
Chapter 6 Feast and Training

Successful in their raid though Jack was injured during the collision the boss was worse off. As the four pigs turned to assess the situation and realizing the danger they are facing they looked at each other with fear in their eyes before running to the rest of the boars and leading them away.

The younglings were quickly captured while the kobolds helped Jack to stand up while looking at him with awe at his amazing display. The remaining empty handed kobolds helped retrieve the boss boar that was lying there dead. Much larger than the younglings multiple kobolds had to help carry the boss back to camp.

After a journey back they finally returned to basecamp with their loot of several younglings and a boss leaving the corpses with the females that seem to be organizing the construction who were shocked on seeing the large boar and the injured Jack. Staring at the group in awe though mostly at Jack.

The female leaders quickly organized a burrow where the food will be put and assigned several females to start butchering the corpses.

Jack seeing that the kobolds looked exhausted and deciding this would be a good time he began to instruct the kobolds to start making dinner and gather everyone for a feast. Several female kobolds left to gather the fisherman and remaining female kobolds who were busy.

As the kobolds finished cooking the food which just consisting of cutting it up and heating it over a fire. Even with their primitive methods the smell alone incited the nearby kobolds to have temptations of immediately digging in but barely holding their desires in due to their fear and respect of the leader.

The kobolds sat around waiting for their leader to give the command.

As Jack rose even though injured he held his head high and with great majesty he starting giving a speech.

"Today we have started towards a path of glory and advancement. Our tribe will flourish in these lands with the help of the Lord of Grass. He will bless our kind to quickly grow in strength allowing our tribe to master these lands. Together with the Lord of Grass we will not only eat meat everyday but also enjoy the ability to fearlessly face any challenge with our heads held high. I dedicate this feast to the Lord of Grass and his future Blessings."

With the end of his speech Jack noticed the many looks of confusion and awe. Understanding that his brainwashing would take some time for them to understand he started feasting on the meat of the boss boar. Once Jack had taken the first bite every kobold started eating. The kobolds looked happy while eating fish, boar and apples.

At the table there was clear division in rankings. The hunters sat closer to the leader with females in-between the hunters with the fisherman further away and with less woman. The three female leaders sat directly next to Jack.

At the end of the feast the night showed up as the sun went to rest. Going to his assigned burrow Jack was followed by the three female leaders into their private burrow while the rest were spread around 4 other burrows with the food stored in another burrow.

Jack once inside exited his avatar noticing the leader getting to action he pulled up his panel to look at the statistics.

God Profile:

User: Jack Timming(Citizen's Number iwkl012931241428)

Real Name: Grasidi Meyer

Divine Name: Lord of Grass

Godhead: None

Divine Role: None

Divinity: 1

Divine Flame: Unignited

Divine Power: 1

Mystical Power: Growth

Divine Realm: Grasslands

Religion: Kobold Antecedent

Believer: 44 Pan-Believer, 5 True Believer, 1 Devout Believer

Profession: None

Worship Value: 140

Noticing the worship value Jack started testing his ability wasting most of his worship to find out the effects. Also noticing that the leader seemed to be devout to him alongside five of the men that accompanied him to hunt and watched him slay the boss became true believers.

Testing 1,10, and 100 separately on three different people which had the leader getting the best buff. Noticing that they were effected though clueless to their time limit before it expired.

Observing the sleeping kobolds and the realm was once again noticing the beauty in everything around him and how this was his to protect and nurture.

The next morning Jack controlled the leader again to led the other kobolds back in the direction of the boars but when he entered a clearing he turned to the rest of the group and said in a loud voice with a strict tone rare for a kobold.

"You disappointed me before with your cowardice so I decided I will personally train each of you for the Lord of Grass" Jack introduced this name to them who they already had flimsy understanding of due to them being the first spawn and Jack's initial preaching at the feast.

The kobolds reacted with both a hint of confusion due to Jack being injured in his legs before looking between them.

"Three of you come at me at the same time." Jack said to the group gaining their attention and shocking them before eventually three of the stronger and courageous stepped forward with their sticks.

As he and his friends trained when they were younger to prepare for this moment as strength dominance is the best way to get leadership and worship from low level races. The group of friends had trained with weapons and even had got personal training from their parents through Ryan's father as he is a god of combat.

The three kobolds stepped forward slightly spreading out to surround Jack but Jack kept backing up slowly and calmly while looking between the three with neither a frown or smile.

Jack with at them with a cold stare that seemed to pierce their souls frightening the kobolds but with numbers on their side and Jack being injured they gathered the courage in their hearts before rushing directly at Jack.

Jack seeing their approach readied himself for a quick maneuver to the side to hit the kobolds into each other. Surprising the kobolds with his quick movement and sudden attack they are stunned to find the kobold on their left most side hitting into the other two as they collide and fall down.

"Weak" Jack coldly stared at them while saying one word while thinking of their lack of tact and teamwork. The three looked down at the same time knowing they were defeated and easily too.

"Through the strength the Lord has given me I have gained the strength and courage to best even the mightiest of foes." Jack spoke to the group praising himself and exaggerating bits to gain more faith.

"Gather in two lines of seven and spread your self out with your branch." Jack coldly commanded to the group staring at him in awe and fear.

Gathering the group together Jack started giving out instructions and started training them in how to use a branch using the techniques of the staff, spear and sword where the techniques fit to discipline them and increase their strengths.

Alongside the technique training Jack drilled them with physical exercises and also had them construct a basic obstacle course they would run through. They were also required to battle 1v1 against each other and the strongest would be his second and third in command for the hunts.

Hoping that even if this doesn't contribute to leveling up it hopefully will strengthen their stats and give them the courage to fight without cowering.