
Chapter 5 First Hunt

Leading the kobold group over to the iron deposit which had a couple apple trees scattered near the numerous small hills spread around the deposit stunning the group who looked at the leader with admiration as this location was ideal for setting up camp. Organizing 3 different groups for hunting, fishing and construction.

Jack would lead the hunting group consisting of 14 other male kobolds. The fishing group would consist of 15 male kobolds that would go to the river that was next to the camp alongside helping the females in construction if the need arose. The construction group would consist of 20 females who would create burrows for the tribe to live in and collect all sorts of twigs and rocks while the males were out getting food.

Gathering the 14 kobolds who would follow him Jack lead them towards the boars homes which were on the other side of the realm though the realm was pretty small as it wasn't upgraded and only five kilometers wide and 3.5 kilometers long with a height of 1 kilometer from the bottom of the dirt to the sky.

When they were a good bit away from the base camp Jack assigned each member a large stick as a weapon before remembering he hadn't check the status of the kobolds yet.

Race Profile:

Race: Fireback Kobolds

Classification: Demi-Human

Level: Low-level Species

Profession: None

Innate Talent: Burrowing

Ability: None

Expertise: None

Physique: 0.7(nondivine Adult Human is 1)

Strength: 0.5

Agility: 0.8

Mind Power: 0.7

Evaluation: An extremely weak land based race.

Jack looked it over and it was what he expected though he did remember what the his friends had with Xiao murlocs abysmal stats and Ryan's gnome's 1.0 mind Power.

Though they were very weak he remembered his ability and that these kobolds were only lv 0 so they had lots of room to grow though their max was probably only lv 2 without them awakening any special bloodline.

Jack lead the group towards the boars while guiding the group to hide and sneak around until they spotted the smaller group of maybe 15 adult boars and dozens of younglings.

Jack gathered the Kobolds and told his plan of scaring the majority away while encircling several of the older younglings which the kobolds quickly agreed to as it seemed to be the strategy with least injuries.

Jack readied himself before signaling the group to rush forward before he lead them into rushing and encircling the boars as they were confused due to the new threat that looked a bit comical due to these small creatures with sticks rushing forwards while roaring.

Though the roar sounded more like a scream but the older boars quickly recognized the threat and rushed towards the group of screaming kobolds trying to protect the younger ones frightening the kobolds but Jack rushed forward while also roaring though his voice had more courage.

The younger boars started to make their way away from the kobolds though unfortunately for them several of the closer boars that in their confusion were encircled and trapped by the majority of the kobolds.

Leading the charge against the older boars and successfully engaging in combat with the boars. Fighting off several at the same time due to both the many kobolds preoccupied with surrounding the younglings and the cowardice of the remaining kobolds to follow and combat the older boars.

As the boars considered Jack the main threat as the remaining 6 kobolds were standing a little bit behind Jack and had expressions of fear on their faces. The boars tried to surround Jack which was successful even though the 6 kobolds managed to take on 1 each for themselves.

So Jack stood surrounded by 5 large boars since a few stood back protecting the remaining younglings. Jack wondered what to do before remembering his strategy of playing on fear so he decided to charge towards the biggest boar hoping taking this boar down would scare the rest off.

Remembering the plan the kobolds surrounding the younglings tried to quickly kill or knock out the boars when they saw Jack successfully encircled by the older boars they were momentarily stunned before regaining their wits so as to be able to take down their hunt.

The kobolds separated from Jack that were trying to help him each engaged in 1 on 1 combat with the boars though they should be able to win with some effort their cowardice held them back from engaging and fighting. These kobolds ran back and forth trying to dodge everything the boar tried to do so as to not get injured.

As Jack rushed towards the bigger boar that was probably the leader he rolled to the side barely dodging the boar's charge. While swiftly standing up Jack attacked the hind leg of the boar trying to injure it. As the blow connected a snap was heard as the branch in Jack's hand broke.

Jack heart sunk instantly while his vision briefly darkened in the face of this event. Brief thoughts of failure and how he might die arose though he quickly came back with sweat dripping down his face.

As Jack looked to the boss boar while his heart was thumping out of control he noticed not all was in vain as the boar's leg looked a little bruised and out of place. Once the boar moved closer with vengeance in his eyes Jack noticed the brief limp the boar had. Noticing this his confidence rose even though he would have to change his plans since his branch was much shorter but it was also sharper.

Hopefully with a good lunge he would be able to impale this short branch into the side of the boar.

As the 4 other boars walked up next to the boss boar they readied a charge alongside the boss boar. Even injured the boss boar was able to keep up with the other boars.

Jack readied himself for collision as this was the only chance he would get since he couldn't dodge this charge.

As the boars got close Jack started running towards the boss and lunged. As Jack and the boss connected Jack was launched into the air from the brief contact while the boss had the back end of a branch sticking out of his eye. As the boars turned around back towards Jack they noticed their boss lying down without signs of getting up.