
Chapter 27 Is it worth it?

Exiting the cabin to get back to the main world Jack immediately checked his phone to notice the many missed calls, messages and emails from family, friends and his teacher.

Wanting to text his worried mother first that he was okay and that he was fine before moving on to his teacher clearly not wanting to be stuck talking to her for several hours.

As Jack was about to send the text he remembered what caused this in the first place and stopped himself. Deleting the message he decided to visit the teacher in person to help explain what happened.

His teacher was the only person who could guess the reason since they have access to the status's of their students. Also they could maybe guess the problem from the aura around him. Though extremely suppressed in the main world it still existed.

Leaving his dorm to the teacher's hall where the teacher's live on campus he entered the entrance to see a receptionist. She looked over as he entered before looking at her computer to find his id and teacher.

Finding his id and Teacher's name who she messaged she informed Jack as he walked up.

"Don't worry Mr. Timmings your teacher is informed of your arrival and will be here shortly." She explained before going back to doing what she was originally.

Jack hearing this walked to the couches clearly for waiting students. After about 5 minutes Mr.Hai came down seeing Jack and waved him over.

Jack got up and walked over following his teacher as they went to a more private location.

"So Mr. Timmings why have you come personally to see me when an email, text or call would have sufficed?" Mr.Hai asked confused about this meeting. The absence was important but not at the level of personally visiting the teacher.

Jack stared at Mr.Hai hoping he would understand.

The silence continued for a few minutes before Mr.Hai who was growing increasingly confused and angry thought of something.

"So you can't communicate?" Mr.Hai asked realizing the foolishness of the question.

"I will take your silence as a yes." Mr.Hai continued before thinking of this problem.

Mr.Hai stood in thought about Jack's situation piecing together what happened and why he visited.

"So you got a new ability that uses language or silence and either you can't control the ability or you are straight unable to communicate. You probably want me to explain it to your friends and family so they understand." Mr.Hai listed off some of his thoughts easing the worry of Jack as his teacher continued to explain his plan. Mr.Hai finished his plan and looked at Jack with a more serious look.

"So Mr. Timmings first congratulations on getting a new ability but this will not excuse your absences though I can guess why and the board of teachers have decided on your punishment. The next monthly trial you will be restricted from entering." Mr.Hai announced Jack's punishment for his tardiness which shocked Jack as the punishment was very light for what he expected.

"You may go back to your room as I will take the next several hours explaining it to your parents before telling your friends. At the next class I will inform the class so they also understand but from now on try to retain enough faith to give out a card explaining the circumstances." Mr.Hai sighed as he remembered his last talk with Jack's mother before giving some advice as he ushered Jack out the door.

Going back to his room he entered his divine realm to study the changes since he was last awake.

Looking over the tribe and noticing the few more dragonoids that evolved in his absence with the help of the warlock and the new teachings of magic to the kobolds that the warlock is taking part in.

Jack saw how the warlock chose the most intelligent kobolds to study magic and teach them. Though his magic was bloodline he was still super talented in regular magic due to his bloodline. Teaching the regular magic was still very valuable for the tribe and Jack was glad this warlock seemed to understand that.

Jack looked over the large tribe and the constant death battles after leveling up all the kobolds that are able to. Many kobolds forcefully leveled up without divine intervention after the lack of Jack's presence over the years.

Restoring the strength of the tribe to what it was before Jack logged out and went to sleep waiting for class the next day.

Waking up and arriving inside class Jack walked over to his friends as everyone looked over with curiosity as he skipped the last two classes.

"Hi Jack we heard." Ryan started next to Xiao clearly showing they made up in the time he was gone.

In his heart he sighed in relief as he controlled his outward appearance due to not having to worry about their friendship.

Ryan and Xiao started a conversation about what they had been up to over the past two weeks and how they are developing. Clearly happy to have their old friend back as Ryan sported a large grin and Xiao had a small smile that he didn't notice on his face.

With a flash of light the teacher and his assistant appeared.

"Hello everyone happy to see everyone here and I have something to announce to lessen the inconveniences in the future." Mr.Hai started as even Mr.Wenzhuo looked over confused since clearly Mr.Hai didn't tell him.

"Mr. Timmings our recent bad boy has gained a new ability in which restricts his communication. Every act he takes will expend faith and doing so can even cause him disastrous consequences." Mr.Hai explained to the shock of everyone besides the four people informed.

The classmates blatantly looked over in partial shock before Mr.Hai coughed and continued on with the lesson plan for the day.