
Erebus : A Druid’s journey

Follow the growth of a Druid and his companions on his path of godhood. anyone can die! nobody is spared from death. also please read first 15 chapters before you leave, as I am aware that the first few chapters are very jumpy and inconsistent.

Arius_PenDragon · Fantasy
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34 Chs


Jumping back to dodge a skeletons sword, Clay realized a catacomb or burial place of some sort must be connected to the sewers and must have been the reason for the dungeon, maybe a powerful wizard was buried here, or it had something to do with the destroyed city on the other side of the dungeon.

While Clay was jumping back from the skeleton, he commanded the vines in the floors cracks.

Stop them

Simple commands would always be easier to communicate.

As the vines whipped up and caught the skeletons ankles, Inga threw a hammer of electrical might.

The Skelton was charred to ash, it's bones crumbling from the pressure of gravity. The ash laying loosely scattered across the ground.

Going deeper into the Sewer system, the light had stopped reaching about twenty feet ahead of the trio.

"Anyone got a light source?" Said jack

"If you count me striking you with lightning." Replied Inga as she prepared to send lightning at jack.

Seeing Ingas actions, Clay stepped in while saying "I can get some plants to open up the wall if we aren't too far underground."

"Yes! Please! No smiting required!"

Closing his eyes Clay was able to quickly connect with the vines and other plants life that permitted the walls of the sewer system.

Please open a path for light to reach me, and where I walk.

Hoping his request would reach the plants, Clay only had to wait a few seconds and the ceiling started to open up, streams of light creeping through the holes.

The now illuminated sewer system had a gangly group of skeletons shambling their way towards the trio.

Pulling his bow too a full moon, Jack mumbled somthing under his breath before releasing the bow string and subsequently the arrow. It's tip flattend during its flight time, striking a skeleton in the skull, shattering it into small fragments.

"These skeletons are awfully easy. Why don't we each take one of the remaining three." Suggested Clay as he wanted to do some combat himself .

Accepting his suggestion with her actions instead of her words, Inga directly smited her skeleton, while jack, not far behind, let loose another arrow.

Seeing that nobody was in the mood to talk right now, Clay swiftly told the plants to constrict the skeleton to the ground, which the lingering vines happily complied.

With the trio of skeletons vanquished, Clay lead the group deeper into the sewers, eventually coming across a bulky iron door.

"Well there are no plants inside the door, at least that want to talk too me." Said Clay as they approached.

Completely ignoring Clay, Inga smashed her hammer into the door, collapsing it in on itself. The other side of where the iron door, now iron scrap, stood was vailed in shadows.

"I strike this wood against stone, the spark lights it" was all jack said before striking a arrow, with the top removed, and it burst into flame.

Well that's pretty nifty!

With the lit shaft in hand, Jack lead the way. It didn't take long before they found a sealed stone sarcophagus covered in intricate carvings.

Jack, not scared of getting cursed, lifted the sarcophagus only to find a staircase beneath.

"Well that was anticlimactic" Inga stated from the back of the group.

"What did you want to happen? Some ancient Necromancer to pop out?" Jack was quick to quip back.

You guys are gonna get yourselves killed Clay thought but kept to himself before they descended down the stairway.

The bottem of the stairway led to a door of rich mahogany, and light seeped through the gaps at the bottem of the door.

Leading the way as she was the person with a melee weapon, Inga walked through the door without regard for traps.

Following after jack, the door shut behind Clay before he even got a full look at the game show like stage he found himself upon.

After the door shut a loud booming voice sounded.

"Helloooooo everyone far, and, wide! Our newest contestants, are three students of the ever prestigious academy from our neighboring plane." The announcers voice was dripping with sarcasm as he voiced there origin. "The game they will be playing shall be decided," he paused while sliding over to a wheel. "By the wheel of doo- ahem, games!"

Did he just say doom?

Clays face changes into a frown as the wheel spun, it passes over a skull, an ancient temple, a horde of hands, a green cloud, a dragon head, a clown, and a whole horde of other symbol before settling down and landing on a cave with a portal in the middle.

"Ooooo… unlucky, for our contestants! They will me sent to random newly formed dungeon!" The announcers words finished all while Inga was trying to walk forward but made no progress, almost like walking on a treadmill! And with nothing more to say the trio where whisked away by rift of space-time.

In what seemed instantaneous, but also like forever, Clay found himself, and the two others, in a cave witch was oddly just bright enough too see clearly even without any visible light source.

The walls narrowing into a single path forward, Inga sprang into action having still not learned what caution is.

Luckily for Inga it was a normal path, actually the whole cave seemed very normal.

Pushing in forward for another twenty minutes, the cave opened up into a small clearing, that was met with a deep pit on the other side.

"Why don't we rest here for now" suggested Clay as he, and jack, where both getting tired.

Without even a response jack layed on the ground and fell asleep on the hard stone material .

Well that was fast.

Before he could also rest Inga called out to him, "hey plant head, what can you sense with the nearby plants?" In a stearn voice.

" there are not plants nearby, but the wind is not telling me Much, just that that pit is the only way forward."


Hello! Hope you all had some wonderful holiday weekends!

Thanks too @EDV89 for the power stone