
Ernst Dawson, a Coiling Dragon fanfic

A depressed guy who lost everything died in an accident by saving a little girl being hit by a truck. Unknown to him, the little girl father is a God. To reward him for saving his daughter, He sent his soul in a fantasy world from the guys memory. What would happen in this world when he awakens? Warning: 1. This novel is set up in a world where strong prey on the weak. 2. This is a fanfic so please don’t expect anything to follow the original canon. 3. English is not my main language so please don’t expect grammar to be perfect. 4. I don’t own characters of coiling dragon.

Finney_Gan · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 34-Adventures Inside the Necropolis of the Gods (Part 2)

One year later, inside the sixth floor.

The Flame Tyrant was furious and irritated. Six months ago, one hundred of his Magma Demons disappeared. Three months ago, another one hundred Magma Demons disappeared. Last month, he lost another hundred Magma Demons. He now has less than five hundred Magma Demons. He knows it was done by by the human intruders, but he was helpless. Furthermore, he can't find them, nor his minions.

At the bottom of the lava river, a Velocidragon construct was moving slowly. Inside the construct, four human Saints and one magical beast were laughing. The four human Saints were drinking wine while the magical beast controls the construct.

"More than a year, we already hunted more than six hundred Magma Demons. There are only less than five hundreds left. In less than a six months, we will face the Flame Tyrant." Sarah said.

"I am very excited fighting them continuously. I feel I can be promoted to a Deity in less than two years." Nadia said excitedly.

"That fast? Nadia, I envy you." Douglas jokingly said.

"Young master is really correct. Fighting constantly will unleash our potential and increase our strength quickly." Roger said.

"Yeah. I agree with you. During our first month fighting the Magma Demons, I need two moves just to kill one. Now, I only need one slash of my sword to kill a Magma Demon." Douglas, added.

"The Magma Demons are really tough enough, then the Flame Tyrant must be tougher." James was full of fighting spirit.

Six month later.

On the scorching ground, Sarah was coughing fresh blood. Her diamond armor was broken and has a hideous wound on her body. She helplessly look at her husband and Nadia still fighting for their lives against the Flame Tyrant. Then she looks at the direction of his dead brother's Douglas and Roger. One was cut in half while the other was turn to mince meat. She can't stop her tears from falling.

"Damn humans. Don't think about escaping. Today, all of you shall die. Do you think, after killing my children, I will spare you? You just got lucky to escape last time, but now the possibility of escaping, is zero. Now, take my Bloodlust Great Axe." The Flame Tyrant brandish his axe towards the heavily injured James, who can barely stand. Seeing the giant axe chopping him, James gathers his last remaining strength to block the Bloodlust Great Axe, but failed. He has no more spiritual energy left. Likewise, he looks at his wife's direction and smiles.


"Nooooooooo!" Sarah cried.

James was pushed suddenly. He open his eyes and saw Nadia's body split in two, with tears in her eyes. He gathers his strength to shout.

"Nadia!" "Nadia!"

Nadia were already dead. She was already close to dying when she was hit by the Bloodlust Great Axe. Seeing her master's father was about to die, she garners all her remaining strength to move towards James and push him away from the axe, to give him a little more time to live.


Sarah cried like a child after seeing Nadia saves her husband in exchange for her life.

"Hahaha. So, you were save by the Velocidragon. Pathetic! A magical beast gave her life to human. Now, no one will save you. Die!"

The Flame Tyrant swing his Bloodlust Great Axe again, then chops down towards James body.


Sarah suddenly cries and open her eyes. She saw her husband, brothers, and even Nadia, alive and well. She let a long sigh of relief.

"Thankfully, it's just a dream." She thought.

"Sarah, you had a nightmare?" James asks worriedly.

"Yes, it's a horrible dream. In my dream, all four of you, had died. I watched each one of you killed by the Flame Tyrant, one by one." Sarah said sadly.

"Sarah, its just a dream. It is our fault for being too arrogant, to think that we can defeat the Flame Tyrant because our strength increase greatly. Sadly, we are wrong. Ernst was right, we should not underestimate anyone, especially the experts inside the Necropolis of the Gods. We got lucky to escape last time. Next time, we might not get lucky." James said.

"Let's prepare for three days. After three days, we will kill him." Nadia angrily said.

After three days, James and company are ready to face the Flame Tyrant again. During their first battle, they suffered a terrible defeat. Luckily, they manage to escape or else they will die.

Before they arrive, all their bodies are already covered with diamond armor.

"Hey big rock. We are here again. This time we will destroy you. Prepare to die." Nadia provokes the Flame Tyrant with her words.

"Hmph. You just lucky to escape last time. Today, I will surely kill you for killing my children. Now, die!" The Flame Tyrant draws his Bloodlust Great Axe and swing it towards Roger.


Roger was already prepared. Suddenly, four doppelgangers appear. Roger also swing his sword at the approaching Flame Tyrant.

Sarah already finish her magic spell. She pointed her finger towards the Flame Tyrant.

'Earth-style magic spell-Supergravity Field'

The Flame Tyrant movement momentarily slows down as he chops toward Roger's head. His momentary slow movement were enough for Nadia to hit him with her soul attack. Nadia's soul attack is a fusion of her insights in the Profound Mysteries 'Essence of Fire and 'Heat' of the Laws of Fire.


The Flame Tyrant shouted in pain as he hug his head with his other arm. Being hit by Nadia's soul attack, his defense was at the weakest.

James, Douglas, and Roger did not miss the opportunity to strike. They simultaneously attack.

James' attack is a fusion of his insight in the Profound Mysteries of Wind 'Essence of Wind' and 'Doppelganger' of the Laws of Wind. It produces countless sword shadows, hitting the Flame Tyrant.

"Swish!" "Swish!" "Swish!" "Swish!" "Swish!"

Douglas' attack is based on the fusion of the Profound Mysteries 'Essence of Earth' and 'Strength' of the Laws of the Earth. Meanwhile, Roger's attack is based on the fusion of the Profound Mysteries 'Essence of Darkness and 'Shadowshape Doppelganger' of the Laws of Darkness.


The Flame Tyrant's body exploded into small pieces. Countless rock fragments were sent flying everywhere by the combine attacks of the James, Douglas, and Roger.

James and company were on the look-out as they use their spiritual energy to the max, searching for the translucent rock that is the core of the Flame Tyrant. During their last battle, they miss the translucent rock. The Flame Tyrant manages to reformed his body again.

Now, they are eagerly searching the where about of the translucent rock.

Nadia's eyes immediately lit up. She suddenly vanished and appears at the spinning translucent rock. She hurriedly grab it with her claws, then crush it.


The translucent rock crumbles to pieces. The Flame Tyrant is now finally dead.

"Hahaha...! We did it." All of them laugh and cheer.

"It takes us one year and five months to clear this floor." Sarah said cheerfully.

"Let's search and see if we can find treasures. Let's keep this Bloodlust Great Axe and decide later who is capable of using this." James made a decision.

"Treasures." Nadia loud voice alarms James and the others. They hurriedly went to Nadia's location.

"Wow! A magistaff and a scimitar. You can decide for the scimitar, but I will take this magistaff. It's suitable for me." Sarah declared.

"Roger, you take the scimitar. I believe there are treasures in the higher floors." James said.

"Thank you, big brother." Roger said thankfully.

Six months later. In the Eight floor of the Necropolis of the Gods.


Howling cold winds and desolate ice world, welcomes James and company after they enter the eight floor.

"It is indeed cold in this place. According to young master, there is only one opponent here, the Beholder King. The Beholder King specializes in soul attacks." Douglas informs everyone.

"Douglas, it's just a big eye. We can handle it as long as we don't look at its eye." Nadia said with disdain.

"If we managed to kill that Queen Mother Lachapalle in the seventh floor, we might get a treasure that will be helpful to higher floors. Sadly, she managed to escape." Sarah said regretfully.

"Don't feel frustrated too much, Sarah. We have already gained many battle experience and insights, while we battle her and her children." James consoles Sarah.

"Those fools meditating on the fifth floor will surely suffer from her wrath. If she managed to heal her broken soul, that is." Roger calmly smiles.

"Let's find the entrance to the ninth floor. Be careful of the marks on the ground near the entrance." Warn James.

For an hour, they fly and searched for the entrance. Finally, they saw a stairway with black light.

"Be careful everyone." Jame voice rang in their ears. They all stop and look at the ground and stop two hundred meters from the entrance.


The iceberg near the entrance suddenly exploded. A huge eye appears in a body of ice giant construct, looking at James and company.

"You are very vigilant. Not bad. After waiting for a thousand of years, finally there are intruders to entertain me. I'm in a good mood now, so I will only kill three of you and let the other two returns to the seventh floor." The Beholder King arrogantly said.

The Beholder King did not want to give James and company to prepare, he charged towards them. As he got nearer, he release two gray rays of light towards Nadia and Roger.

The gray ray of light was very fast, it is very hard to evade. Nadia and Roger's body turn frozen.

James and Douglas attack without hesitation. They swing their swords toward the huge ice construct. Sarah supports James and Douglas from behind, finishing her spell.

'Earth-style magic spell-Supergravity Field'

The Beholder King was sightly affected by the supergravity field.

"Do you guys think this little gravity is enough to stop me? Naive!" The Beholder King said in a loud voice.

The Beholder King did not know, the supergravity field is just a distraction and delay him a little. James and Douglas attack arrives at the body of the Beholder King.


The huge body of the Beholder King exploded into countess ice shards. Only its eye remains.

James and company knows the real body of the Beholder King was the eye. They acted as a bait to distract the Beholder King, waiting for Nadia to recover and attack.

On the other hand, Nadia was fighting the soul attack of the Beholder King. Though she was still frozen, with her insight on the Profound Mysteries 'Essence of Fire' and 'Heat' being fused. She quickly disperses the soul attack from the enemy. Her mind returns to normal and her frozen body began to thawed quickly. She saw the body of the Beholder King was destroyed. Her eyes immediately lit up. She gather her spiritual energy and lunch her most powerful attack. Two rays of red light is release from her eyes towards the Beholder King.


"It hurts. It's so painful." The Beholder King yell in pain.

James and company did not miss the opportunity and release their attack.

Douglas hack his sword downward towards the huge eye.

"Swish!" "Swish!" "Swish!" "Swish!"

James also slashes his sword creating a million of sword shadows around the Beholder King.


The Beholder King shouted before his body was cut into countless pieces.