
Big Bad Wolf

"Who are you?"

Alex went still, as he registered someone's presence behind him. He could feel their body heat mingling together as the person's scent engulfed him; orchids, he could tell the scent as his senses heightened. A shiver ran down his spine as Damien's breath fell on his neck in small puffs and his heart skipped a couple of beats as his mind registered a ghost of a touch on his lower back.....

Damien felt Alex stiffening against his chest and brought his hands up against the window encaging Alex in case he would try an escape. Silence draped over them as the clock ticked, but it didn't bug Damien, not a bit. Instead, he waited patiently for a response. A response from Alex.

It was not that Alex didn't have an answer or didn't want to reply, he was in fact trying to piece together that how the hell could he actually ignore the presence of a person, a whole breathing person in the room. He was too mesmerized by the view to notice that there was someone else in the room, too and if he wasn't mistaken then this someone should be the CEO of this very company. The confidence and authority in the voice was enough to give it away. But this very realisation made him falter as all colour drained from his face... The CEO, Damien King, the person he didn't wanted to cross paths with at the first place was standing right behind him, his breath fanning down his neck which now made a shiver of fear rack his body which he knew was quite visible. His heart was thumping against his chest as his mind came up with various scenerios of him being tortured by the ruthless wolf.

Damien felt Alex shiver against his chest. He was amused to see the little mouse putting a brave front against him. There were not many people who could keep themselves unbothered in front of him and those who could do so were all his family and friends. So, this little guy here was really doing a good job of hiding his fear..., his fear of Damien. But the thought of Alex fearing him made his heart ache. He was confused that why this little boy that he's met the first affected him so much..... Seeing that Alex still refused to acknowledge the question, he removed his hands from the window and stuffed them in his pant pockets and stepped back from him creating enough space for Alex to turn around.

As Alex felt movement behind him, he realised that he can't keep up with his act for long and needs to face his doom one way or other. So, it was best that he get over with this soon and then he can have his favorite ice cream and watch netflix in the evening on his comfy bed. With this thought he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, slowly turning to face the big bad wolf. As he turned around he just wished that he could get over this soon and just return back to the comfort of his home, under his fluffy blankets. He was now standing face to face with Damien, he could feel the burning gaze on his face, even though he had his eyes closed, the stare was too intense to be ignored. He finally let out the breath he was holding and slowly fluttered his eyes open, only to be met with clear ocean blue eyes, that stared intently at him. He eventually broke out of the trance and let his eyes roam about Damien's face. It was then that his fuzzed brain registered who exactly was standing in front of him and the shock of the realization made him stagger firmly into the window glass as became a jumbled mess of a couple of words....

"Oh Fuck!!..."