
Scenic view

*...creee..aaa...kk..*"Oh my..."


"This is.... beautiful....This Mr. King may be a Satan but he really has a great taste. The view of the city from here is mesmerising. I really envy him he can enjoy this view everyday. Wow its so high, from up here everyone seems like ants....."

~Third person~

He sat on the sofa, jacket discarded on the arm of the sofa, sleeves folded upto the elbows, eyebrows scrunched in concentration and eyes focused on the document in his hand. Whoever saw him would consider him a true masterpiece with his messy jet black hair, black eyes, straight nose, plump lips and a lean but muscular body. He was deeply immersed in his work and had asked his assistant to not to disturb him whatsoever. That's why when he heard a knock on his door a growl of anger slipped past his throat. Why can't people listen to one thing he said, he didn't wanted to be distributed is it so difficult for them to listen to him.

But all this time he wasn't aware that it wasn't his employee who was behind the door but a poor little rabbit who was going to be slaughtered.

When he didn't hear anything else he believed that the person has left but just when he was about to get back to his documents the door creaked. He was furious who has the guts to enter his office without his permission. He fixed his fiery gaze at the door ready to burn the person who stepped in but what he didn't expect was to see a head pop out as if a prey looking out for his predator. He opened his mouth to speak but before he could utter a word a blurr passed in front of his eyes. He was startled for a second. He whipped his head in the direction of the blur that passed him only to be met with the backside of a man. He was not exactly short standing at around 5'10 but in front of him who stood at 6'3 he sure was a tiny little twink with brown tousled hair and a piercing hanging from his left ear. Though he couldn't see his face clearly,he was sure he had clear hazel eyes with bow lips. The boy looked pleasant to Damien's eyes with the sunlight bouncing off his face making a halo around him.

He snapped out of his daydream when he heard the boy's voice..."..Mr. King may be a Satan but he really has a great taste. The view of the city from here is mesmer....." Damien stopped hearing after he realised that the person who was being called Satan here was him....HIM..,sweet little him.....ok the statement was wrong hell it was a crime to speak his name and the words like sweet and little in the same sentence. He was well aware about how people thought about him and referred to him behind his back but this little guy surely had guts calling him names in his own office and on his face, alright not exactly but still....... was this guy too naive or an idiot that he didn't even notice his presence.

Damien stood up and went to stand behind Alex, who was too busy observing the view that he didn't even notice the danger shadowing him. He was still busy marvelling over the beauty when someone whispered in his ear ..."Who are you??"