
Epic of the Rising Miracles

The Honkai have plagued the Earth for a very long time, but their origin is way older and dangerous than the current humanity realizes. In secret, the Master of Mankind’s plan waits for his heir to come and lead humanity to glory. All crossovers: 1)Honkai Impact 3rd 2)Elfen Lied 3)Crysis Series 4)Prototype 5)Warhammer 6)Assassin's Creed 7)Halo 8)nIER Automata 9)Bioshock 10)Fate Grand Order 11)Kidou Sentai Iron Saga 12)Arkknights 13)Akame ga kill 14)Hellsing 15)Titanfall 16)Girl's frontline 17)Azur Lane 18)Kantai Collection 19)Aldnoah: zero 20)Neon Genesis Evangelion 21)Code Vein

God_Child · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter - 41

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" Niggurath shouted as Sop let Patricia sit on the roof of the vehicle "PATRICIA!?"

Sob didn't waste any time and along with the other t-dolls opened fire against the flying humanoid honkai, unfortunately, the bullets did not affect it as they bounced off on some sort of invisible shield, what they did succeed in was in pissing it off and so the girl-looking honkai was now preparing a power orb of honkai energy in her hands.

"M4 we need more time!" RO shouted causing the leader of the squad to kneel on top of the vehicle and to removed the suitcase from her back and opened it prevailing a mini-Jupiter cannon.

She aimed the shot at the honkai before pulling the trigger causing a loud boom to echo all around them. She hit her enemy...but she didn't wound it. The smoke cleared away revealing a quite annoyed honkai girl who simply aimed her hand at the convoy

"Die" she muttered

Suddenly, a barrage of bullets and lasers hit the honkai beast as a squadron of YoRHa Flight Units engaged aerial combat against the girl

"This is YoRHa unit 2B, responding to your request of air support" 2B said on the radio as the battle in the sky raged on "We'll escort you to safety"

"Hell Yeah!" Sop shouted excited

"Thanks" Salome said to the girl next to her which was M4 who gave her a brief nod

"Schicksal and the Imperium have an agreement, we were tasked with seeing if any active personnel was still in the area" she replied as she put back her heavy weapon inside the suitcase "We'll arrive at the safe zone in two minutes"

"There's no safe zone we must return to Europe to be safe" Salome replied raising an eyebrow

M4 looked at her with an annoyed expression and was about to reply when she saw something "I would turn around if I was you"

The Valkyrie looked at her with a puzzled expression before turning around and widening her eyes at what she was seeing.

A kilometers away from the convoy's position, there was a massive trench line filled to the brim with Imperial Guards, Fellblades, Baneblades, Leman Russes, Land Raider tanks and many armored vehicles. The Adeptus Astartes could be spotted between the many guardsmen...but there were two things which stood out the most and it was what was behind them. They were standing tall and proud, death machines which towered above everything, the Titans of the Adeptus Mechanicus, there were Imperial Knights, Warhounds, Reavers, Warbringers, and Warlords.

In the distance behind them, the artillery was ready to make fire rain on whoever was unlucky enough to be indicated as a target...

The sky was occupied by the imperial ships, their silhouettes were blocking the sun.

Bella, who was still attacked by the YoRHa flight units, came to a halt when she spotted the massive gathering of Imperial Forces all around the area, her blood froze when, once again, the Imperial Guard stood brave and proud just like during the Honkai-Imperial wars of the other universe, the titans were intimidating as ever...

She snapped back to reality as a new sense of safety crossed her whole body. This wasn't the same universe, her glorious god rules over the immaterium and by consequence, all of the honkai was stronger. The Anathema wasn't here nor his sons, there was no daemons, no Eldar, No Chaos Gods...just a group of vermin without a leader.

Bella saw the convoy reaching the trench line and noticed how the YoRHa flight units weren't engaging her anymore, of course. "My queen..." she whispered as her mind connected with Sirin's "The Imperials are here"

She heard a giggle "Then let's welcome them" Sirin replied as the sky turned of a pinkish color and hundreds of thousands of Honkai Beasts appeared below Bella...

Meanwhile, Astana

Esdeath's Adepta Sororitas raised walls of ice to shields civilians of the city while the Winter Predators fended off the Honkai beasts that were flooding the streets, fireballs were raining from the sky and this was caused by the Herrscher of Flame that appeared in the city when Sirin returned to the Babylon Tower, she was identified by BB, her name was Agata and she was one of the test subjects of the Schicksal Siberian facility who died during the experimentations.

Agata was observing the city with spite and anger from the rooftop of one of the skyscrapers, the entire place was supposed to be set on fire but for some reason as soon as she arrived an insanely cold wind started blowing, extinguishing every fire she tried to ignite. Then those women started protecting the citizens and so she sent them the Honkai Beasts to exterminate them but they came across the giant hulking men and being pushed off.

"What a disappointment" Someone suddenly said from behind her "You're not even a real Herrscher"

"HOW DARE YOU TO SPEAK TO ME VERM-" Agata barked back before widening her eyes as they settled on the giant armored woman in front of her, she was taller than the soldiers she saw fighting her beasts, she had a similar body armor but of a different pattern

"Greetings false Herrscher" the woman said with a twisted grin "I'm the Primarch Esdeath...your executioner"

The word 'Primarch' echoed across Agata's mind as if she remembered hearing it from somewhere else. She leaped high in the sky and used her powers to launch a fire bombardment which completely destroyed the skyscraper "AH AH! SEEMS LIKE YOU WERE ALL TALK AND NO ACTION!" she said with a laugh

"You speak too much for a dead body" Esdeath replied from behind her as she examined the pseudo-herrscher core in her hand before it broke apart "These things are just stupid, they are a major weakness"

Agata looked down at her abdomen and saw a gaping hole where her core was supposed to be, she then saw that ice was spreading out of the wound. She looked at Esdeath as tears fell from eyes "I don't want to die again"

Esdeath gave her a stern look "You were weak and so you died, if you didn't want to die you should have been stronger...now perish" she said as she flicked Agata's forehead causing her to turn into an ice statue which plummeted towards the ground and broke in thousands of pieces once it impacted against the asphalt.

The Primarch then contacted her troops "The Pseudo-Herrscher is dead, purge the remaining beasts"


The city was empty, a lethal miasma forced its people to evacuate, the Red Army forces who had gathered there under the order of General Colonel Ivan suffered incredible losses, the inquisitors also retreat under the orders of Tatsumi. The only two people walking the streets were Tatsumi and Akame, the man had adapted to the miasma while Akame thanks to her Primarch transformation was naturally immune or at least extremely resistant against it.

"Why..." someone whispered alerting the two "These two people are not sleeping why? Something is wrong with them"

Akame took a split second to analyze the one who spoke who was a girl in a fancy dress with long greenish hair, she standing a few meters in front of them. Akame unsheathed Murasame causing the girl to stumble

"NYET! Get away from me!" The girl shouted before Akame's sword passed through her body and caused her to fall on the ground lifeless...

Akame was about to recover the Herrscher Core when Otto Apocalypse appeared standing in front of the dead body "I needed her" he said with a cold tone

"I don't think so" Akame replied as the man knelt and recovered the core which broke immediately

"It was just a copy...the Original must be with Sirin..." he said before looking at the Primarch "You don't need to worry, we're allied for now" he said "We took care of the Herrscher in Finland...Cecilia was the one to take it out"

Akame remained silent before both of her and Tatsumi literally blurred away

"Rude..." Otto whispered with a sigh