
Ernst Dawson, a Coiling Dragon fanfic

A depressed guy who lost everything died in an accident by saving a little girl being hit by a truck. Unknown to him, the little girl father is a God. To reward him for saving his daughter, He sent his soul in a fantasy world from the guys memory. What would happen in this world when he awakens? Warning: 1. This novel is set up in a world where strong prey on the weak. 2. This is a fanfic so please don’t expect anything to follow the original canon. 3. English is not my main language so please don’t expect grammar to be perfect. 4. I don’t own characters of coiling dragon.

Finney_Gan · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 15-End of the Apocalypse

Ernst and Nadia were resting to recuperate their strength due to prolong battle, they were exhausted.

Looking at the piles of dead magical beasts on the battlefield, Ernst controls his spiritual energy to create a hand, made of elemental essence, to collect the magicite cores. The 9th rank magicite cores alone are roughly five hundred million gold coins, not mentioning tens of thousands 3rd to 8th rank magicite cores remaining on the ground. After picking up all the magicite cores, he put them in his interspatial ring.

While Ernst and Nadia were resting, chaos is happening all over Fenlai City.

Magic canons mounted on the city wall that bombarded the attacking magical beast previously, had stopped working due to lack of magicite gemstone. The Magic Corps who were casting magic spells at the start of the siege depleted their spiritual energy. The soldiers who are shooting their arrows, cannot hit the magical beast, even they can hit them it just bounced back. The soldiers using their shield and swords below the city wall were overwhelmed by the huge number of Windwolves and were eaten. Any moment, the defense on the city wall will collapse.

Seeing what's happening at the city walls, many remaining nobles escape the city with their guards. King Clayde is also escaping with his guards while fighting with Linley and Bebe.

The King of Magical Beast 'Dylin' is not yet on Fenlai City, maybe he is still on the Dark Alliance territory. Due to Ernst warning, the Holy Union and Dark Alliance have enough time to prepare and evacuate people. They are still fighting fiercely with the magical beast.

Saint-level combatants of the Radiant Church are fighting with the Saint-level magical beast. The magical formations of the Radiant Temple are already up.


"Where is the other 9th rank magical beast? Why are they still not here? Before our attack, there are more than a hundred 9th rank magical beasts heading in this city, but I saw very little. We must destroy this city before our King arrives." Tyrant Wyrm said.

"Worldbear. Check those 9th rank magical beast, they supposed to be coming in the west direction where the institute is located. They take too much time, just destroying a little institute. Kill everyone who hinders us." Bloody-Eyed Mane Lion roared angrily.

Meanwhile, Ernst and Nadia completely recover from their exhaustion. Suddenly, they feel a murderous aura coming to their way. A Saint-level magical beast is approaching.


The Saint-level Savage Worldbear arrived at the Ernst Institute. What he saw made him furious. Seeing a human and a magical beast remain standing beside the corpse of the magical beast, a powerful killing intent envelope Ernst and Nadia.

"So the reason that the 9th rank magical beast is not coming because they are all dead. The two of you killed countless magical beasts. Unforgivable!" The Saint-level Savage Worldbear watched them with murderous eyes.


"You are just food for our magical beast and you Velocidragon, a traitor to our kind. I will also kill and eat you."


"Nadia, stay guard. I will fight him. I want to test my new-found strength."

"Master, be careful."

The Savage Worldbear charges at Ernst with its paw slamming on his head. Ernst also swings his fist to meets the bear's paw.


Fist and paw collides, sending shock waves everywhere. The Savage Worldbear was repelled, while Ernst remains in the same position.


The Savage Worldbear was shock. This is unbelievable. Savage Worldbear is a magical beast known for its strength and tough defense. But what did he see? He was repelled by a tiny human Saint.

"Nothing is impossible. Come again."


The Savage Worldbear being provoked by a tiny human, angrily charge for the kill.

Ernst did not move. He wants to test his defense.


Ernst was hit in the chest and retreated five steps. He smiled, his body is not hurt. Truly in terms of body defense he is invincible at the same level.

The Savage Worldbear was dumbfounded, seeing the tiny human is not hurt.

"Come again."


Ernst and the Savage Worldbear exchange blows. He only uses his body strength to fight his opponent to test his body defense. After exchanging hundreds of blows, Ernst clothes were destroyed, while the Savage Worldbear suffered different injuries. He had enough of the fight and time to finish it.

"It's a good fight. But it's time to end it. To show my respect, I will use most powerful attack. Thank you, Savage Worldbear."

Ernst charges at the Savage Worldbear and punch. The Savage Worldbear was lock in place and cannot move.

"World Breaker!"


The Savage Worldbear was hit on its head. A vibrating spiritual energy enters the sea of consciousness of the Savage Worldbear and hit its soul, while a pulsating elemental essence also entered its body. On the outside, the Savage Worldbear's body is disintegrating very fast, then turns to powder. Only the magicite core remains.

The 'World Breaker' is a technique between the fusion of 'Earth Essence' and 'Throbbing Pulse of the World'- fused 128 layered waves. A technique that is both material and spiritual attack.

Ernst already started fusing his insights between 'Essence of Earth' and 'Throbbing pulse of the World' since he became a Saint. Although the Profound Truth of the Earth is not yet mastered, it is good to fuse them early.

He picks up the Saint-level magicite core with a smile. He changed into new clothes and went to Nadia's side who still standing like a statue.

"Let's go to Fenlai City, Nadia."

Nadia recover her composure then roars. "Master, you are great. You killed a Saint-level Savage Worldbear."

"You can do it too, later. Work hard."


"Yes master."

Along the way to Fenlai City, Ernst heard a loud sound coming from the direction of the Radiant Temple.

"Nadia, let's be careful. It seems the Deity-level magical beast is already attacking the magical formation of the Radiant Temple. The battle in the city will be over soon. We are not going to fight anymore, unless we are attack. Let's take a look at the situation in the city."


Ernst and Nadia arrived outside the Fenlai City. The city walls are already in the ruins. Humans and magical beast corpse are everywhere. A huge number of magical beasts are still roaming around the city, while others are eating human bodies.

At the inner city, members of the Radiant Church are retreating while being watched by the King of Magical Beast 'Dylin' and Saint-level magical beast. Seeing the situation, Ernst and Nadia decided to leave and follow the escaping people to the north. It is not time to fight Deity-level expert for now.

On the way to the north, Ernst and Nadia saw many village and towns that are destroyed, but found few dead humans. The magical beasts are taking the village, towns, and cities as their new territories.

Compare to the original canon where millions of people died, and they are caught unprepared, many survive the catastrophe this time. Many escapes after the authorities gave the warning.

Passing the Hanmo Kingdom, they saw many nobles escaping with their guards. Ernst remembers this place was the hometown of his dorm mate Randy. He is hoping they all escape.

After a few days of travelling, they finally arrive outside the City of Hess. Outside the city, there are many tents that serve as temporary housing for refugees. The people were very noisy. Many are still crying, while others are thankful that they escape the disaster. There are numerous new houses situated to the other part outside Hess City. These are the people from the towns and villages that relocated early using the Dawson Conglomerate months before the beast's tide. They are deeply thankful they relocated early or else they would die.

"Master, there are many people. There are at least ten million people here."

"These people evacuated early before beast's tide arrives. Let's enter the city."

The city guards at the gate were intimidated by Nadia's ferocious look, so they enter the easy easily. Inside the Hess City, people are everywhere and very noisy. He asks someone for the direction where the Dawson Conglomerate stays.

Ernst and Nadia arrive at the massive mansion. At the entrance, he saw Yale and his father, Monroe Dawson, a very obese guy. The father and son are full of smiles welcoming him.

"Nephew Ernst, it's good that you are back. I don't know how to explain to your parents if something bad happen to you. If not for your warning, we may be all dead for now. Thank you." Monroe said with gratitude.

"It's no problem, Uncle, we are family."

"Come inside and rest."

Ernst was given a separate courtyard while Nadia stayed outside his courtyard sleeping. Ernst heard a knock on the door. He opens the door and saw Yale and his two brothers. He let them enter and sit on a chair.

"You want to know about your third brother Linley or what happen to Ernst Institute?"

"Yes, cousin, please tell us about our third brother." Ask Yale. George and Reynolds are also eagerly waiting for his reply.

"The Fenlai City was already in the ruins, the same with Ernst Institute. About your third brother, Linley. Hmmmm. Let me think." Ernst teases them a little.

"Cousin, please don't tease us. We are worried."


Ernst laughs. "Alright. I saw him chasing after King Clayde. Thereafter, I don't know what happened. Is this enough?"

Yale, George, and Reynolds heave a sigh of relief as if a big boulder were lifted on their shoulder. They left after thanking Ernst.

Ernst was once again alone in his room, he sat cross leg and meditated. He replayed his battle with the Saint-level Savage Worldbear. Ernst gains an insight about 'Profound Mystery of Strength' of the Laws of the Earth. While fighting in close combat without using any profound truths, he feels a massive force imbued on his body making his physical strength explodes with power. Thinking of the sensation at the time while battling the Savage Worldbear, his strength increase greatly.

While they were in Fenlai City, he has seen so much death and destruction. Along the way to Hess City, he feels a power inside his body is about to explode. As long as he releases it, anything around his path will be destroyed. But he suppresses the feeling at the time. He wants to sit and meditate, but he is not Linley with a plot armor who can meditate while there is an ongoing battle around him. Now that he is in a safe location, he can think of it without worries.

After a few days of meditation, Ernst looks for his Uncle Monroe. He found him inside the study room talking to his son, Yale.

"Nephew Ernst, is there something you need from me?" Monroe knew how strong his nephew was as he was, told by his cousin James. He hopes that Ernst will be the pillar of their Dawson Conglomerate. He offered him to be the next chairman, but was flatly refused. Even his parents were not interested in high position in the trading union. So, if provided an opportunity, he always pleases his nephew.

"Uncle, I'm leaving in a few days. I will travel to O'Brien Empire through the Mountain Range of Magical Beast and train while I am passing. I don't know when I will arrive at O'Brien Empire. Please tell my parents to not worry about me. Also, please kindly sell all of these." Ernst flip his hand, tens of thousands of magicite cores pile up inside the study room. The magicite cores rank from fourth to eight rank.

"I got all of these from battle against the magical beast while I'm at Fenlai City."

Monroe and Yale suddenly stood up, seeing numerous magicite cores on the ground. As a merchant, they know how much they could gain from selling these cores. They estimated the value of the magicite cores to be hundreds of million gold coins. They look at Ernst as if he is a monster. Had he really killed so many magical beasts in Fenlai City? If they know the truth that Ernst still has hundreds of ninth rank and Saint-level magicite cores, they will be more shock.

"Uncle, cousin. I'm leaving."

Ernst did not wait for their response. He knows they will handle the sales of magicite cores well.

After a couple of days, Ernst and Nadia left Hess City and headed towards the Mountain Range of Magical Beast.