
Enter The Multiverse

A young boy awakens in an unnatural world known as The Multiverse that contains countless living beings within the universes that float around the endless white void. Now, he must harness a new power that he has been given in order to survive strange beings that attempt to destroy everything that this vast world has to offer. Along with a friend that only he can see, the brave child shall face the horrors of his world and possibly even more which lies beyond.

Lukas_Ruston_2524 · Others
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40 Chs

Draedon The Elusive (L)

"I don't get it Beth." Lukas admitted. "What? Do you expect me to tell you? It's so obvious Lukas... if you don't find the answer that most morons would find in a few seconds then I think I'll just lose all faith in this reality." Beth explained. "This reality? You mean that there's multiple realities?" Lukas asked. "No...there's only one... but that doesn't exactly make this any better...just figure it out already... I haven't got all day!" Beth replied. "That's the thing though Beth... you have got all day... you've got until reality collapses since your consciousness is trapped inside this orb... you'll last at least until I figure out what you're trying to tell me." Lukas spoke whilst smiling. "Oh wouldn't you like to know what the great Calamitas does in her spare time... is that enough of a hint for you?" Beth questioned. Lukas froze... he didn't know that the being that he was talking to was in fact... The Great Calamity. "Wait... you...you're Calam-." Lukas was saying before he stopped himself." Come on! Can't you just say the rest of my name... come on... just say it... come on! Calamitas... I'll even spell it for you! C AL A M I T A S... just say it already!" She yelled whilst getting visibly irritated. At that moment, Lukas freaked out... he threw the orb to the other side of the room and then he ran outside to an area of The Sanctuary that he had never seen before... then... he stopped... he sat down on a nearby bench before he tried to calm himself down.

Lukas sat there for a couple of minutes before someone started talking to him. "Excuse me but what are you doing here?" The stranger asked. Lukas looked up to see a strange figure that he recognised as some sort of humanoid mantis with a white cloak covering most of their body except for their face. "Oh... I'm sorry... am I in your way?" Lukas asked. "No... no not at all Le'mer... I was just wondering if you were all right." They replied. "Yes I'm fine... but... what does Le'mer mean?" Lukas inquired. "Oh...sorry I am not from around here... I had to learn a completely different language and sometimes my old language just slips into a regular conversation... Le'mer is just something that my people call people that they don't know... it isn't rude or anything." They explained. "That's... very interesting... do you have any friends around here?" Lukas asked just engage in a conversation to try and calm himself down. "I have some friends back in my home...my universe... I remember them all so well... Hegemol was the strong and brave type but who was actually very kind at heart... Isma... she always had a peaceful and elegant solution to everything... Drya... a ferocious warrior and always doing her duty and I cannot forget Ogrim... the happy and joking friend... he always knew how to lighten up the mood... in my opinion, it was always so obvious that Ogrim had a thing for Isma." They replied whilst laughing quietly.

"They sound great... what's your name?" Lukas asked. "My name? Zemeer... and yours?" They replied. "My name is Lukas...Zemeer... is there any chance that I could meet your friends?" Lukas inquired. "I don't think so... the only reason that I'm allowed to see them is because they are basically my family... people that have visited The Multiverse aren't really supposed to visit universes. So I put these flowers here... to mourn my lost ones...without having to visit them in my universe." Zemeer explained. "Oh... that's what you meant by visit... oh." Lukas spoke quietly. Zemeer just remained quiet. "I don't know... perhaps one day you could meet them... I know that one day I'll see them again." Zemeer said after being silent for a while. Lukas just stayed silent. "You're here because something has happened and you don't knowhow to deal with it... is that right?" Zemeer asked. "Yes...how did you know?" Lukas replied. "It seems that's just how everyone finds this place... well... I'll tell you something that I tell everyone who comes here with the same problem... my friends all died because they tried to stop an enemy without a physical form through violence... and our king met the same fate because he tried fighting the same being by himself... don't be like either of them...unless you would like to meet them sooner than expected." Zemeer suggested.

"So what you're saying is... if your enemy is not physical... it's best to try and resolve the problem without violence and it's also best to face the problem with someone by your side?" Lukas asked. "Correct... you understand this quicker than most people... the only other person that seemed to understand that was the person in the white and gold robes... oh what was their name?" Zemeer thought out loud. Do you mean Draedon?" Lukas asked. "Oh yes... that was their name... now that I think about it... I only met him yesterday... and he already seems to know so much about me and everyone else." Zemeer continued. "Yes...he does seem a bit weird doesn't he? I met him too and... he told me something about one of the prophecies and then he just...disappeared." Lukas replied. "Now that I think about it... I asked the other Protectors about him and nobody knew who I was talking about... am I... the only one who just got worried all of a sudden?" Zemeer asked after a sudden moment of realisation that Draedon could be dangerous. "No... I felt it too... I've got to go and get Beth... I'll ask her about it." Lukas explained whilst getting up and running off. "Dreams aren't always good things Lukas... there may be a time where you have to learn to live with your fears and use them to destroy your dreams... maybe then...you'll find peace." Zemeer shouted to Lukas as he was running off.

When Lukas got back to his room, he found that the orb that he threw didn't seem to have been damaged in the slightest... which he was slightly thankful for... when he picked up the orb, he could see Beth floating beside him once again. "Are you finally done with your little freak out?" Beth asked. "I'm sorry but I don't think that most mortals would becalm when they find out that they are being forced to spend an eternity with the goddess of death and destruction... that's not why I'm back though... I realise that I'm actually going to need your help if I want to make any progress in this world... and your going to need my help for you to be able to do anything." Lukas replied. "Yes... finally you see what I'm talking about... we have to help each other whether we like it or not... if we don't help each other then neither of us are going anywhere in life. You shouldn't be scared of me... after all... there's worse to come." Beth explained as she agreed with Lukas for once. "What do you mean there's worse to come? You know I thought you were bad at telling jokes before you said that." Lukas asked whilst laughing a bit.

"Well... let me put it this way... let's just imagine that you're trapped in a pitch black room and there is a terrifying blood thirsty beast in the room with you... you can't see it but it can see you... you are going to die in that room... the question is when? I am the suspense in that room... the things that your mind makes you think that you see... but it's just a fake out in the dark... I am the silence...the thing that can scare the hell out of you... but it can do no harm to you... the thing you should be worried about is the thing that's coming to get you... the monster... the thing that is definitely way worse than me." Beth explained. "Okay I get it... you're the calm before the storm... you could've just said that and I would've understood... but I still can't imagine anything worse than you." Lukas replied. "Anyway... was there something you wanted to ask me?" Beth asked mostly to change the topic. "Oh right... about Draedon... you seem to know everything so I figured that you would know who he is... and don't try and act dumb. I've talked to someone who has seen him as well and they said that literally no one else knows who he is... plus that whole disappearing thing he does just isn't normal." Lukas demanded. "Oh... fine... I was hoping to get you to figure that out but... sure I'll tell you now. Draedon is... the smartest being in all of existence, a complete psychopath, working for someone stronger than me, almost completely elusive and I know who he is because I used to work for him." Beth replied." That sounds like somebody that you would be falling head over heels for... I'm just waiting for you to tell me that you fell in love with him." Lukas said jokingly. "Okay... now you're just being ridiculous." Beth sighed.

"He may be a psychopath and incredibly powerful... but he is just too weak to be somebody that I respect even in the slightest." Beth explained. "Why does strength have to be everything with you?" Lukas asked. "Well if I fall in love with someone weak then they're just going to die before the relationship really goes anywhere... I am the strongest being in reality and I am constantly going to war so no weak being would last long alongside me... and also I don't care for them if they can't even defend themselves." Beth replied. "You... were the strongest being in reality... you can't do anything without my help anymore. Anyway, that isn't important... what is important is that Draedon is here...and I don't know about you but I don't feel safe when there is a psychopath wandering around in the only safe place in The Multiverse." Lukas said. "You're not okay with Draedon being around... but you're fine with talking to the person who killed all of your loved ones? Makes sense to me." Beth replied sarcastically. "You know what I mean... your not a threat because you're basically dead... he is wandering around The Sanctuary without anyone even seeing him and I have just found out that he is known for killing people... it's just a recipe for a disaster." Lukas spoke as the very thought of Draedon was stressing him out.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door which scared Lukas to the point where he visibly jumped which caused Beth to start laughing. Lukas went and answered the door only to find a letter on the floor just outside. "Well... I think we both know who that is from." Beth explained after she had calmed herself down. "I know who it is... but that only proves my point... there are tons of people out there and Draedon just delivered a letter to us without anyone seeing." Lukas replied. "Well... are you going to open it?" Beth asked. "Yes... I just hope that he hasn't got anything planned for me." Lukas explained. Lukas opened the letter and read it out loud. "Lukas, let me get straight to the point... I have no intention to harm you physically... I actually came here to help you...the Master told me to help you on your journey whilst avoiding the sight of others... I don't know what my Master has planned for you... but I can assure you that whatever it may be, it will not be good for you in the slightest... I will not bother explaining anything that may confuse you because I believe that you have a friend who will do that for me... personally... I would've helped you whether my Master told me to or not... I'm tired of everything that is happening... and I'm tired of my Master's reign of hatred... he has fallen into a state of depression because there is no challenge to him in life...funny isn't it? He tried so hard to prove himself worthy for the title of "The Strongest Being To Ever Exist" to the point where he sees no point in living because of how strong he is. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to end this message here... but there is one more thing that I want you to know... I will try my best to inform you about my Master's plans... who knows... my information may be of use to you later. Signed Draedon." The letter read. "I don't know who to believe now... you've done pretty much nothing but lie to me since we got here... and Draedon is a killer." Lukas thought to himself as he knew that Bethany would hear. "Well let me put it this way... I say that you should trust Draedon... there... you can either trust both of us or trust neither of us now... does that make it easier?" Beth asked. "No... it's fine... I trust you... just not as much as you think I do." Lukas replied.

"The colour blue... that's all I can remember you telling me. "Anything with the colour blue." Why were those your last words? I cannot remember a single thing about you... other than those words... and your voice. You could've been talking about pretty much anything... the sky, that guys eye... literally anything that was coloured blue. I can't even remember your name... but I feel like you were my closest friend... the best person that I could've ever met... and yet that's the only thing that I remember about you. How old was I when I first met you? Where did I first meet you? Why did you have to go? What happened to the both of us? These are the questions that haunt my mind when I think of you. I... think I remember something... someone... two others were also there with us right? I'm sorry to say but I can't remember their names either. Where did the others go? What happened to them? Why am I... the only one left?"

Okay, I have something to admit; I may have pushed the whole "the colour blue" thing into the story a bit too early as I don't plan to explore it until near the end of the story. Regardless, I'm going to say it again, it may seem like I'm just throwing random pieces of information that don't make sense into the story but believe me when I say that I know what I'm doing. There's a reason for all of these memories that Lukas has and I do intend to explain all of it by the end of the story.

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