
Ernst Dawson, a Coiling Dragon fanfic

A depressed guy who lost everything died in an accident by saving a little girl being hit by a truck. Unknown to him, the little girl father is a God. To reward him for saving his daughter, He sent his soul in a fantasy world from the guys memory. What would happen in this world when he awakens? Warning: 1. This novel is set up in a world where strong prey on the weak. 2. This is a fanfic so please don’t expect anything to follow the original canon. 3. English is not my main language so please don’t expect grammar to be perfect. 4. I don’t own characters of coiling dragon.

Finney_Gan · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 8-Velocidragon Nadia

A month later.

Inside the base, Ernst is meditating, due to his exceptional affinities except 'Darkness', he can sense them clearly. Just yesterday, he had a breakthrough and steps into a 6th rank magus. As long as his rank increases, his range of absorption of elemental essence also increases.

Ernst had killed numerous magical beasts as well as people who want to rob him. He had more than a thousand magicite core now in his interspatial ring.

Each day, Ernst would fight a magical beast. His abilities as a warrior are getting better with magus spell as a support. Naturally, he is getting closer to the inner region. Magical beasts are getting and plentiful too.

One day, when Ernst returned to his base. He suddenly stopped one hundred meters away from the cave. The place is quiet. Usually, the low level magical beast is drinking water in the stream at this time. But they are nowhere to be found.

Ernst became suspicious, he cast Wind-style magic spell 'Windscout'. He had found that there are eight people waiting for him inside the cave. Two 7th ranks and six 6th ranks. It appears that these guys are up to no good. "Are they here to ambush me?" He asked himself. After some thinking, he smiled, whether they are here for him, it doesn't matter.

He cast 'Shattered Rocks' spell, hundreds of gigantic boulders flew to the cave entrance.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Ernst plans to imprison them inside the cave first, then attacked with Earth-style magic spell 'Earthen Spear Array' for the kill.

"Aaaaaahhh!" "Aaaaaahhh!" "Aaaaaahhh!"

He heard painful cries inside the cave. With a flick of his hand, four metallic balls from the interspatial ring appear on his hand. He rarely uses metal ball to kill his opponents. But today, he will use it because he doesn't know the capabilities of these people. He will attack from a distance for his safety sake.

After a few minutes, later, two people escape from the cave by breaking the boulders using their swords. They are both 7th rank warrior. Ernst imbued his battle Qi into the metal balls and locked them with his spiritual energy. He flicks the metallic ball with his finger, all of them were release in less than a second. The speed of the metallic balls is one hundred fifty per second. He targets their head and chest.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The two people did not feel the incoming danger due to various injuries, though they are still vigilant. Their heads have exploded, while their chests have now a big hole. They died without knowing who killed them.

Ernst comes to the cave to inspect the people inside. The people inside are impaled by the earthen spears, they missed avoiding the magic spell due to sudden attack.

All of them have a lot of magicite cores inside their backpacks. He counted them and was happy. There are 508 magicite core of the 5th rank, 205 magicite core of the 6th rank and 7 magicite core of the 7th rank. They have a value of around half million gold coins.

After counting the magicite cores, Ernst left and entered the inner region of the Mountain Range of Magical Beast.

Ernst continued battling magical beast, but did not kill them all. He fights them as to enhance his fighting capabilities and further his knowledge about the third stage of wielding weapons. The 'Impose' stage.

One day, when Ernst is resting near a waterfall, he saw an enormous Velocidragon.

The Velocidragon was drinking water at the stream not far away from him. It was at least two storey high, covered with large flame red shield like scales, which extended over and covered its four limbs like a scaly armor. Its long tail was roughly half of its body, nimble and agile like a whip. Its two sinister red eyes, each the size of a lantern. Two plumes of smoke coming out from its nostril. This is really a magical beast, 7th rank Velocidragon.

Ernst seriously looked at the Velocidragon while it drinks water. He likes to have a magical beast companion, but not yet found a suitable target. But now, he saw a good target, he will not miss the opportunity to tame it.

The Velocidragon seems to notice Ernst gazed.


The Velocidragon was angry and roars at him. It runs slowly then faster towards Ernst. The Velocidragon attack him with blazing flame coming from its big mouth.


He avoided the huge fireball by rolling to the ground. Ernst runs and distances himself from the magical beast. While running, he cast 'Earthguard' spell to cover him with rock armor.

The Velocidragon runs after him and breathe another fireball. Ernst saw an opening, draws his Blackshadow sword and slashes the Velocidragons neck. Before the sword touches the neck of the Velocidragon, he was hit by its tail.



Ernst screams in pain and vomited fresh blood. He was thrown faraway by the tail attack. His 'Earthguard' armor was also shattered.

Seeing this, the Velocidragon breathe another fireball again, it's going for the kill.


Ernst gritted his teeth and forgets the pain of his injured body. He avoided the fireball and runaway again. Ernst cast the Wind-style magic spell 'Supersonic' to increase his speed.


The Velocidragon angrily growl at him. It cannot believe that a small creature can escape from fireball attack again and again.

Ernst becomes serious and full of concentration. If he were hit again by whip like tail, he will absolutely die. He was very wary of Velocidragons tail. While escaping, he cast Earth-style magic spell 'Supergravity Field'.

The Velocidragon speed becomes very slow, and its weight becomes heavier. Ernst, seeing a chance, slashes his sword at the Velocidragons back.


Seeing the little creature attacking again with a sword, the Velocidragon uses its tail to kill Ernst. But this time is Ernst is well-prepared. He dodges the whip attack and hit the Velocidragon on its back.



The Velocidragon cries painfully and look at him ferociously. The bones on its back were broken, and its body is heavily injured. Though it is injured, it still has its fighting spirit.


Ernst looks at the Velocidragon in the eyes, seeing it has still a will to fight. He sheathed his sword on his back and walk to the head of the magical beast. He punches the Velocidragons head.



"Submit to me or die." Ernst said seriously.


The Velocidragon was unwilling to submit, and it is still roaring at him. Ernst pummels the beast until it submit.

"Do you submit?"

The Velocidragon still don't want to submit, so give it more punches.

"Do you submit?"


The Velocidragon let out a howl of grief, then bow its head.

Ernst smiled and took the soul binding contract scroll from his interspatial ring and tore it. A nearly translucent pentagram magic formation was floating in midair.

The pentagram magic formation flew towards the head of the Velocidragon who didn't resist at all, allowing the magical formation to enter its mind. Suddenly, both Ernst and the Velocidragon feel that their spirits are connected.


The Velocidragon greeted him through their mind link.

Ernst looks at the magical beast. "What is your name?"

The Velocidragon gaze at him respectfully. "Master, my name is Nadia."

"You are female, magical beasts?"

"Yes master."

He observed the Velocidragon then patted its head. "From now on, you will follow me."

Ernst cast a Light-style magical spell 'Healing' to heal the heavily injured Nadia. The injury of the Velocidragon was healed completely. Nadia jump around with excitement. Though, she is still wary of her master.


Ernst and Nadia walk up the direction of the waterfall to rest. Ernst reviewed his fight earlier with the Velocidragon in his mind. He noticed that he made many mistakes during the fight and tries to correct them, so that next time something similar occur, he will not be in a passive situation.

While he was resting, the Velocidragon guarded him. He did not need to find caves anymore, and can now sleep in the wild.