
Ernst Dawson, a Coiling Dragon fanfic

A depressed guy who lost everything died in an accident by saving a little girl being hit by a truck. Unknown to him, the little girl father is a God. To reward him for saving his daughter, He sent his soul in a fantasy world from the guys memory. What would happen in this world when he awakens? Warning: 1. This novel is set up in a world where strong prey on the weak. 2. This is a fanfic so please don’t expect anything to follow the original canon. 3. English is not my main language so please don’t expect grammar to be perfect. 4. I don’t own characters of coiling dragon.

Finney_Gan · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 35-Adventures Inside the Necropolis of the Gods (Part 3)

"That was rather easy. If the Beholder King have minions like the Flame Tyrant, we will have a hard time dealing with him." Douglas smugly said.

"I was frozen solid. When the gray light hit me, it instantly freezes my soul. It's very hard to evade that kind of attack. Thankfully, I know what will happen and prepared beforehand." Roger said with lingering fear.

While they were still discussing, suddenly a unique and overbearing force surrounded Nadia, who is meditating on the ground.

The natural Law descended.

Nadia's body started to float in midair. Not long after a black divine spark with red tint appears in front of her. She pushes the divine spark to the side. Nadia began to scream in pain as her soul was split in two. When the process ended, Nadia's smaller soul merges with the divine spark. After merging with the divine spark, the natural Law created a divine body, while the other smaller soul return to her Saint body. Before the divine body finish forming, Nadia immediately created a black warrior outfit for the divine body.

After the divine body was formed, Nadia begins to transform the appearance of her divine clone to have some similarities with Jenne, Rebecca, Lenna, and Anna. After the transformation, Nadia becomes a beautiful young lady with red hair with a height of 175 cm.

"Hahaha. I'm finally promoted to a Deity. So, this is the feeling master felt when he was promoted to Deity. It's really incredible." Nadia happily laughs.

"Congratulation Nadia."

James and company congratulated Nadia with a hint of envy.

"Thanks everyone. Don't envy me, you will be promoted soon. I'm so happy. Who would think a 7th rank Velocidragon will not only become a Saint, but also promoted to a Deity. If I didn't meet master at that time, either I'm still a 7th rank Velocidragon or I'll be long dead." Nadia said happily.

Sarah hugs Nadia and patted her back.

"Now, Nadia is already promoted to a Deity, entering the eleventh floor will be easy. But before that, let's celebrate Nadia's promotion. Bring out the wine and foods. We will not stop all of us dead drunk." Sarah said.

"Yeah. Celebration. Hahahahaha."

While everyone was celebrating, in the third floor of the Necropolis of the Gods where the Ba-Serpent sleeps, is already awake. He was observing Nadia and company. "Finally, I can leave this place. Hahaha. I'm finally free. I just need to wait for less than eight years."

After two days, James and company finally entered the ninth floor. They fly for about an hour before finding a lone island in the middle of the sea. They explored the island and discover a wooden house. Outside the wooden house is a skinny youngster wearing a straw hat, sipping tea while sitting on a stone chair. The youngster looks harmless and smiles at them.

"It's been so long since I have a guest. My name is Louis. I am the guardian of this place. The entrance to the tenth floor is inside the wooden house. I don't like to fight you, as long as you didn't enter the tenth floor. Please sit down and accompany me while we drink tea."

All of a sudden, the space around Louis were frozen and he couldn't move and speak. Louis was petrified, he knew someone in the group is a Deity.

"Since you are accommodating, I will not kill you. How about this? You will spar with my companions for three months. When you spar with them, you must not hold back. As long as you didn't kill them, everything is fine." Nadia said seriously.

"Yes Lord." Louis felt bitter. He did not expect there is a Deity. He plans to act as a gentleman and when they let their guard down, he will kill them.

"Guys, the opponent is strong, stronger than anyone we faced before. Why don't we fight him as a team first? Thereafter, we will take turns to fight him one on one." James gives his suggestion.

"Not a bad idea." Sarah agreed.

"No problem." Douglas and Roger also agree.

Three months later.


Louis' body hit the ground, causing a loud explosion.

"Cough!" "Cough!" "Cough!"

Louis get up from the ground while coughing. A sword attack distorted his body. He looks helplessly towards Douglas.

"Not bad. Not bad. To think that your body is only deformed after taking my sword strike. Your body becomes resilient after one month." Douglas teased Louis.

Louis cursed Douglas in his mind. "Fuck you! If my body did not get resilient after so much beating from you guys, I will be dead long ago."

"Enough, Douglas, stop teasing him. He is no match for you anymore. We will now go the tenth floor." Nadia glance at the injure Louis. "Louis, as we had agreed, I will not kill you. We'll be leaving now." Nadia and her companions enter the entrance to the tenth floor.

Seeing them finally left. Louis body slump to the ground and begins to cry.

"Sob!" "Sob!" "Sob!" "Sob!"

During the past two months, his life were truly miserable. On the first month, It was fine, he can overpower them with his in-depth understanding of the Laws and his innate talent. But, at the beginning of the second month, every day was like hell. Everyone will fight, him until he collapses. He didn't even get a proper rest. He feels like he is being tortured and not doing a sparring match. Louis feels he is going to get insane and begins to laugh loudly.

After entering the tenth floor, James and company search for the entrance to the eleventh floor. They want to avoid wasting time on the tenth floor. After more than two years, they finally arrive at the eleventh floor of the Necropolis of the Gods. Except Nadia, everyone were excited to fight countless Abyssal Blade Demons.

Before entering the eleventh floor, they discuss on how to train while fighting countless Abyssal Blade Demons. Nadia fire divine clone will return to her Saint body and conceal her power as a Deity, so not to alarm their opponents. She will also act as support, preventing them from dying and does not need to fight unless needed. James, Sarah, Douglas, and Roger will be the main attackers. They want to know, how can they handle a huge number of opponents.

Entering the eleventh floor, James and company are already covered in diamond armor. They observe the desolate and metallic world while looking for opponents. They flew around while being vigilant, they saw a valley covered with red fog and decided to land there. Likewise, they will just wait for the Abyssal Blade Demons to show up.

"Hahaha…" A loud laughter suddenly rang throughout the valley.

"It's been a long time since we encountered any invaders. Children kill them all." A red-colored Abyssal Blade Demon spokes.

"Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!"

Countess Abyssal Blade Demons with blade on both hand charges toward James and company.

"Proceed to plan B." James shouted in their minds.

Douglas quickly punches the metallic ground and created an underground tunnel. Everyone enters the tunnel hurriedly. Nadia stayed in the middle. Douglas stays on the front, tunneling underground. James, Sarah, and Roger stayed at the rear, ready to fight.

"Slash!" "Slash!" "Slash!"

Three heads of Abyssal Blade Demons were chop by James, Sarah, and Roger. But immediately, more Abyssal Blade Demons slash their blades towards them. Nadia observes the trios battle and ready to save them if they face a fatal attack.

"Thud!" "Thud!" "Thud!"

Another three heads of Abyssal Blade Demons falls to the ground, but they are replaced by other Abyssal Blade Demons who are pursuing them.

Momentarily, James, Sarah, and Roger still manage to hold down the Abyssal Blade Demons, while escaping through the underground.

Later, their battle Qi and spiritual energy are getting depleted very fast.


Roger's was hit by the blade of Abyssal Blade Demons, his diamond armor were broken. He was push back with blood dripping from his lips by the attack. Enduring the pain, he relied on the counter force to switch with Douglas position. He is now in charged of tunneling.

Douglas, replaced Roger's position. He is fighting Abyssal Blade Demons now.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

James and Sarah's armor also shatters by the combined attack of the Abyssal Blade Demons. They are coughing fresh blood, but endure the pain from their injuries and joins Douglas in battle.

While, James, Sarah, and Douglas are still holding on. Nadia from time to time will release a ray of red light from her eyes, turning the Abyssal Blade Demons to ash. She knows about the trio is critical now, so she helps them relieve some pressures. She already prepares the Velocidragon construct for them to escape.

Moments later, James and Sarah's body are already full of injuries and they are panting heavily. Nadia shouted in their mind. "Quickly, enter the construct."

James and Sarah immediately boarded the Velocidragon construct, while Nadia assist Douglas in fighting the Abyssal Blade Demons. With Nadia's power, tens of Abyssal Blade Demons instantly turn to ash every second.

"Douglas, Roger, quickly, go inside." Nadia said to the two.

When both Douglas and Roger enters the construct, only Nadia remains to handle the pursuing Abyssal Blade Demons. Nadia had killed hundreds of them before she enters the construct and controls it to escape.

Sarah also helps to close the tunnel with magic spell. As they travel with the construct, countless boulders will appear behind them and close the tunnel.

Thought the underground was also made of metal, it was easily melted by the Velocidragon constructs.

"It's about time, children ten every ten kilometers. Head out now. Send ten thousand Abyssal Blade Demons to block the entrance to the tenth floor. I will not let them escape, even they burrow underground." The red-colored Abyssal Blade Demon orders loudly.

Inside the Velocidragon construct, James, Sarah, and Douglas looks miserable. Their eyes show little fear towards the Abyssal Blade Demons, then they look to each other and laughs.

"Hahaha. I didn't expect fighting those guys will be this hard. After you kill them, another group will quickly replace them." Roger said while shaking his head.

"Thankfully we are fighting underground, there numbers are less compared above the ground. If we fought above the ground we will be surrounded easily and will not last long." Douglas said.

"We have to thank Nadia for her support. If not for her, we are already dead." Sarah complimented.

"Don't be too happy early, we are still surrounded by the Abyssal Blade Demons. Thankfully, their spiritual sense can only cover ten meters around them. We have to repeat what we did on the sixth floor and fought a hit and run battle." Nadia suggested.

"Yes." James and company agrees.

"Let's recuperate our injuries quickly and prepare for the possible attacks of the pursuers." Sarah said.