
Erebus : A Druid’s journey

Follow the growth of a Druid and his companions on his path of godhood. anyone can die! nobody is spared from death. also please read first 15 chapters before you leave, as I am aware that the first few chapters are very jumpy and inconsistent.

Arius_PenDragon · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Stilted nobles? Such fancy words?

Getting 3 stat points per level Clay wondered about how to distribute them, as this would determine his future strength.

Name: Clay Eden

Race: lower-Human


Crowns: 35 crowns

XP: 936/ 3000

Level: 12


Strength: 6 > 7

Dexterity: 8 > 18

Agility: 11 > 16

Constitution: 8 > 8

Intelligence: 7 > 10

Wisdom: 5 > 7


Notes: a soldier Ant could kill you.

Not focusing on strength all that much Clay put most of his points into dexterity and agility. His thought process being that if they can't catch you, you can't die.

Thinking about his previous interaction with the female immortal, Clay started to brew a plan of money.

'These immortals seem friendly enough… maybe I can get them too do some stuff.'

Finding a Immortal, Clay started his plan.

"Hey there friend, can I ask for you help?" Starting with a opening line he heard local con artists start with way to often, Clay was glad that the Immortal had taken the bait.

"Huh!? Yea man how could I help!" A enthusiastic reply came from a male immortal in poor metal armor, that would give a bad name to any blacksmith caught crafting it.

"Yea you see I know of a bandit cave up north just in the forest. Those bandits stole my prized herbs! Can you help me get them back." Pulling complete lies out of his rear end, Clay wanted to test the limits of this task system.

*******wannabe-knight POV********

"…Can you help me get them back."

Knowing he could never let a person in need go unnoticed, and un-helped, as that was against the way to the knight. the knight planned to accept the quest to retrieve the herbs of this good man!

[a man in need 1]

Find the bandits in the forest just north and retrieve the herbs.

Rewards: part 2

Failure penalty: -10 reputation with Clay

Seeing a multipart quest in the beta! such luck was amazing. Little did the false knight know that this entire quest line was fake and he was being toyed with.

*****Clay POV*******

"Thank yo so much sir knight! I'm begging you to get my moonlight lilies back!" Continuing with his absolute nonsense, Clay gave some pleading words to the immortal. Just after finishing his words tho he himself got a quest.

[that's not very nice 1]

Trick the immortal into giving you his spoils of the forest.

Rewards: [spoils of the forest], [class skill], [appreciation of townsfolk]

Failure: dip in reputation with towns folk.

Seeing that his testing not only worked but had an added benefit of a class skill if he succeeded, Clay found that a smile was slowly creeping onto his face. Luckily for Clay the knightly immortal had already run off to the forest.

"Hey what was that about?" Whipping around Clay came face to face with a confused looking Nirin.

"Let's take this somewhere private, like my tree."

Arriving back at the tree Clay started to explain his whole idea to Nirin. "Well you see, I found out that I can give these tasks to the immortals using the world's blessing. Using this knowledge Im testing how outrageous these tasks can be, and you just previously saw me take complete lies out of my rear end and made them a task for him! Now not only did he get my task but I got a task to keep my charade going and get some rewards for myself."

"Hold on man. What do you mean task? The worlds blessings only gives numbers to our strengths, and names to our skills, nothing else. What is this talk of tasks?" Nirin explained back in a confused yet firm voice.

"Wait so you can't see the task la it gives or the rewards? It must be of Todd's doing" Clay finished his outward thinking which was only half meant for Nirin with a sigh.

"Don't worry I won't need it. Plus it must be a perk of being a god… even if your lame and have no believers." Nirin's hurtful words rebounded off Clay just like the ladies do.

"Well maybe if I had some believers I could do the miracle of making you look good." After some more back and fourth bickering Clay tried to spring a task on Nirin to see if it would work on non-immortals.


-error-log- subject-town3345 not a believer or companion/lover

Not seeing the problem Clay pondered. 'Does she not see me as a companion?' With such a hypothetical Clay tested some more.

"Hey Nirin."

"What now?" Nirin replied in a almost bored tone

"Would you consider us companions?"

"Uh… li-like, lovers" stumbling over her own thoughts, Nirin became unlike her usual brazen attitude with wrong ideas plaguing her mind.

"Nooo, I mean like… best friends who travel together and help each other out." A veil of awkwardness descended upon the room. the misunderstanding making Clay himself a bit uncomfortable as he tried to get the topic back somewhere safe.

"Ahhh, yes! Then we would definitely be companions! Nothing love related at all!"

Nirin quickly responded, practically shouting.

"Well it's not like that could happen anyways," Clay tried to laugh off the situation "your always sneaking in comments that would make anyone else hate you"

"I am not, you are just making random things up like one of those stilted nobles" Nirin replied with swiftness comparable to gazelle, and with the words of a noble.

"Sense when did you learn such fancy words. I thought you only new how to speak in barbarian."

"I do NOT speak like a BARBARIAN!" Nirin had completely forgot about the previous awkwardness and started to hurl all sort of insults towards Clay.

'Well at least I cleared the air from earlier. Now its just time too set up a fake garden around here so that when the guy gets back he will believe the story.'

As Clay got started on his convincing garden under a rain of verbal harassment , a grand office hummed with talks of errors popping up, Yet one conversation in particular stood out.

"How did this happen" asked a man in a blue-powdered collar shirt alongside suit pants

"Why would I know man! Some random NPC just handed out a quest that's gonna send a whole part of the story askew." Said his coworker in a similar getup except in beige and a horrible haircut atop his head.

"Why don't they just delete him… thats the simple fix."

"No man, for one the beta has started, so we have to wait for it to end. And even then while deleting them might not be a problem for lower NPCs, apparently due to the screw-up of a former bigwig this NPC has the powers of a god but no followers or set godly origin/power so they could grow to be a god of anything and we would have to restart the whole simulation to fix it."the man in a beige collared shirt and grey tie explained

"Then why don't they send a dragon or something to take him away in the name of plot?"said the powdered blue office worker

"Thats not a bad idea! Come on, let's go present it to someone" the man in beige said while dragging powdered along


Yup I'm throwing my updating schedule out the window as it only made me not want to write


Have a great day and don't get yourself killed.