. Visiting Mia and Lucretia’s Bedroom.

Walking through the lengthy corridor, Orion finally arrived in front of Mia's bedroom door before knocking on it twice.

"Come in," Mia's voice emerged from inside the room and Orion slowly opened the door before stepping in.

"Big brother? You came?" Mia was surprised to see Orion walking into her room.

"I gave you my word, didn't I?" Orion sat beside her on the bed.

"Yes, you did, and I'm glad you came," Mia smiled and was relieved to see him not just once, but twice now.

She knew her big brother said he would visit her again in the morning, but a part of her assumed that Orion had stressed himself a bit too much when he visited her last night and so would be unable to visit again..

Besides, due to the potion he was brewing with Lilith and others, they had spent hours in the alchemy room.

"Me too," Orion replied, then suddenly felt Mia's hand holding his as though she didn't want him to leave.

"What's wrong?" He asked, noticing the worried look on her face.

"I was worried you wouldn't come back."

Hearing this, Orion's lips stretched into a smile and he firmly held her hand.

"Trust me, Mia, there's nothing that will stop me from seeing my cute little princess smile," Orion teasingly bobbed Mia's cute little nose.

Glad to hear those words, Mia smiled and giggled. "Hehe....you're funny."

"Really? You think so?"

"Yes, but you're also like big sister Lilith."

"Big sister Lilith?" Orion was surprised to see Mia referring to Lilith as her big sister.

"Why are you calling her big sister?"

"Because she's the best big sister I could ever wish for."

"Really? How so?"

"Ever since I became ill, she visited me every day and night, making sure I eat every morning and before going to bed. I love her so much. She's the best."

Hearing his little sister saying those wonderful words about Lilith, made Orion feel even more glad to have someone like Lilith in his life.

She was truly the best maid any prince could ever wish for.

"And...." Mia's words dragged his attention back to her.

"And?" Orion repeated expectantly, but Mia beckoned for him to lean closer to her.

"Can I tell you a secret?" She whispered.

"What is it?" Orion whispered back.

"I think she likes you," She said into his ear.

Orion pulled his head back in surprise to look at Mia before asking with a smile on his face. "And why would you say that? Did you notice anything in particular?"

Mia nodded in response. "Yes. Every time big sister talks about you, her face turns red."

Orion laughed at his sister's words, which made Mia think that he wasn't taking her seriously.

"Big brother, I'm serious."

"I know."

Mia pouted cutely because she could see that her brother was still laughing, but she suddenly noticed something glowing in his hand.

"Big brother, what's that?" she asked.

Looking closely, Mia could see that he was holding a pale blue vial in his hand.

"It's a potion I made with the help of Lilith and some other people."

"What does it do?"

"It will help to cure your illness," Orion told Mia.

"Really?" Mia immediately looked up at him with hopeful eyes.

"Yes," Orion said confidently as he carefully removed the cork from the vial.

He then gently cradled the back of Mia's head with his hand while he administered the potion.

Mia swallowed the potion in three gulps, feeling a soothing sensation slowly spread throughout her body. However, she also began to feel a bit heavy-eyed, which made her a bit confused since she hadn't been feeling sleepy a few minutes ago.

Noticing the worried look on Mia's face, Orion quickly reassured her, "You'll feel a little sleepy, but I promise that you will be well again the moment you wake up. Trust me, Mia."

"I do, big brother," she replied with a smile.

Hearing that, Orion lips widened into a smile as well and he planted a kiss on her forehead. "Thank you for your trust, Mia."

"Big brother?"

"Yes, little princess?"

Mia giggled at the way he called her his little princess. "Once I'm all better, can I come to your room?"

"Of course, you are always welcome."

"Thank you, big brother, The moment she said those words, Mia's eyes became heavier until she finally succumbed to the effects of the potion and Orion tucked her into bed, making sure she was comfortable before staying by her side and watching over her until he was sure she was deeply asleep.

Right after he stepped out of Mia's room, Orion decided to check out his stepmother's bedroom.

Since he had awoken his bloodline, Orion had only visited Mia and not Lucretia. He wasn't sure if she had taken the potion already but he wanted to see if he could talk to her before returning to his room.

Upon arriving at Lucretia's bedroom, Orion noticed Lilith walking out of his stepmother's bedroom.

"Is she asleep?" He asked.

"No, and she wants to see you."

Orion nodded in understanding before knocking twice on Lucretia's bedroom door.

"Come in."

The moment Orion entered the room, he was hit with the scent of lavender which was lingering in the air. He turned to his left to find Lucretia sitting on her bed with her back leaning against a pile of soft pillows.

"Good afternoon, stepmother."

"Good afternoon, Orion. Please come closer."

Just like Mia, Lucretia had silver-colored hair and beautiful blue eyes. She looked like a mature version of Mia, but as he got closer to her, he could see how tired her eyes looked.

Yet, despite her illness, she tried her best to smile at him as she patted the bed for Orion to sit on.

As he sat on the bed, Orion spotted her fragile hands holding onto the blue vial he made for her.

"I heard you made this?" She asked, a smile on her face as she looked at the potion.

"Yes," Orion replied, he knew this was the reason why she wished to see him; she wanted to express her thanks for his efforts in brewing the potion that now gave her a glimmer of hope.

"Thank you, Orion."

"You're welcome, but you seriously need to use the potion."

Lucretia smiled, noticing the concerned look on her stepson's face. She had always been the one to be worried every time she visited his room when his body was weak, and now, he was the one with the worried look on his face.

"I will, but I'm more interested in knowing how you feel now that you've awoken your dragon bloodline."