
Enter The Multiverse

A young boy awakens in an unnatural world known as The Multiverse that contains countless living beings within the universes that float around the endless white void. Now, he must harness a new power that he has been given in order to survive strange beings that attempt to destroy everything that this vast world has to offer. Along with a friend that only he can see, the brave child shall face the horrors of his world and possibly even more which lies beyond.

Lukas_Ruston_2524 · Others
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40 Chs

Our Secret (L)

"Lukas! What happened?" Dream yelled as Lukas opened his eyes again. "Dream? I... I don't know what happened. There was this... glowing orb and I touched it... then I saw whatever all of that stuff was. What were their names? Creo and Nuos?" Lukas explained as he started questioning everything that he had experienced. "Creo and Nuos? Are you sure you're alright? In fact... your friend probably knows more than I do. At the very least you're awake... I've done all I can." Dream asked as Lukas came to his senses. "Beth... what happened? Did you see that too?" Lukas inquired as he looked towards his friend. "I don't know what happened either. That thing that you touched emitted such a bright light to the point where I couldn't even see you. When the light faded... you were just unconscious." Beth stated as she seemed to be shocked. "So you didn't hear anything that was happening in my head?" Lukas questioned Bethany as he was hoping that she would have an answer. "Nope... I didn't hear a thing. That's pretty strange if I'm being honest... I can read minds and see what is happening in your head but I didn't hear anything that you just experienced." Beth answered.

"Can we discuss this when you get back to The Sanctuary? We are on a mission you know." Dream requested before Beth had even finished. "Yeah you're right... I should get done with this mission before Michael gets back to work." Lukas agreed as Dream started leading the way again. "You were nearly at your destination before you stopped... you did pretty well for your first time flying." Dream stated to try and lift Lukas' spirits before he stopped in front of a Universe. "This is it. Core made it so that this Universe is in stasis until somebody interacts with it... so only do so when you're certain that you are ready." Dream explained as he gestured towards the Universe that was completely black unlike all the rest that Lukas had seen. "My own Universe that I have to look after... do all of the Protectors have their own Universes?" Lukas asked as he thought that every Protector would go through the same process as him. "No... Core made this as a special mission specifically for you. I think it was so that they could gain your trust after what happened the last time you spoke with them." Dream clarified.

"I won't ever trust Core after what they said to me... I will never trust any of you completely after I watched you all side with them." Lukas explained as he remembered what his conversation with Core was like. "Uh... okay then. I understand. Anyways, you probably shouldn't interact with this Universe for today since you spent so much time unconscious. Instead I'll just give you this." Dream replied as he pulled a small round device out of his pocket and handed it to Lukas. "What is this? Is it supposed to help me in some way?" Lukas asked as he just stared at the object in confusion. "You just crush it." Dream spoke as he watched Lukas shrug and close his hand tightly around the device as a crack was heard. Suddenly, Lukas looked around to see information being displayed about his surroundings. "What's happening?" Lukas questioned in a panicked voice as the sudden change surprised him. "It's a little piece of technology that we've developed. It basically allows you to read energy readings about the surrounding area which can help to track down Destroyers and other anomalies... it also shows you where The Sanctuary is at all times." Dream explained as Lukas started figuring out how to control his new abilities.

Lukas noticed a few strange energy readings that seemed to be occurring far off in the distance. "What does that mean?" Lukas asked as he pointed over to the strange readings. "That means that your second mission is about to begin... I won't be coming with you. I'll see you back at the base when you've taken care of it." Dream answered as he flew off back towards The Sanctuary. "Wait what? You can't leave me just like that!" Lukas yelled even though he knew that Dream couldn't hear him anymore. "What happened to all of that confidence that you had before? You were told that you were going to be fighting a Destroyer that nobody else had fought before. So go and take care of it!" Bethany demanded as Lukas just stood in silence for a minute. "No... you're right... let's go!" Lukas shouted as he shot out into the distance in the direction of the strange readings.

"Huh... whoever is causing these strange readings isn't too far away... that seems too convenient." Lukas thought as he was approaching the target. "You know... you're right. I wouldn't be surprised if they specifically waited for this moment so they could prey on a new Protector who isn't as strong as the rest... and if I'm correct about them thinking that, then they are going to be in for a surprise when they witness your strength." Beth explained as she was keeping an eye out for the mysterious Destroyer. "We're pretty close... to them... I should probably open that box that Draedon gave to me." Lukas stated as he stopped moving and entered the code into the box which he was carrying this whole time. The box unlocked and as it opened, there was a single plate of a red and black material sitting in the centre. "What do you think it does?" Lukas asked as he stared at the plate in confusion as he thought that something would happen by itself. "Oh... Draedon showed me what he was working on before so I know what this is! Just touch the plate and... well you'll see. I get the feeling that you're going to love it." Bethany replied. Lukas looked at the plate... before reaching out and placing his hand on it... but then, the material suddenly started moving by itself.

The plate changed into a small straight object that wrapped itself around Lukas' arm before it started quickly spreading over the rest of his body. "What's happening Bethany?" Lukas asked as he was quite afraid by this point. "Don't worry... it won't hurt you. Just wait until it is finished." Bethany replied as the material covered Lukas' face. Suddenly, Lukas heard a voice as he felt that the material had stopped spreading. "Reaver Armour is now online." The mechanical sounding voice stated as Lukas could see once again. "Wow... this is... certainly something." Lukas spoke as he was unsure as to what had happened. "That is a piece of armour that Draedon specifically designed to fit you... he just finds it easier to save space if he makes the armour able to shrink down to fit into smaller containers." Bethany explained. "I see. Draedon's inventions certainly are amazing!" Lukas exclaimed as he was ready to see how the armour would effect his battling capabilities.

"Let's go and find that Destroyer then!" Lukas yelled as he continued on his way. Lukas travelled for about a minute before the Reaver Armour started speaking again. "Warning! Possible threat detected!" The armour shouted into Lukas' ear. Lukas looked around as he trusted the warning that the armour had given him... but he didn't see anything nearby. "Huh... the systems must be bugged. Oh well... nothing's perfect I guess." Lukas told himself as he continued traveling... only to realise that he was getting further away from the readings. "What? I checked over there and there was nothing!" Lukas thought to himself. "Well you wouldn't know this... but some beings do have the ability to turn invisible. I didn't tell you earlier because I wanted to see if you could figure it out." Beth explained as she just sat back and watched Lukas try to figure everything out. "Oh... I guess I should've expected that considering the fact that I've seen people do weirder things." Lukas admitted as he turned around and started heading towards the strange readings again.

"Hey! Whoever you are, I know that you're out here and I'm not leaving until I at least see your face!" Lukas yelled as he looked around for the Destroyer. Everything was silent for a few seconds... before a voice responded to Lukas. "I guess I can't hide anymore... oh well. It was fun playing hide and seek up until this point. I suppose that I can show myself." A female sounding voice answered as a girl who was wearing mostly pink clothing appeared suddenly. "There you are! Wait a minute... a girl with pink clothes who just suddenly appeared in The Multiverse. You can't be... oh my god, you are aren't you?" Lukas asked as he could barely finish a single sentence. "What? Do you recognise me or something? I can tell you that I definitely don't know you." The girl replied. "You... you're fear aren't you? I read a prophecy about a being that is only referred to as "fear" and the being that was described in the prophecy... you match that description!" Lukas realised as he was slowly starting to regret searching for this Destroyer.

"Oh... so you actually do know who I am. I'm honestly surprised that a being like you paid that much attention to a seemingly meaningless story!" The girl admitted. "S-so... I've been sent to fight the Goddess of Fear... why do I have the worst luck out of everybody in The Multiverse? Do you have a name that I can refer to you as? It'd be weird just calling you "Fear"." Lukas requested as he was trying to hide how scared he was. "Those prophecies didn't even mention my name? Wow... I never noticed how much of an enigma I am to all of you... maybe I should've taken it easier on you. Fine then... my name is Bete Noire... but you can just call me Bete." The girl explained. "Okay then... Miss Noire... I assume that you don't want to waste any more time talking. I think that you want to get straight to battling. Am I right?" Lukas guessed as he tried to compose himself. "No... not really. I never really liked battles... but you Protectors seem to like fighting so I guess I could give you all a real reason to fear me." Bete replied as her arm turned into a strange pink substance that slowly made a giant pink scythe manifest in her hands.

"I think I might be regretting this Beth! I'm not just fighting a Destroyer... I'm fighting a literal Goddess!" Lukas told Bethany in his head as he was panicking a lot. "Who's this "Bethany" that you're talking to? Can I meet her? Why are you so afraid of me? Are you a new Protector? You sound like you've never done this before! Are you wearing that armour because you're afraid of me?" Bete suddenly bombarded Lukas with questions most likely to stress him out more. "Stay calm Lukas! She seems to be able to read your mind so she'll most likely have other abilities that effect you mentally like hallucinations. She seems to be motivated by your fear so just stay calm and watch how she attacks and you should be fine." Bethany explained to try and give Lukas some tips on how to fight his enemy. "Come at me already! If you want to fight then attack already!" Lukas yelled at Bete when he was ready. "Fine then... you brought this upon yourself." Bete calmly stated as she rushed at Lukas and swung her scythe.

"Hey Bethany? How durable is this armour? Will I feel any pain from any attacks that I take?" Lukas asked as he prepared for the oncoming attack. "The armour should only be able to break if a god actually tries to kill you. You also shouldn't feel anything from being attacked unless if the armour breaks." Bethany replied. "Good! This idea might not be so bad after all!" Lukas thought as he reached out and grabbed Bete's scythe which completely stopped the attack. Bete seemed surprised by Lukas simply blocking the attack... however she also seemed to smile as if she enjoyed seeing how effortlessly her attack was dealt with. "My turn!" Lukas shouted as he summoned one of his blades and swung it at Bete... only for her to suddenly disappear and Lukas stopped midway through his attacks... he still had a grip on her scythe but she was no where to be found. "Lukas! What did I tell you about her mentally manipulating you?" Bethany asked as Bete reappeared in the exact same spot that she disappeared and she pulled the scythe out of Lukas' grip before she jumped away.

"Right... she might be able to make me see things... I have to remember what's real!" Lukas told himself as he focused on the battle again. "Hm... I might not be able to dispose of you as quickly as I originally suspected... but in the end, that just makes this more fun for me!" Bete yelled as she threw her scythe at Lukas. "I know what you're thinking! You'll catch the scythe as it is quickly spinning towards you and then you'll use it as a weapon against her right? A nice test for your reflexes and depth perception don't you think?" Beth asked as she seemed to be getting excited. "I mean... I could just do this instead." Lukas replied as he raised his hand and a portal appeared in front of him which the scythe entered... Lukas then pointed behind Bete and the scythe came out and stabbed Bete through her chest. "That... was so brutal Lukas! I don't sense a single drop of shame within you either... you did that without regret!" Bethany exclaimed as she was shocked by how calm Lukas was. "Beings like her don't deserve my shame. They all deserve to perish... every single one of these Destroyers deserve to watch their existence be destroyed by a being like me." Lukas explained in a cold voice as Bete pulled the scythe out of her only to reveal that she was hollow on the inside... there was no blood, no muscles... nothing.

"Well that... was certainly surprising! I'm not going to give up yet though! You still have yet to see me when I try my hardest to kill somebody like you!" Bete yelled as her eyes started turning black and she disappeared. "You do remember what I said about her messing with your head right?" Bethany asked as she was making sure Lukas knew what was happening. Lukas had no response... he simply remained still as he seemed to be focusing. All of a sudden, Lukas moved away from where he was standing as a previously unseen mass of energy flew towards him. A few more energy masses came flying towards Lukas and he simply dodged to the side every single time before finally, Lukas used his portals to send one of the blasts flying towards a seemingly random place... before it suddenly exploded and a screech was heard coming from the same direction. "What? What did you even-" Beth was asking Lukas before he rushed towards the explosion with his blades in his hands and he started slashing at Bete who was now visible once again. Bete attempted to block the attacks with her scythe before Lukas broke through it and cut into her body. Lukas slashed into her multiple times, each time he expected blood to come pouring out of the wounds... but all he saw inside of her wounds was the other side of her body.

Eventually, Bete had so many wounds in her body to the point where Lukas could not count them all... and she seemed to stop moving as she had accepted her fate. "Well... this is it. I can't even show my full strength even if I wanted to. Oh well. Lukas... I just want to let you know that if a hollow being like me can somehow end up as a ghost, then I'll haunt you... that's my thank you for giving me the fight of my life... literally." Bete calmly stated as she lay there waiting for her incoming death. Lukas was about to raise his weapon... but then he stopped himself for a second as he thought about what Bete just said. "That... sounds like something that she would say." Lukas thought to himself. "Maybe it does... but that isn't her. Bete is a hollow being who just wants to destroy whatever she sees... you know... that's why she's called a Destroyer. This Multiverse would be better if you killed her right here and now." Bethany spoke to reassure Lukas. Lukas once again raised his weapon before he hesitated yet again. "Her face... they look so similar." Lukas thought to himself again. "Yes she does but once again, that's not her! What are you waiting for? Just kill her already!" Bethany yelled as Lukas started lowering his weapons. "Those words... "Just kill her already" I remember those words. I remember those words from... when you found us." Lukas explained as he remembered her once again.

"What are you waiting for? Finish me off. Are you really going to take pity upon somebody like me? That would be really foolish of you." Bete stated as her voice started growing faint. "I can't let this happen again!" Lukas yelled out loud as the Eye started glowing once again before suddenly, Bete's wounds were healed. "What the hell are you thinking? She's going to kill you!" Bethany exclaimed as she started worrying about Lukas. "Why... why did you do that?" Bete asked as even she was shocked by Lukas' actions. "I... I can't just sit back and let you die! If I can't do that, then how do you expect me to kill you myself?" Lukas asked as he held his head in his hands. "You... really are stupid! What did you expect that I would do once you saved me? Did you expect me to feel sorry for you? You don't even have it in you to kill a Goddess who only wants to cause harm to others... that is really pathetic!" Bete shouted as she wanted to make Lukas feel worse about himself. "It's alright... I know what you're feeling. You don't have to fear me... I can help you. I trust that you'll make the right decisions from now on." Lukas said as he offered Bete his hand. "What? Y-you... how can I trust you?" Bete questioned Lukas as she started backing away from him. Lukas thought for a minute before he pulled out the Eye and made sure that Bete could see it. "No! Lukas don't you dare! You need to kill her whilst she's defenceless!" Beth yelled as Lukas' rage was building. "Just shut the hell up! You don't understand what she's been through!" Lukas shouted as he threw the Eye away and Beth suddenly disappeared.

The armour that surrounded Lukas suddenly started moving again... it seemed to only react to Lukas' presence once he had the orb... the Reaver Armour started moving down to Lukas' wrist before it solidified once it was in the shape of a watch. "There you go Bete. I'm completely defenceless now. You can trust me." Lukas stated as he held out his hand once again. Bete seemed shocked just by Lukas' appearance before she slowly approached him. She held his hand before shaking it and speaking once again. "I just want to be clear. We are just acquaintances and nothing more. I trust you... but I need you to promise me that you won't tell anyone about me." Bete explained. "I can work with that and I promise that I'll try to keep you a secret to the other Protectors. Now... can you go and get that orb that I threw away? I need it to get back to the Sanctuary." Lukas agreed as he understood how Bete felt. Bete simply nodded and flew towards the Eye before bringing it back. "I just want to be clear with something else... I never destroyed a single Universe... I just find it to be incredibly beautiful when they explode naturally." Bete clarified as she handed Lukas the Eye. "I've never seen one occur naturally before... would you mind showing me?" Lukas requested as he was incredibly curious about what Bete mentioned. "Yeah sure... the one that we were fighting next to this whole time is about to explode. Speaking of which, we should probably get a safe distance away." Bete explained as she practically started dragging Lukas away.

"What the hell was that about Lukas? Why did you just throw the Eye away like that? She could've killed you!" Bethany exclaimed but Lukas just ignored her. "Alright... we should be safe now. It should happen in: three, two, one." Just like that, Bete clicked her fingers and the Universe seemed to collapse in on itself before it exploded into a multitude of bright colours that consisted of primarily blue. Lukas stared in awe at the explosion as the beauty struck him as a complete surprise... before he held his head as if he was in pain once again. "The colour blue." Lukas whispered to himself but it was loud enough for Bete to hear. "Yeah I know... of all the colours, I always wondered why they are all blue in their final moments... but I just can't help but find it simply amazing." Bete replied as she continued to stare at the event that was happening before her. "What was her name? How could I just forget about her? What kind of friend am I for forgetting somebody as amazing as her?" Lukas asked himself as his head was flooding with questions. "Lukas! What's happening to you?" Bethany demanded an answer as Lukas suddenly acted as if nothing happened. "What? What are you so worried about?" Lukas thought so that Beth could hear him.

"Hey! Are you even watching?" Bete asked as Lukas looked up at her. "What? What happened?" Lukas replied to Bete with another question. "You just missed the entire thing!" Bete exclaimed as she gestured towards the explosion which was now fading into a cluster of glittering particles. "Hang on a second... that looks exactly the same as what my Universe looked like when it was destroyed. In the remnants of my Universe, that orb thing was there and it showed me... something." Lukas thought out loud. "What was that?" Bete questioned Lukas as she had no idea what he was talking about. "I'll hopefully see you some other time Bete. I've got to do something right now." Lukas explained as he flew quickly towards the remnants of the recently collapsed Universe. Lukas stopped as he approached the centre of where the Universe once floated to find a similar looking orb to the one that he had touched previously. "What do you think I'll see when I touch this one?" Lukas asked Beth as he slowly approached the orb. "Do you think that these orbs are even showing you anything that is real? I think they might just cause you to hallucinate or have really weird dreams or something." Beth explained as she tried to stop Lukas.

"I feel like I have to touch it though." Lukas admitted as he reached out to touch the orb. "Go ahead... do it if you want... I can't stop you even if I disagreed with you anyways." Bethany explained as she seemed to not care anymore. Lukas did as he wanted and he touched the orb... before the same bright light that enveloped him before appeared again... and just like that, everything went black. Suddenly, Lukas could see again... and he was back in that same house that he remembered seeing before in his visions.

Lukas saw that he was laying in his bed once again... except that this time, there was nobody sitting by him. Suddenly, Lukas heard a scream that sounded like it came from some where outside of the house. The Lukas that was in the visions shot up at the sound of the screaming before he ran to the door and immediately ran towards the house on the other side of the road where the screaming came from. "___! What's wrong? ___!" The Lukas in the visions yelled as they ran up to the door of the opposite house only to find that it was unlocked and opened. "___! Answer me! I need to know if you're all right!" Lukas yelled as he ran upstairs and turned the corner to see his friend's room. "___?" Lukas asked as he nervously opened the door before he took a step back. "___... oh my god no... ___!" Lukas shouted as tears appeared in his eyes. Two more people ran into the house upon hearing Lukas and they rushed up to help him. "Lukas! What happened?" Creo asked as he ran straight to Lukas whilst Nuos ran into the other room. "Jesus Christ... this isn't real... there's no way that this is real!" Nuos yelled as he stopped at the door to the next room. Lukas couldn't remember much about what he had seen... but he did remember one thing... the blood across the floor and the bed. Soon after Nuos yelled, Creo ran into the room... but upon seeing what was inside, he ran further into the room and started yelling as well. "___! Who would do this to you? Why did this have to happen to you?" Creo asked himself as Lukas heard him fall to the floor.

Lukas was so overwhelmed, he fell to the floor but he tried to crawl over to the open door and see what was inside once again... even though he knew that it would break his heart. He slowly pulled himself along the floor as he managed to get a glimpse inside the room... and what he saw made everything come crumbling down. He saw Creo sat on the floor with the blood in the room now covering his clothes... he was crying as he held something close to him that was just out of sight. Lukas pulled himself forward slightly again... before he saw it... the thing that Creo was holding was the body of a girl that looked to be about the same age as him, the blood was covering her clothes too... but there was a knife on the floor in front of her... and the blood seemed to be coming from her chest. Lukas got a glimpse into the girl's eyes... only to see her expression appeared to have disappeared... her eyes had gone grey... she wasn't moving in the slightest... not to breathe... not to try and calm Creo down... nothing. Lukas suddenly got a headache and everything started getting brighter once again... he felt like he was laying against a bed... the bed that he had in the Sanctuary to be exact... before the vision faded and Lukas woke up again.

"Subject L

Codename: Lukas

Subject L appears to be a young boy, seemingly in his early teens, who possesses immense power and lives within Multiverse Number 4. Subject L appeared to have the strength of any being that found it's way outside of it's own Universe before it was challenged to a battle by Harpuia and proceeded to destroy him effortlessly. Subject L has since become the leader of the Protectors in Multiverse Number 4 and is currently considered to be the being that a prophecy talks of being able to destroy any incoming threat with relative ease. Immense caution is necessary whenever Subject L is sighted as they can easily destroy almost any and all soldiers that are sent to destroy them. Although Subject L has the potential to destroy Subject Omega, it does not seem to try it's best when fighting against Omega that may hint at the fact that it considers Subject Omega to be a friend. Subject Omega should not be deployed to fight Subject L unless if it is a direct order from Reukra. (See below for reasonings behind this restriction)

Experiment: Subject Omega was given the ability to see into the future as an attempt to give it the ability to see what the opponent will do before they even do it.

Experiment Results: Omega experienced a few glitches during the process of the future sight ability being implemented which were presumably fixed before it was sent into battle. Upon being sent to attack Subject L, Subject Omega made the active decision to choose not to attack Subject L. Subject Omega's voice box seemed to be malfunctioning however Subject Omega appeared to attempt to tell Subject L what it saw that happened in the future. The future sight ability was quickly removed due to the multiple glitches that Subject Omega experienced that made it unable to fight.

Conclusion: Subject L is strong but at the same time it is killable. Once the perfect being has been constructed, Subject L will be of no threat to Perfection."

Okay, so I'll admit, I didn't realise that a bit of text that I had added to an earlier chapter had given pretty significant hints to a plot twist that happens waaaaaaaay later on. I'm still going to leave those hints in but I'm not going to mention them in any detail other than to just let you know that if you're paying attention to every little detail, then you'll probably be able to put the pieces together and figure it out. (Also, if you do figure it out, please do not spoil it for anybody else as some people just want to read through the story and figure it out themselves, y'know?)

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