
Epic of the Rising Miracles

The Honkai have plagued the Earth for a very long time, but their origin is way older and dangerous than the current humanity realizes. In secret, the Master of Mankind’s plan waits for his heir to come and lead humanity to glory. All crossovers: 1)Honkai Impact 3rd 2)Elfen Lied 3)Crysis Series 4)Prototype 5)Warhammer 6)Assassin's Creed 7)Halo 8)nIER Automata 9)Bioshock 10)Fate Grand Order 11)Kidou Sentai Iron Saga 12)Arkknights 13)Akame ga kill 14)Hellsing 15)Titanfall 16)Girl's frontline 17)Azur Lane 18)Kantai Collection 19)Aldnoah: zero 20)Neon Genesis Evangelion 21)Code Vein

God_Child · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter - 32

Siberia, Babylon Tower

Einstein, Welt. Siegfried and Theresa were inside the Honkai reactor of the Schicksal facility Babylon Tower, the group was looking for the 2nd Herrscher by using Theresa's Oath of Judah. The group was about to depart when the blue-haired scientist received an urgent called from Tesla, who was at the Anti-Entropy camp 30 km away from the tower.

"Tesla something happened?" Einstein said as she accepted the call "Your mechs have found the Herrscher?"

"Einstein...check our satellites" Tesla said with a trembling voice causing Welt and Siegfried to raise an eyebrow

The scientist connected her tablet to AE satellites, after a few seconds the video feed appeared on the screen and caused her to pale and to put her hand on her mouth. Welt walked to her side and had a similar reaction.

At this point, Siegfried and Theresa got interested and looked at the small screen. What they saw were countless gothic-looking spaceships entering Earth's atmosphere and spreading towards several continents

Theresa took a few steps back in shock as she recognized the ships "Ana..." she whispered causing the rest of the group to stare at her

"You mean...Your sister Theresa?" Siegfried asked cautiously

Einstein froze in place when the name of the woman who cost her several months of rehabilitation reached her ears.

Theresa slowly nodded "A ships similar to those ones attacked our base when she went rogue...I...met her soldiers and they referred to her as Empress but I didn't think that..."

"Your sister took the control of South America" Tesla said through the radio "She took out the chains of command of the armies and the capitals, it's a matter of time before the armies surrender...wait what?! Japan, Syria and Turkey are in the same condition?!"

"It's impossible" Siegfried quickly interrupted "Conquering half continent is already something but attacking three nations on different sides of the world is something else!"

"Not if she has space travel, hers is a massive fleet and yet we never detected it meaning that they kept themselves away from our detection systems meaning that FTL travel for them is not a problem" Welt said as he put his hand on his chin

"FT what?" Siegfried asked

"Faster than light travel caveman" Tesla said sighing

"Oh" the man replied

"It's possible..." Theresa said "The ship that took Anastasia away appeared on Mars' orbit a few hours after the attack"

"Wait..there's more!" Tesla shouted in shock

Meanwhile in a Red Army Military base

Cocolia was sitting on the bed of her cell before she heard a sudden commotion coming from the outside, the woman looked first at the camera on top of her before making her way to the door where she could see through the small opening on the top of the door.

"This can't be!" a guard said in Russian as he stared at the TV

"Aleksey what's going on!" Cocolia shouted as Colonel Alexey stepped in front of her door.

His face was pale as a sheet of paper, he was sweating and shaking "Moskva fell Cocolia" he muttered "We received the order to surrender and wait for the new army to instruct us with new orders"

Cocolia widened her eyes in shock before quickly narrowing her eyes "Don't fuck with me Aleksey! There is no army on this planet that can conquer Moskva in so little time no matter how strong!"

"Step Away from the door Cocolia" Aleksey shouted causing the woman to stumble back a bit, he opened the cell and handcuffed her before dragging her where the TV was.

The screen showed the red square filled with burning tanks and Red Army Soldiers being taken as POW giant soldiers with massive armors, then she saw bipedal mechs walking through the streets looking for any tank. The sky was filled with hovering spaceships, unknown aircraft were flying above the city assuring their air supremacy. Along with those bipedal mechs, Cocolia saw tanks that she never saw before, like the things she has seen so far, they were massive and filled with guns. Gas-Masked soldiers were keeping the civilians in check.

The transmission cut to show a woman with Blonde Hair and Golden eyes, she was towering above everything and clad in golden armor. The woman started speaking...

"Citizens of the Soviet Union, fear not, I, Anastasia Apocalypse, Empress of the Imperium of man, have no intention of bringing you any harm, I am here to protect you from the threat that you know as Honkai. During these years you have waited for my arrival and now I'm here to uphold the promises that my messengers made. Soldiers of the Red Army, lower your weapons and join our cause, if you do that I swear that no harm will come from us, I don't want to spill more human blood that has already been. We have discovered that the Second Herrscher has already appeared in Siberia, come to Moskva and we'll grant you protection." The woman said as the transmission ended.

Cocolia was speechless for a few seconds "What are you going to do Aleksey?" she muttered

"I'm going to pick up my wife and go to Moskva" Aleksey replied

"So you want to betray our nation?" Cocolia barked

"ONE THING IS FOR SURE! I'M NOT GOING TO DIE LIKE OUR COMRADES IN MOSKVA! THE SOVIET UNION IS NO MORE!" he shouted before dragging back Cocolia to her holding cell "Cocolia...I hope that you will rethink about all of this, I'll come back with my wife and then we'll go to Moskva...you can come with us"

"What about General Colonel, you should have received his instructions correct?" Cocolia replied

"He wants all the Red Army forces in Siberia to rally in Novosibirsk to organize a counter-attack" Aleksey muttered "I thought he was smarter than that"

"And what about this Herrscher?" she asked

"It's true but he said that it's just an invention to scare us but I know that Shicksal has lost contact with one of their labs here in Siberia" The Colonel said before walking away "Comrades prepare for departure! We are going to Moskva!" he ordered...


Samus, her legion, her Spartans, the Mechanicus and the Adepta Sororitas had landed in front of Chaldea's headquarters, BB had allowed them to get through the Magnetic Field that was protecting the structure. The Primarchar entered followed by her soldiers, they found themselves walking through long white corridors when the sound of hells filled the air causing everyone to stop and point their weapons in the direction of the sound.

BB was now standing in front of them wearing her usual black coat with a mini skirt and thigh high stockings. She was just like in the holograms though her long purple hair and eyes seemed prettier in person.

"Hello!" She said waving her head

"Meat detec-" A Skiitari said before interrupting himself "Error"

Samus lowered her weapon and smirked "Hello BB" she said calmly as everyone relaxed "It's nice to finally meet you"

BB just nodded "It is time for you to fulfill your promise"

Samus nodded knowing very well what this promise was all about. It was made by Anastasia after first meeting BB, it was the reason why BB allied herself with the Imperium after all. The Primarch followed the AI through the corridors until they found themselves inside a room full of some sort of capsules. Samus starting the read names on each screen of the devices

Leonardo Da Vinci: Conditions Normal

Romani Archman: Conditions Normal

Olga Marie Animusphere: Conditions Normal

Sherlock Holmes: Conditions Normal

Ritsuka Fujimaru: Critical Conditions, Honkai Corruption at 98%

Samus looked at the young man inside the capsule, his body was covered with zombification symptoms, the only parts that were spared were his head and right hand where there was a symbol representing the command seals that bonded him to his servants.

Samus looked at the tech-priests that she brought with her and gestured them to take care of the young man

"I don't want him to turn into a machine" BB immediately said crossing her arms

"They will see what we can with our conventional means otherwise Anastasia will do it herself as part of our deal" Samus said as both of the Spartans and the Space Marines started to get agitated.

"My Primarch" An Honoured Hunter called "The Second Herrscher has made its appearance in Siberia"

"What news from the Empress?" Samus replied

BB seemed to stare at the emptiness before looking at Samus "She ordered the Orbital Fleet to aim at the moon"

Samus raised an eyebrow before she felt her stigmata giving her a burning sensation, she started following that sensation until she found herself in front of another capsule.

Mash Kyrielight: Life Support Engaged, Critical Conditions

"BB" Samus said turning towards the AI "Tell the Empress that another sister has been found"