
Chapter 28 Testing

Jack arrived back inside his realm after the class. Knowing he didn't have to go to the class the next week due to it being the monthly trial he considered what to do in the meantime.

With over fortyish years of development many changes could be made for the next trial.

Jack looked over his realm considering his next card and though their is a slight lack of weapons currently the mine's size will grow over time and unless he added a different material it would be a waste.

Having a larger population isn't that important currently. The best option would probably be to increase the reproductivity of the dragonoids.

Having more dragonoids is better for the future development. Also he could focus on magic and add a material that could be used for enchanting or rituals.

Jack considered the options but without information from the warlock he wouldn't know what materials could be helpful.

Jack had to think of whether his ability was worth it. Also maybe he could create materials with his ability.

Jack continued thinking over his choices for his card and how more animals could be helpful. Mounts can drastically transform the army though kobolds are smaller than humans making riding large animals inconvenient and most animals that are made to be mounts are large creatures.

Though training beasts for combat and not for riding could be an option with the limited food supply currently it is unrealistic to further increase the population.

Another race is unhelpful since only low level races can currently be spawned in due to the low level of the divine realm.

Jack considered trading for a skill card since his army has no skills. Again his new ability hindering his development. Though maybe he could use his ability to gift skills. Since it worked with evolution maybe skills would also work.

Jack thought about using a equipment card but he couldn't get over the fact that it seemed so wasteful.

He could use the expansion card but he still wanted to keep it for possible trading though that thought might not work out. Jack considered his options but found that his ability hindered many of his possible paths.

Jack grew frustrated after encountering the negatives of his new ability. Jack caught himself as he was about to shout in frustration realizing the consequences of such an action.

Any mistake he made could result in bad consequences. This new ability granted him improved control over his body and mentality but even with it improved the possibility of an outburst was still there.

At the start of his third month Jack finally started to test a few new theories he had thought over while considering his cards.

Standing on an empty hill top far away from the tribe Jack used his ability again.

"Create penny bun mushroom." Jack said the words hoping to create a magical medicine herb used to create healing potions. Feeling an extremely small tax of faith with each word.

Jack watched as nothing seemed to happen confusing him. Continuing on to say a few more magical herbs that he wanted to create Jack was left confused since nothing happened.

Deciding to investigate this he logged out and went online. After searching for a while he found an article specifying that the ability wasn't a creation ability and couldn't create things out of thin air. Their has to be a basis for enhancement.

Though it is said that if the words are to summon a specific item and said person has said item in their divine realm they will be able to create it. As the person technically owns said thing already said thing can be transferred or even created. Though creation will demand large amounts of faith that isn't worth it.

Jack also noticed a specific warning at the bottom stating that as a divine being most commands you can give will be based on your achievements in your divine realm. Jack found that without his kobolds evolving on their own his ability wouldn't be able to do it in the first place.

Though he hadn't gotten a warlock yet he figured that the evolution itself could be triggered since he had done it before but the type could be created since it was a minor change in the evolution itself. Wasn't creating something out of nowhere but only enhancing what he already had.

Using his ability to create more dragonoids also wouldn't enhance his ability to evolve but when the kobolds naturally did it would his ability to evolve upgrade. So Jack understood that his divine realm was his foundation and using his ability for everything wouldn't be good.

Jack saw large red words below the warning stating to never use this ability to mess with fate. Terrible consequences would follow.

A little shocked by the warning Jack reviewed the article once again understanding he can't create the magic materials for his realm though maybe he could enhance his mine though with how this article states that using the ability itself is risky he will have to word it very carefully.

Jack realized his plan for magic materials was out but his plan for skills could possibly work. Though he would have to phrase the wording right.

Finding a kobold training privately he thought over what to say to give this kobold a useful skill that wasn't overpowered.

"Grant this kobold the strike skill" Jack felt with each word large amounts of faith leave his body as this kobold was enhanced. Jack observed the changes in this kobold finding the skill under his specific status.

[Strike (skill-common)-user strike a target dealing up to 150% normal damage]

Jack saw this very basic skill that cost 5 days worth of faith to grant. Jack quickly looked at his other kobolds realizing they were not granted the skill like the cards normally do.

"That was not worth it." Jack muttered under his breathe to no ones attention as his faith dropped slightly.

Penny Bun Mushrooms are from the game Divinity Original Sin 2.

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